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178 - The PokéCommunity Forums

#178 (#Brascadex)
Name: Folkox
Type: Normal/Water.
Ability: Defiant/Torrent.
Species: Ox Folk
Height: 1,80
Weight: 132,8 kg
Evolution: Folkby (Unevolved)
Description: This Pokémon is extremely competitive, rivaling the Folkow Pokémon which is the most powerful and beautiful.

Professor Alex (Brasca Region): "There are great annual festivals in Brasca in which this Pokémon always competes to be the most beautiful and strong! With challenges of dance, attacks, strength and energy, participate in several disputes that are getting more and more intense This Pokémon has great special attack damage, which is of great importance for certain battles that it faces. "

Reference: Parintins Folklore Festival ("Caprichoso" Ox).

Media information

Brasca Region - DEX 172-200
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