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182 - The PokéCommunity Forums

#182 (#Brascadex)
Name: Lulanchor
Type: Water/Steel
Ability: Mega Launcher/Swift Swim.
Species: Squid Anchor
Height: 0,60
Weight: 120kg
Evolution: Lukyrin (unevolved) - Cololanchor (Second evolution/LVL 75)
Description: They have a great weight in relation to its size. They like to hold its steel tentacles in everything you see.

Professor Alex (Brasca Region): "Its great weight and its shape resemble in an anchor and as like spinning arrested and stopped in much of the day, many humans began to use this Pokémon as anchor it, thus benefiting both human like Pokémon, which is reciprocated with food and not needing to get around to hunt. they are not very suitable for battle, due to its low speed. "

Reference: Squid (Doryteuthis plei) and Anchor.

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Brasca Region - DEX 172-200
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