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189 - The PokéCommunity Forums

#189 (#Brascadex)
Name: Iguitrichic.
Type: Electric/Psychic.
Ability: Lighting rod/Telepathy.
Species: Iguana.
Height: 2,00
Weight: 55kg
Evolution: Does not have.
Description: The older you are, the bigger your tail. Its tail is able to attract rays of great distances, serving as food for him.

Professor Alex (Brasca Region): "Most of his body consists of his huge tail, which is capable of delivering violent blows, also serving as a whip, and his attacks are mostly from his tail. Is extremely strong as well, capable of knocking down even the biggest of enemies. The big problem with this Pokémon is its low HP, which is offset by a huge balance in physical, special and speed damage. "

Reference: Iguana (Iguana iguana).

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Brasca Region - DEX 172-200
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