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192 - The PokéCommunity Forums

#192 (#Brascadex)
Name: Maraposses
Type: Psychic/Ghost.
Ability: Frisk/Sweet veil
Species: Maraca.
Height: 0,80
Weight: 8kg
Evolution: Does not have.
Description: These are strange Pokemon that have personality characteristics that varies according to the individual. They are attracted to Indian music and make sounds to accompany these songs.

Professor Alex (Brasca Region):.. "It has a relationship with the Brasca tribes in an incredible way, always attending the musical rituals and dance do not like to be trained and avoid battles, despite having powerful attacks when trained can be a Pokémon of utmost importance to the team is well used. "

Reference: Maraca indigenous (Musical instrument)

Media information

Brasca Region - DEX 172-200
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