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America shoots down a satellite. Thoughts?

Me and my Grandfather think that there was some Top Secret Data on the satellite, since it was an old Cold War Satellite.

That could explain why they said not to go anywhere near any shrapnel that may land near you.
You do realize this happened like 2-3 days ago =/

anyway i find it very strange that they hit it almost perfectly in the center.
Me and my Grandfather think that there was some Top Secret Data on the satellite, since it was an old Cold War Satellite.

That could explain why they said not to go anywhere near any shrapnel that may land near you.

Dude... the satellite was first launched in 2006.. And was expected to crash into the Pacific Ocean.. Thats about 20years to late of the Cold War, and a few thousand miles away from civilisation. ¬_¬

America criticised Chi for attempted testing of a newly developed Anti Sattelite weapon. I wouldn't be too suprised if this was just an excuse for US to test out their weaponary first.
Dude... the satellite was first launched in 2006.. And was expected to crash into the Pacific Ocean.. Thats about 20years to late of the Cold War, and a few thousand miles away from civilisation. ¬_¬

America criticised Chi for attempted testing of a newly developed Anti Sattelite weapon. I wouldn't be too suprised if this was just an excuse for US to test out their weaponary first.

Are you sure? My News Station said it was a Cold War Satellite...

Must have been some miscommunication in the information