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Apocalyptic Dawn V2

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  • 716
    Apocalyptic Dawn V2

    Kyuu-chan's Apocalyptic Dawn​


    Welcome to a post-D/P/Pt Kanto, the first region to be discovered in the Pokémon world.

    The year is 2012, exactly 16 years after the country was publicized. In those sixteen years, Kanto had witnessed the supposed downfall of Team Rocket, only to learn that the criminal organization made an attempted comeback in Johto a year later. TR was again thwarted by a surprisingly strong trainer, and pretended to disband for real.

    However, they lurked in the shadows of peoples' minds for fourteen long years and waited for the right time to resurrect themselves to their full glory.

    Now, in 2012, the Kantonian leader of Team Rocket is the seventeen-year-old Rowan Harris, disowned and classified an outcast by the family he betrayed. His Johton counterpart is Pandora, later revealed as Palkia in human form.

    The two TR forces ally themselves in order to be rid of Johto Destroyers – the new syndicate in the western region who are led by Silver, Giovanni's son. With Silver wanting to misuse Celebi's powers for his own twisted purposes, will TR be able to stop JD in time?

    Having planned since 2011, Professor Oak managed to obtain twelve starters (three of which were clones his aide had smuggled away from the underground laboratory in Viridian City) which he would hand out to 12 heroic trainers. The creatures' types remained a mystery and would only be discovered when received by their owners.

    This is where you come in. You are one of those 12 trainers. You have signed up to be part of a plot which is far bigger than what you'd originally imagined, while preparing to accept your first partner. Good luck.


    (1) Biggest one: be active!!! I plan on posting one section a week. I want it to go fast paced; if you don't think you could keep up with me, then please don't post an SU. If you're going to be away for a while – just tell me, I'll understand. But you'd have some catching up to do.

    (2) No god-modding, bunnying or back-chatting any of the other members. All PC rules apply, okay?

    (3) Please, please use Microsoft Word's Spellcheck option.

    (4) Legendaries are off-limits, unless they come to Choose you. In which case, you will have bonded to them and if the Chosen Legendary sustains a fatal wound, then you will die.

    (5) If you are trying to capture a Pokémon, I would like to see the post ending with the ball shaking and whatever. I decide on whether or not you've caught it and what level it is at. Also, check with me before attempting a shiny capture, or do anything that's not in the section outline.

    (6) Have fun. Yes, that's a rule.

    Sign Up form:

    Name: First and last please.

    Gender: Male or female, thanks.

    Age: 10-18

    Appearance: What do they look like? Height, build, hair, eyes, clothes. A minimum of two good paragraphs here. Remember, this is 16 years after the Kanto that you're used to, so load on the advanced technology and pack modern clothing.

    Personality: Just go at it. Once again two paragraphs.

    History: What was their life up until this point in time?

    Starter: Choose from the list below.

    Sample: I don't need to include one, since this is my RP, but if everyone else could provide a sample that'd be great.


    Shinx clone (Taken)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Electric
    Ability: Intimidate
    Moves: Tackle, Leer, Thunder Fang

    Growlithe clone (Taken by pikakip)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Fire/Water
    Ability: Flash Fire
    Moves: Bite, Roar, Water Gun

    Budew clone (Taken by Old Lace)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Grass
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Moves: Absorb, Growth, Sleep Powder

    Hoothoot (Taken by Sgt Shock)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Normal/Flying
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Wing Attack

    Buizel (Taken by )


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Water
    Ability: Swift Swim
    Moves: Sonicboom, Quick Attack, Slash

    Dratini (Taken by winterfell)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Dragon
    Ability: Shed Skin
    Moves: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave

    Scyther (Taken by PikaPikachu)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Bug/Flying
    Ability: Swarm
    Moves: Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Focus Energy

    Meowth (Taken by Charzeon)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Normal
    Ability: Pickup
    Moves: Scratch, Growl

    Nidoran male (Taken by pikakip)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Poison
    Ability: Poison Point
    Moves: Leer, Peck



    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Ground
    Ability: Sand Veil
    Moves: Metal Claw, Defence Curl, Scratch

    Abra (Taken by jcogginsa)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Female
    Type: Psychic
    Ability: Synchronize
    Moves: Teleport, Ice Punch

    Gastly (Taken by koguryo)


    Level: 5
    Gender: Male
    Type: Ghost/Poison
    Ability: Levitate
    Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Spite, Shadow Ball

    List of Pokémon:

    Spot 1 is taken by Kyuu-chan with Shinx.
    Spot 2 is taken by pikakip with Growlithe.
    Spot 3 is taken by Zimvee with Budew.
    Spot 4 is taken by Sgt Shock with Hoothoot.
    Spot 5 is taken by Faeldrake with specially requested Squirtle.
    Spot 6 is taken by winterfell with Dratini.
    Spot 7 is taken by PikaPikachu with Scyther.
    Spot 8 is taken by Charzeon with Meowth.
    Spot 9 is taken by Eliminator Jr. with Sandshrew.
    Spot 10 is taken by .
    Spot 11 is taken by jcogginsa with Abra.
    Spot 12 is taken by koguryo with Gastly.
    Spot 13 is taken by
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    [FONT=&quot]Name[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Isaiah "Wisdom" McCoy[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Gender[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Male[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Age[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: 18[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Appearance[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Isaiah is a light skin male with a sweptback brown hair of medium length. HIs a little above the normal height for his age but has rather slank build that makes him look a bit taller than he is. His eyes are a light hazel colour that appears to be tangerine to many other people. He appears boyish despite his height with relatively no signs of battling on his skin. His noticeable feature his sideburns and goatee, neatly kept to his liking. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Like his physical appearance, he likes to dress nice. He normally seemed with some sort of collared shirts with long coats to match. He's a huge fan of hats; particularly fond of fedoras and berets. However he will only buy a hat if it has some sort of stylish pattern on it (whether it is plaid on day, cheetah print the next, etc.). Isaiah keeps all of his pokemon within pages of white covered book called Grimoire of Crepusculum. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Personality[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] Isaiah despite his rich boy image is rather down to earth. Not to say that he isn't cultured. He's rather keen on small details and enjoys taken the time to view them. He's very calm, yet really sarcastic and frankly kind of rude at time towards people (though his calm voice normally offsets this for the person wouldn't notice). Though he can be rude at times, he is generally really respectful to people both older and younger than himself. He uses honorific to almost anyone that he talks to, even if he is about to hurt them.
    [FONT=&quot] He does have some negatives however. He tends to be a bit of a show-off when it comes to battle. He likes to torture his opponent at bit to see how they will react in certain situations. He himself does not like to be toyed with and he does not like anyone playing down his intelligence. Though he hardly gets angry, it could be visibly see that he is something to be afraid of if he does. His partner pokemon even said that it is a black part of his soul that is almost like a bottomless terror. A noticeable hate is someone defiling history. He has shown hate for Team Rocket as well. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]History[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot] Not many things are known about Isaiah besides the fact that he comes from a line of males by the name of Wisdom. He's rather secretive of his past yet, he likes to tell things about himself from time to time to people that he trust. From the beginning of the RP is that he is from the town of Ecruteak in Johto and that Isaiah himself is the thirteenth of Wisdoms his line. Though calm it is said that he might have a bit of a bloody past despite his very calm and relaxed demeanour. Any person can tell that that he has killed before just by the look in his eyes. It doesn't make him a bad person, just protective of something that is important.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot] For some reason of his past, he's a bit ravenous on collecting things—particularly fond of things from the ancient past and pokemon. It is not limited to that however. Perhaps it has something to do with the name of Wisdom for this reason. The Grimore of Crepusculum might be directly related to his past as well.
    [FONT=&quot] Overall he is a very mysterious person who seem very keen on the past of all the regions and collecting relics from those past with the Grimore of Crepusculum. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Starter[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Ark (HootHoot/Noctowl): A mysterious owl that hasn't left Isaiah's side since they met many years back. She however isn't a normal HootHoot but one chosen by the Wisdom giving her a bit more power than she normally has—the entire spectrum to psychic attacks. Ark however speaks in a very calm tone like her master and speaks in a sophisticated and higher tone than she should. She is noble yet also like her master has some sense of danger towards her. She is never in her pokeball but not always in sight either. She watches from a distance when she is not roosted on Isaiah's shoulder. She has a great respect toward Isaiah and listens to every word that comes from his mouth. [/FONT]
    I'm letting SS off on the sample requirement, as he has never played through an RP before. This is the only exception.
    Name: Aaron coggins

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Appearance:Tall, around six foot two. He is broad and heavily muscled. His eyes are dark green and his hair is blond with a white tint and styles in a large mullet. His cheek has a small but noticable scar which he got from kendo training.
    His upper clothing consists of a white dogi top which shows off his muscular chest . This dogi has also had it's arms ripped off. On his hands he wears fingerless gloves and brass knuckles on the left hand only. His lower clothes consist of a belt and dogi bottom, both white. He wears no shoes. At his sides are two swords, and katana and a wakizashi
    Personality: He is a fairly serious, but jovial person. He doesn't hurt people for no reason but will bring down the wrath of hell on evil doers. He cares for his pokemon greatly and would do anything for them, even give his life. The same goes for his friends.
    His favorite foods are rice and bacon. He loves pokemon battles, but thinks they aren't a good means of solving matters of right and wrong, because evil doers are very willing to cheat to gain an advantage

    History: He was raised from an early age at a a temple in the mountains and is thus out of touch with most modern technology. Do to this, he only has one modern pokeball, the one that contains his starter. He was picked to be amongst the 12 because his training makes him very valuable in places where pokemon aren't appropriate

    Starter: Abra

    Sample: I am not sure what to put here. should i post an original sample set in this universe or give you a link to some of my previous RPs? when i find the answer i will edit this. thank you
    may I reserve a spot with...nidoran male? I'll have my SU up soon. And good to see you SGT shock!
    [EDIT] If Raaji doesn't have his SU in a week may I have Growlithe? If not I'll stick with nidoran male.

    Name: Raydin Sear

    Gender: Male


    Description: Raydin is about five foot ten and very thin. He has Blond hair with streaks from his favorite red dye.It's parted directly down the middle so his vision is clear. He has long arms and legs. His skin is fairly white, due to him not going outside very much. He has a scar going down his right cheek from a spearow attack. He has Hazel/green eyes that seem to shift color depending on what he wears.

    His normal outfit consists of Black jeans or kakhi shorts, and a plain Tee in assorted colors. He has a stainless steel bracelet that he wears around his wrist 24/7. He also has a small black stud earring in his right ear that has a pokeball design etched into it. He likes to wear black converses, and he has a habit of getting them and the rest of his outfit 'worn down' within days of them being received. He also shaves every day, keeping any and all facial hair away.

    Personality: Raydin is a calm person with a warm personality. He smiles quite a bit, and when he does get angry, It's for something big. He sticks with his family and friends, and is willing to stick up for them until the end. He loves pokemon and he is glad that he will finally get his chance to have one now that Oak will be giving him one. Raydin hate evil people, even though he doesn't have much experience with them.

    Raydin Loves to read and play videogames, having pulled all-nighters just to play an Epic game or to finish a really good Novel. His all-time favorites include the cirque du freak books and Fable II. He also loves to draw, even if he isn't good at it. In fact, he tried to draw a mudkip once, but it ended up looking like a ditto. He loves to eat chinese food and his favorite desert is a nice cold vanilla shake with whipped cream a cherry, and a little bit of ground cinnamon on the top.

    History:Raydin was Born in Jubilife city as a smiling baby. He had two brothers and three sisters. When he turned three, his family moved to pewter city in the Kanto region. His family became a friend of Brock's, even though it was distant. Raydin grew used to visitng the gym every day, just to watch the pokemon battles. at the age of 5, Raydin was enrolled in a pokemon academy nearby. He was friendly and he made friends quickly. Him and a girl named April became best friends, inside and outside of school. When Raydin turned 7, April gave him some sad news. In a few weeks she would be moving. Raydin took the news sadly, but he promised he would write her constantly.

    When Raydin turned 13, his older brother Thomas left on his pokemon center in order to follow in the footsteps of Gabriella and Shella, his older sisters, leaving Raydin alone at home with Shiela and Tim. Raydin continued to study, eager to join his older Siblings on their journeys. Then at the age of 15, Shila left to become a coordinator. Raydin wondered for two long years if he would ever get to go on his adventure. But now he has the chance. No matter what, Raydin will become the trainer he's always wanted to be.

    RP sample


    Pokemon:Growlithe clone (nicknamed Ignus)
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    pikakip, a place has been reserved for you.

    Edit: Yes, that will be allowed if he doesn't have his SU up.
    Well I told you already I would sign up.

    Name: Amaya Suzuki
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female

    Appearance:Amaya is small at only 4'9", unlike the rest of her family. Like her mother, she is a petite individual with lightly tanned skin. Her hair is a dark-blue at medium-length reaching just past her shoulders. Normally she wears a light grey shirt against a black jacket and thin blue jeans along with cheap tattered blur white sneakers. Occasionally she wears her pair of black fingerless gloves. Around her neck is a violet crystal pendant, gold twirling through the teardrop-shaped gem. Her eyes are a solemn lavender-grey, giving her an almost permanently distant stare.

    She usually carries a black leather backpack faintly covered in a protective metal alloy resistant to wear and tear as well as fire. It's filled with all the essentials of a trainer, such as Pokeballs, Potions, and Berries. However she carries her personal items as well, such as her sketchbook and pencils. In a hidden pocket is a small red Netbook for emergencies, along with two small ratty paperbacks. Attached to the bottom left pocket is her black PokeGear.

    Personality: If you ever tell Amaya she reminds you of her mother, she will smile and thank you. She is quiet and friendly and can zone out at the most random moments. Amaya is rather formal, almost annoyingly so, even to her own family. Her powers give her a fear of making physical contact with others, as she doesn't want to delve into what isn't her business. Crowds also bother her, as they give her a distinct sense of claustrophobia. She is an early riser due to training.

    Her favorite pastime is drawing. Amaya loves Pokemon and watching life grow around her, which she will draw as often as possible. Because of this, she hates those who harm others for the sake of a laugh or experiment on humans and Pokemon. As such, when she sees Team Rocket or the Johto Destroyers, she does a 180 and her personality is cold and cruel, merciless even. She will rush into a trap headlong, not caring about the consequences. Otherwise, her battling style is rather relaxed and careful.

    History: Amaya was born in Lavender Town on the day of a new moon. Growing up, she began to see memories of people and items, things they themselves didn't even remember. As such, the townspeople, adult and child alike, shunned her but for the children who stayed with Mr. Fuji, the man himself, and her family.

    At the age of six, her mother decided enough was enough and took her in as an apprentice for seven years in the Pokemon Tower, by which time her ability to see, hear and speak to ghosts developed. When her apprenticeship started, her father gave her the treasured violet pendant as a charm.

    He died when she was seven in a training accident. Her 17 year old brother Tael, a carbon copy of their now deceased father, abruptly ended his Pokemon journey. He took care of Amaya in place of their parents, as their mother was almost always shut up in the Tower. At the age of thirteen, the apprenticeship was halted so Amaya could journey herself.

    Starter: Dratini

    May I be reserved for Buizel, please? I'll have my SU up soon, no worries. ^-^
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    Name: Frank Hamilton

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Frank stands at 5' 6". He is far from muscular however he is very toned. One main reason was that he was raised in a small mountain town in the outskirts between Johto and Kanto. He has scruffy brown hair which usually just looks like a mess since he is not worried much about his appearance. However he is rarely seen with a shirt on.

    He usually carries around a few pokeballs as well as homemade remedies for potions and antidotes and such. He always has his PokeGear with him and has a shiny silver casing, in which he takes much pride showing of how he can see his reflection it.

    History: He was born and raised in a small mountain town named Jade Town. Along with his father he mined the nearby mountains for the Jade gemstone, this being the main reason for his 'toneness'. Frank also has twin sister and a younger sister. His mother died shortly after the birth of his youngest sister, and he has never fully recovered.

    Frank has always been exposed to Pokemon as Geodudes helped in the mining for Jade. He also cared for a Cubone while he was in his early teens only to be left to take Frank's place in helping for mining

    Starter: Scyther nicknamed Jet

    Sample: I don't have any :(
    Name: Jason Kim a.k.a. Jay

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17


    Jay has a very light skin complexion, his skin is almost often compared to the snow. He stands at around 5'8" and has a fairly skinny body. That goes without to say that his muscles are slightly toned. His height often gives an image off to other people that he is taller than his normal height. Jay's hair is medium in length with it styled differently almost every day. One day Jay will go out with spiky hair, a fauxhawk, or just simply leaving it down where most of the time he covers one of his eyes with his side swept bangs. Jay has small, creased eyes(think Asian) and beneath his eyelids lie a pair of dark brown eyes that sometimes change between dark brown and a light hazel.

    Most of the time Jay likes to keep his wardrobe fairly simple, most of the time he wears a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Recently he's started to wear dark blue, faded jeans, a white t-shirt, a gray vest(waistcoat), and if it's sunny he'll wear a pair of Aviator sunglasses. Usually Jay can be seen with ear buds in his ear while he listens to his favorite music. Jay carries a dark blue backpack that he keeps his Pokemon supplies in, ex. potions, extra Pokeballs, berries, etc. In the front pocket of Jay's backpack is where he keeps his Pokemon team's pokeballs, his sunglasses, and his Pokedex(if this applies.)


    Jay doesn't really like to talk much, so as you can guess he keeps to himself a lot. If you can get Jay to have a full conversation with you, consider yourself a buddy of his. Even though he keeps to himself, Jay laughs extremely easily at jokes, be it good jokes or bad jokes. With Jay's looks he can be considered a lady-killer if it wasn't for the fact every time he tries to speak with a girl, his face immediately turns red.

    Jay's favorite thing to do is lay down on top of a building, hill, etc. stare up into the sky while listening to music. Music is one of the things that eases his mind in any situation, and you can be sure if you yank out one of his ear buds you'll actually get Jay to speak, well more like yell at you. As a person that likes Pokemon he hates to see Pokemon get mistreated but he knows there isn't much he can do. As a trainer Jay just knows the basics; ex. type advantages, medicines, berries, some TMs.

    History: Jay's family is from Celadon City. His Dad is a simple office employee and his mother is a simple housewife. Jay has an older brother and a younger sister. Jay's older brother is a Pokemon trainer and his Jay's younger sister is training to be a coordinator. Since Jay was little he's been around Pokemon, mostly his Mom's Skitty and a few of his classmates Pokemon. At school Jay was ridiculed by his peers because he hasn't owned a Pokemon yet. He received even worse ridicule when his classmates started their journeys and he was still studying books about different Pokemon.

    Starter: Gastly

    Sample: I've never done a Pokemon RP but I have RPed before so I'll try to give this a shot
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    I'd like to reserve Scyther if possible, though I see somebody before me has put that in. Either way, if Scyther is taken then I'd like the Nidoran, but if the Scyther spot ends up freeing up I'll go with that. That's all assuming I get accepted though :S haha

    * * *​

    Name: Thurston Shield

    Gender: Male

    Age: Seventeen

    Tall and lanky, Thurston Shield stands out in a crowd like a haystack in a needle. Contrary to popular belief, his height doesn't make him instantly clumsy or good at fighting, however it has gained him much attention over the years, some unwanted. He has slightly tanned skin - not so much that it is noticeable against a crowd, but enough so that you could never say he was pale. He has blue eyes which over time change colour from a bright blue to a greyish blue and then back again. His hair is dark brown and long, reaching almost his shoulders at the back and his lip at the front. It's wavy and so is commonly mistaken for a mop. The running joke among his parents is "well, better get the bucket of soapy water out and mop the floor" whenever company is around, but nobody finds it funny. Because it is a crap joke.

    Thurston usually just wears whatever happens to be in his wardrobe. He never bought into the whole "fashion" thing, so he usually just wears blank t-shirts or the occasional band t-shirt, and if it gets cold he might chuck on a woolen jumper over the top. When he was younger he had a wart on his knee and his mother always made him wear pants to cover it up. Now that the wart has gone many years later he still finds himself wearing pants all the time, feeling partly naked without them. His shoes are old runners that used to belong to his father, because buying shoes is a waste of money unless you really need them. Most of his clothes are relatively old but in no way does this encourage people to believe Thurston is a sleazy or loser sort of guy. He usually wears a blank look on his face but is quick to smile around friends.

    Made obvious by the way he dresses, Thurston doesn't really care what people think of his looks. He judges people based on their personality rather than their appearance and likes meeting people who have the same outlook on life, and so he figures making an effort to dress up kind of defeats the purpose of his philosophy. Of course, he isn't one to think about something like that for too long. Or at least he wouldn't appear that way. He's not a loser by any stretch of the imagination. In fact among his friends he's probably the most respected. He comes off as slow (not slow-minded but just slow to speak) in conversation but he isn't actually that stupid. He is quick when it comes to comebacks and is a pretty funny guy, resulting in a fair bit of attention. He doesn't let this get to his head, though he'll still feel comforted about it.

    People don't really see how Thurston thinks from the outside but to tell the truth, most people don't really care. Although he looks like he has nothing to him, he is switched on to many things, often chiming in at the most unexpected moments with sentences that surprise people and their perception of him. He is not an optimist or pessimist but a realist. He sees things as they are and makes his decisions based around logic and facts. He is always polite to people when he can be, but due to his misleading appearance and outer personality he can get away with yawning in inappropriate places and the like. To spend his time he usually just listens to music or hangs out with friends, or stares at the guitar from his birthday across the room from him wishing he'd started learning it four years ago.

    Thurston really doesn't have that much of an interesting history. He was born seventeen years ago in a hospital on Cinnabar Island and moved to Vermillion City at the age of three. He was always happy around Pokémon. Family friends and relatives would often point out how well he got along with animals, but he never took any of their compliments seriously as people said that sort of thing about everyone when they didn't have anything else to compliment them about. A lot of his childhood was spent adventuring to the east of the city, often being brought home by responsible trainers a few hours after leaving. For a while he took an interest in the Diglett Caves, however most of the time the entrance was blocked off by diggers who wouldn't allow him access. He wasn't really bothered by this. He was curious, but he could wait. He was a patient boy. He would come back later at night when the diggers weren't there. One night when he was nine he went missing in the middle of the night and got lost in the cave. If it wasn't for the families of Diglett and Dugtrio defending him he would have perished from attacking Zubat. From that point he realised for certain that Pokémon were friends and decided that he would be a trainer from that point on.

    He continued on in school, following his father's wishes for him to go and do something "important" with his life, however he always had that nagging voice in his head urging him to go out and explore. He was about the same height as most people his age until about twelve, when he shot up to be taller than both his parents. By the age of fourteen he had sported a mop haircut and the infamous joke coined by embarrassed parents was first announced. It grew old by the age of fourteen and two days. When he was fifteen he began going into Saffron with friends on weekends to go to parties but funnily enough his favourite part of the few days away were the journeys in between the two cities. All these years Thurston suppressed his desire to become a Pokémon trainer, however when he noticed an ad in the newspaper from Professor Oak, he instantly made up his mind. He called the laboratory and secured his position as one of the twelve trainers and flew to Pallet Town the next morning on the Pidgeot of a friend's father. He was dedicated to fighting for good. He'd be doing something important in life, all right. Fighting for the good of the world was more important than accounting. Stupid accounting.

    Starter: Scyther

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    Reserve a spot please! I'd like Niroran, if he's taken I'll have abra. I'll have the SU ready by tommorrow i hope.

    EDIT: Ok, a little bit me, a piece John Connor, some of V for Vendetta and here you have my character SU! Note: This character is pretty much an epic badass, so he is pretty unfit for a group of ten year olds or the like, I can edit him if it is absolutely necessary but I love this char!

    Name: Connor "King Connor" L. (Quirk: Never tells anyone his last name)

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Appearance: Connor is large, around 6'2" and has long arms and legs. He is naturally skinny and quite strong. His skin is nicely tanned, relating to that he is quite active. He insists on keeping his thick, brown hair long and wild. His face is almost completely free of acne and almost hyper masculine. He has kind brown eyes that he sometimes cares to cover with Terminator-style sunglasses.

    His garderobe is simple yet eye-catching. He wears a typical though well worn Jeans, ripped partly to shreds and covered in mud and grass. He wears a black T-Shirt with an offensive rebellious punchline on it and above it his prized biker black leather jacket and a black bandanna.

    Personality: Connor thinks he's great. Alone that the last sentence didn't say "knows he's great" shows he didn't write this. His ego has the size of multiple smaller solar systems and he doesn't mind having it hang out. The only things rivaling his ego are his determination, loyalty and humor. He is a determined man, if he gets his mind into something, he won't god**mmit quit until he's seen it through, relating to his stubbornness. He is very loyal and although he will prance around on quite anyone's nose and ignore mostly anybody, if he makes a promise he will keep it and he would never leave a man behind. His most profound trait though is probably his humor. He has no respect for anyone or anything and will make fun of absolutely everything. He loves to laugh and always has a joke up his sleeve to lighten up the situation.

    Connor is a rebel. Pure and simple. He hates authority of all kinds(except it is his of course) and is tough as Jack Bauer stuffed with Chuck Norris. He is a good street fighter and never let's a chance to make his point clear go by. In his somewhat not always perfect history he was often confronted with perilous situations and prevailed. He has honed his survival techniques to the maximum, everything from making a fire over lock picking to building a makeshift smoke grenade. He isn't stupid, he is cunning and quick witted, easily putting together a plan in no time for any situation. He is also adept at riding a motorcycle and is known to smoke large amounts of pot.

    Connor in a group can quickly become a tricky situation. He isn't good at taking orders and mostly tries to be the one giving orders. To a certain extend this isn't pure need for authority, Connor actually is a good leader. Just most don't like the looks of him. A first sight of him would be a large muscular guy in a leather jacket, ripped jeans and long, partially unkempt, hair. After a few minutes of conversation though this image quickly changes to that of a happy, kind and smart person. He finds it easy to keep up in social dialogue and can make friends in no time. Even without his conscious action, girls tend to fly into his arms quite quickly, drawn by the image of the strong, good looking rebel-leader.(His personal image of himself) He plays the electric guitar and loves Metal music. He mostly avoids talking about his recent past.

    History: Connor's childhood was actually a very nice one. His parents cared for him and he had many friends. He hails from a far flung region covered by a titanic forest. Therein he learned many things from the creatures around him. What is edible, how to make a fire, how to build a shelter etc. He would sometimes disappear for days on end into the forest. His rebellious spirit first manifested when he first set out into the wide world. In his cozy little village, their was no real need for a government and things such as oppression and hard taxing were completely unknown. His first contact with such things when he left to the big city as he came of age. At first he was fascinated to see many of the things he had heard from first hand. (He had internet in his Village) Through complicated circumstances he came to the notice of a renown professor that took him into his studies for some time. Their he learned many things from chemistry to physics. Their he also made friends quickly and as they urge him more and more to get something fitting for his leather jacket(It was once his Dad's. He got as a present the day he left). After saving some money(He was payed quite good by the professor) he got his Driver's license and a old but working motorcycle. He practiced a lot and was fond of impressing girls by doing extreme stunts. Those were very happy years, until they came. No one is quite sure how they managed it but somehow a new party rose to power. They set inhuman taxes and proclaimed unbearable laws. After he saw they had gone too far, Connor's mentor went to work against them. He was sentenced to life long imprisonment and possible execution if he should cause trouble.
    This infuriated Connor in such a way he never had felt before. After tearing down his entire house in a massive fit of rage he turned his anger to his oppressors. He formed a rebel organization and it quickly blossomed. He became an urban legend and many feared him unjustly. With the increasing activity of his group, fights between them and the government became increasingly violent, until it was so far that a reward was set on his head. Old friends quickly turned on him and he was betrayed. The armed forces quickly stormed his headquarters and he was forced to flee. He fled into the woods that he knew so well. Thanks to his expert knowledge he outsmarted his hunters and fled across the border to Kanto, towards an unsure destination.

    Starter: Nidoran

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    Name: Mike Stand

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Appearance: Mike is 5ft 6in and has a lean wryry frame. His curly brown hair falls into his chocolate brown eyes on occasion. His eyes sparkle with laughter but also show sadness. His face is weather worn but is always wearing a smile. His tanned arms, while thin, have hidden strength. He is also prone to slouching.

    He is always seen with a pair of weather worn faded blue jeans with a pair of scuffed up brown hiking boots. He wears a black hoodie with the sleeves cut off. For each hand he has a pair of rough brown leather gloves with finger holes and to top it all off, Mike has a pair of goggles that usually hang around his neck. These goggles allow him to see heat signatures, allow him to have x-ray vision, and let him see through bad weather.

    Personality: Mike is a happy go lucky guy, believing that whatever happens in life happens. He is always looking towards the bright side of everything and is always looking for a joke in everything. He sometimes takes things to far however and ends up hurting the feelings of those around him. However he makes up for it by being kind to everyone he meets.

    However he is also very lazy to a fault. It takes a lot to motivate him to really do anything. However when he is motivated, look out! This is not to say he is also devoid of sadness. Mike sometimes takes playful insults to heart and dwells on them. He trusts a little too easily sometimes which can hurt him in the long run.

    History: Mike was the middle child of 6 kids born in the Johto Region and as such is always looking for extra attention. His parents were high school sweethearts but since his dad is a previous Champion Winner, he is constantly gone leaving Mike's mom to do all the work around the house. Mike always felt bad about being the laziest out of all the kids and upset about being ignored for being the middle child so when he turned 16 he took off from home hoping to finally make his father proud and secretly hoping he would be better than his father.

    However in his rush to leave, he forgot to grab a Starter Pokemon! So he joined a traveling group of trainers and learned from them how to battle. However during a snowstorm at Mt. Silver Mike became separated from the rest of the group. He survived for three months alone on the mountain and when he was finally found he was barely recognizable. That didn't stop him and after being discharged from the hospital he decided to finally get a Starter Pokemon.

    Starter: Budew

    Sample: Charmander's and Grimer's attacks met at the same time sending the Pokemon backwards. "Looks like your Charmander has gotten stronger..." The Rocket said noticing that Grimer went back farther than Charmander.

    "You got that right! Now we'll beat you even faster this time!" Bobby roared his anger fueling his cockiness.

    "Hm we'll see about that won't we Ekans!" The grunt sent out a large purple snake that hissed "Ekansssss" when it came out.

    "What is that?" Bobby wondered as he took out the Pokedex. "Ekans the snake pokemon." the woman's cool voice said, "It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind."

    Noticing that Bobby was distracted the Grunt took action and said "Ekans use Glare! Grimer use Mud-Slap!" "Mander!" Charmander cried as it became frozen in fear from the Glare and in pain as it was pelted with Mud-Slap.

    "Charmander!" Bobby cried. "I'v got to get this Pokeball open!" Bobby pulled and tugged, but the ball was wedged shut. Finally out frustration, and what any guy would do, Bobby threw the ball at the cave wall which, ironicly released the seal.

    "Allright now we're in action!" Bobby said with a battle grin on his face. "Go Mankey!"
    The pig monkey pokemon lept into action, relieved that it was out of it's Pokeball. "Mankey use Focus Energy! Charmander use Smokescreen!" The Pokemon complied with Mankey building energy and Charmander belching out thick black smoke.

    "That's not gonna stop us!" the Rocket yelled confident. "Grimer suck up the smoke! Ekans use Poison Sting on Mankey!" Grimer inhaled the thick smoke, while Ekans shot out thin purple lines at Mankey.

    "Mankeeeey!" Mankey cried as the purple lines connected. When Mankey got back up on it's feet, Bobby noticed that there was a sickly look about his eyes. 'Probally nothing...' Bobby thought. "Charmander use Ember on Ekans! Mankey go use Scratch on Grimer!" The Rocket was ready however and made Grimer use Pound to retaliate the Scratch and Ekans used Poison Sting to reflect Ember.

    "Your attacks are too predictible!" the Rocket roared mockingly.

    "He's right..." Bobby muttered, "There has to be something we can do..." Bobby saw Mankey getting worse and called him over to take an Antidote. When he was done, Bobby saw the TM Brock had givin him. "I wonder..."

    Bobby picked up the TM and held it toward Mankey. The TM flashed and turned from its gray color to a pure white color. "Guess I can use it anymore." Bobby said prepared now with their new move.

    "You ladies done over there?" the Rocket yelled goadingly.

    "Yep we're done. With this match." Bobby said confident. "Mankey use Rock Tomb!" Mankey pulled the new move off flawlessly by buring Ekans in a pile of rubble. The poor pokemon was stuck.

    "Ekans!" the Grunt cried.

    "He's the least of your worries. Charmander Ember!" Charmander shot out its fireball and Grimer not knowing what to do took a direct hit, knocking it out.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The Rocket cried knowing he was defeated. Bobby came up and took the key to the cage releasing all the Pokemon inside.

    In the back he saw Clefairy, who's eyes widened when it saw him. She jumped into his arms happy to be away from the Rocket. Bobby saw the Clefairy eyeing his black stone. "Pretty huh?" Bobby said.

    Suddenly a shadow lept at Bobby. "That's my Clefairy!" the Rocket roared. The Clefairy lept in front of Bobby taking the black stone with her.

    "Clefairy don't!" Bobby yelled as Clefairy become engulfed in a white light. When the light faded in Clefairy's place was a pokemon that looked like Clefairy but bigger and with wings. "What is that?" Bobby said pointing his Pokedex at it.

    "Clefable the fairy pokemon and the evolved form of Clefairy." the female voice said, "Rarely seen by people, it is said to be drawn by the full moon to play at deserted lakes."

    "Wow this Clefable's gonna make me rich!" The Rocket said, practically drooling at the thought.

    Clefable on the other hand had other ideas. She started waving one finger back and forth until a giant Flamethrower came out. The torched Rocket took off running from the powerful trainer and the newly evolved Clefabel.

    Laughing Bobby said "Good job Clefable! You sure sent him packing." Clefable nodded and started walking the way the cage was going. "Hey where you going?" Bobby asked running to keep up.

    The Clefable had showed Bobby to the exit of Mt. Moon. "Oh wow thank you so much Clefable!" "Clefable!" the former Clefairy said, obviously thanking Bobby for helping her out of a dire situation. Its eyes began glowing and the seal on Butterfree's Pokeball was released. "Oh wow! Thanky you so much Clefable! Take care now! I hope to see you again!" Bobby said walking out of the cave, "And if I see Team Rocket again, they won't know what hit them!" Clefable waved good bye to her friend as Bobby walked onto Route 4.
    Name: Clare Hunter

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Appearance: Clare is about 5 foot 5 with a medium build to her. Her hair is long with a light brown color to it and put together in a pony tail. Her eyes are wide and are a deep blue color to it. Her skin is white and her heart shaped face has some acne on it. Clare also has a small scar going across her forehead and a bit across one eye.
    Clare wears a blue, long sleeved shirt with a light blue ball Pokeball design on it. She also wears a black vest over the shirt with the outline of a bird on the back. She wears a dark blue jeans that ripped around the knees, along with black boots and socks. Clare has a green, digital watch on her left wrist and a few bracelets on her right wrist. She also has a black choker with a metal butterfly on the front.

    Personality: Clare has a very serious and though personality. She takes nothing from no one and doesn't have time to deal with people who just mess around. She is also a bit of a loner and likes to do things on her own. She avoids crowds if she can, but can work in a group if she has to. She is also fairly smart and will put other people's intelligence's down if they don't know something or seem slower then usual.
    Despite her loner nature, Clare does like to talk and will if given the chance. This can often lead her to say things that don't really mean anything or have nothing to do with the situation at hand. She also seems to have her attention diverted by some of the smallest things. She doesn't have ADHD or anything like that, but she just doesn't pay attention to much things at long lengths of times. She can also get frusterated very easily.

    History: Clare was born on Three Island in Kanto. Her father was buisness man who was always away and her mother was the local Nurse Joy. She spent most of her childhood by herself and reading often. However, her frusteration quite often got the best of her and she got in trouble in school and at home. She picked fights often with her classmates and the local kids, making them avoid her. This caused the young girl to become even more withdrawn and to just relay on herself even more. Clare soon started to explore her island, fining little crooks and crannies in which she could hide from the world.
    When Clare turned ten, she asked her parents if she could become a trainer, but her parents were against it, saying that she had other things to do. This made her get even more frusturated which only increased with each passing year when she was denied again and again. Finally, on her sixteenth birthday, Clare had finally had had enough and that she was going to sign up to be a trainer no matter what her parents said. True to her word, she went to the nearest signup board and signed her name onto the sheet, despite her parent's protests. Now she is making her way to Pallet Town to get her starter, what ever it may be.

    Starter: Chase the Meowth

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    jcogginsa, your SU is acceptable. But I'd like it if you could refer to the VM I sent you yesterday at around 12:30pm and please respond to it. Those are perfectly fine.

    pikakip, pending. Please finalize your SU as soon as you can, I'd like to get my RP on the road today.

    Daynasaurus, Buizel is reserved.

    PikaPikachu, normally I would say declined, but I'm in a generous mood today, so you are accepted.

    koguryo, accepted.

    Eliminator Jr., both Scyther and Nidoran male have been taken. Did you want another Pokemon?

    Faeldrake, you may have Abra, as nobody has chosen it yet. Your SU is excellent, which means you are accepted.

    Old Lace, accepted. Budew it is.

    Charzeon, Meowth is yours and you are accepted.

    Done deal, Proddit.

    Just an announcement, people. There are only two spots left. Knowing Raaji, he'll be too busy and will be unable to join.
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    sorry it's taking so long Kyu, I only have to finish my char's history and then I'll be done. Btw, does this mean I can have Growlithe?
    Raaji never replied to the VM I sent him yesterday, so the Growlithe clone is now free.


    Section 1: Pallet Town
    Number of posts: 1

    The town of Pallet was once relatively small in comparison to the other cities and townships in Kanto. It is located near Route 21, with crisp sea air and the more land-based aquatic Pokémon are found almost anywhere in the city. It's one of the older towns yet, in the sixteen years since the region was discovered, it was one of the first to achieve the most technological advancements.

    The biggest building by far is the laboratory. The lab's structure was on top of a hill that was accessible by a long stairway, which took one to the entrance of the lab. It was a two-story ivory edifice that had a maroon roof which, from the top of, allowed one to view the landscape as far as the eye could see.

    The first thing that was seen when entering was an array of bookshelves that were stacked against the wall, stretching from one corner of the room to the other.

    In the midst of the chaos on his second-story office stood Professor Oak – an old, but young-spirited man. His greying hair was trimmed neatly, as it came down just short of his ears. He wore a long white lab coat that fell down to his black boots. From him you will get your Pokémon, Pokédex and some Poké Balls.

    REMEMBER: This is Pokémon futuristic style. This means that your Pokédex will resemble a flip-open calculator and be able to give you information just by you asking about a particular creature. The device's spoken voice will reflect a masculine or feminine tone. Feminine-toned Pokédexes will be red, yellow, purple or grey. Masculine Pokédexes will be every other colour.

    The Poké Balls are even more advanced for this time period. They still have their stereotypical red and white look but they now recognize voice commands and will open by that alone, rather than the trainer having to press the centre button.

    BASICALLY: Simply head over to the lab to receive your Pokémon, Pokédex and Poké Balls.

    So that everyone understands what I'm saying, I'll provide a long example. Please bear with me.

    <Forgive me for this, Ho-oh, but I've got a lazy person who won't even get off her behind. Bloody hell, Josephine, wake up!> Eevee said loudly.

    Seeing that he got no reaction, Eevee's eyes narrowed and an evil sort of smirk appeared on his face, as he said <Sorry, kid, you asked for it!>

    After saying that, the Pokémon jumped onto the girl's bed and tore off the covers with his paws. He then placed his fluffy brown tail in front of the girl's nose and proceeded to tickle the olfactory. Moments later, a loud sneeze ripped through the air, as Josephine sat up and wondered what sort of pollen had drifted through her open window.

    Seeing the brown coloured fox sitting on her bed with his tail curled around his body, she asked "Why did you do that?" seemingly appearing to forget that today she was to leave Pallet to begin her journey.

    <We have to get downstairs and you need to get ready for your journey. Remember?> the fox-like Pokémon gently reminded the girl.

    "You make it sound like the Pokémon Trainers' Academy. But I know that this journey is going to be a lot better. Okay, let's go," Josephine answered, smiling at the family pet.

    She moved Eevee off her and jumped out bed, as she headed towards her ensuite. The red-haired girl opened the door, closing it upon entering and then turned on the water.


    After showering herself, Josephine proceeded to dry off her thin frame of medium height and build. She then rubbed the moisture out of her hair, allowing the wet strands to fall to her shoulders, and then dried and brushed it until it was in a suitable enough position for her to wrap a hair tie around it, creating a pony-tail look.

    She went over to her closet and removed two hangers, one of which held a bright red sleeveless top, with the other holding a sky-blue miniskirt. The teen dressed herself, before slipping her feet into a pair of brown boots, and casually placed her black sunglasses over her eyes. In the past, she had received criticism from her peers as they wondered why she had come to classes with her sunglasses on, but she ignored them, as it was just a strange mannerism of hers to do that.

    After placing her digital watch on the wrist of her left arm, she headed down the hall.

    Heading into the reasonably large kitchen and preparing herself a bowl of cereal, she spotted her mother relaxing on the cyan sofa. After eating, she then checked to ensure that her bright yellow backpack with the imprint of a Poké Ball on the side was packed. Finding out that everything was in there, she placed the breakfast bowl in the sink, ran some water in it and headed to the door.

    "Honey, wait," the voices of Josephine's parents spoke up. The girl's mother rose from the sofa as her father wheeled himself into the room. The masculine-toned voice had come from Charles, Fiona's husband.

    Saying goodbye was going to be difficult and sad.

    "Yeah?" the teen turned and looked at her parents as tears started to form in her eyes.

    "It's good to see that you are finally ready. Professor Oak rang and said he wants you to meet him at his lab," Fiona told her, apprehensive that her daughter was finally setting off. She was worried that what had happened to her husband could possibly happen to Josephine as well. Her expression showed narrowed eyes and a slight frown.

    Josephine stood there with a puzzled look on her face, wondering what the researcher needed to give her, but then it clicked. "Of course!" Josephine mentally slapped herself for forgetting such a simple thing.

    As she was about to run to the lab, she remembered that this would be the last time she saw her parents before she left. She turned around and looked at them. "Mum, Dad… this is goodbye for now. I'll miss you."

    Her father stared desperately at her, while her mother placed a hand on her shoulder and answered, "Yes, we'll miss you, too. You have grown up incredibly fast, Josephine, and we understand that you want to go on this journey."

    "All right, I'll see you later, guys."

    "Goodbye, dear. Know that whatever happens, I'll always think of you as a Pokémon Master. I will think that because you went and attempted to accomplish your dream," Fiona said, as she smiled at her daughter. Charles manoeuvred his wheelchair backwards, determined to talk to Fiona in private once Josephine had left.

    Just before Josephine set off, she gave her mother one last farewell hug, allowing the tears to freely flow down her cheeks.

    Wiping away the tears, Josephine started walking towards the research facility that was run by Professor Oak.

    After trudging along for about ten minutes, she finally arrived at the location of the building. The lab's foundations were on top of a hill that was accessible by a long stairway, which took one to the entrance of the lab. It was a two-story ivory edifice that had a maroon roof which, from the top of, allowed one to view the landscape as far as the eye could see.

    There was a lake to the east of the hill and to the south was an untamed forest with no paths. The forest was cut short by an open range, which was met in the north by rocks and boulders. There were Pokémon scattered all over the landscape.

    Josephine rang the doorbell and waited, because she knew that Professor Oak wouldn't be able to rush to answer the door. The wooden door opened a few minutes later.

    "Ah, Josephine! Come to collect your Pokémon, Pokédex and Poké Balls, have you?" Professor Oak questioned.

    "Yes, Professor," she replied.

    "Right this way, then," he answered, as he turned and led the red-haired girl into the lab. The first thing that was seen when entering was an array of bookshelves that were stacked against the wall, stretching from one corner of the room to the other.

    To the right were small computers that blinked with all sorts of dazzling lights, with the monitors scrolling down with data that she could only guess was the research that Professor Oak and his assistants had compiled.

    In the middle, between the computers, was a rather large door. It was used to go out to care for or to study the Pokémon that were kept at the lab.

    To the left was a very large storage room in which the Poké Balls that contained the Pokémon were kept. One could only guess how many were amassed there.

    At the top of the staircase to the right of the Poké Ball storage room, the upper level was desolate except for three bookshelves that were lined up against the left wall; an enormous computer that took up the entire southern wall and finally, a small dome which was the place where the Poké Balls were kept.

    "Professor, there you are! We have everyone here, sir," one of Oak's aides appeared when they entered the large room which contained the small dome.

    "Very good, John. Any news of the others?"

    "No news, unfortunately," John answered.

    "Oh. Now, Josephine, I have a few important things to give you. They are your Pokémon, Pokédex and Poké Balls."

    Then, the researcher handed her a sphere beautifully decorated with blue and black lightning bolts on a background of yellow. He then gave her a red electronic device, which looked like a flip-open calculator and five small balls. Seeing the girl experiment with the ball belonging to her starter, the Professor allowed Josephine the time to register her partner's data into her Pokédex.

    "Shinx, the Flash Pokémon – a Pokémon of the Electric type. Shinx's forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Their bodies shine if endangered," the device reported in a feminine-toned voice.

    "Let me explain what I handed to you before," Professor Oak began, just as the newbie trainer recalled her starter. "The red device that you hold in your hands is what I call a Pokédex. It will be able to give you information just by you asking about a particular creature."

    He then pointed to the five small balls.

    "These are crucial to capturing Pokémon, so please pay close attention. If you fail to capture a Pokémon with the same ball five times, it will break. They still have their stereotypical red and white look but they now recognize voice commands and will open by that alone, rather than the trainer having to press the centre button. Also, note that you can only carry around six Pokémon with you at any given time."

    "How much do these items cost?" Josephine asked.

    "About three hundred Pokédollars for each sphere… and I think the Potions are a little cheaper," the researcher answered.

    "I'll keep that in mind," the red-haired girl answered. "I won't let you down, Professor. I've never been more ready for anything else."

    "Very good…" he replied.

    She walked back through the building and out the front door, waving goodbye to Professor Oak as she did so. Then, she looked up as she began to walk down the road, away from her house. The sun was now in plain view, almost blinding from where she was standing and the grass was glimmering as the dew dropped from each blade.

    Josephine's Pokémon journey, as well as the day, was just beginning. She had her first Pokémon, and already knew where she was to go next – Viridian City. Now with determination in her hazel eyes, she continued to look at the sky. As an official trainer, she then looked down at the orb which contained her partner.

    "Shinx, you are my key to becoming one of the best," the teen murmured, smiling proudly.
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