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*Aquilamon Fanclub* revived


I'm bored..... Blerk...
  • 277
    :rambo: Welcome at the Aquilamon Fanclub:rambo:
    or first was closed because Aquilamon didn't said he want this(we forgot) but now we got a new one :D

    Here is the memberlist:

    Owner: BestDutchGuy(me)
    Co-Owner: A Strong Trainer!

    Seventh Panel
    Last edited:
    hello Hello! Some send a PM to Aquilamon! :P I'm BDG's m8! Aquilamon i suppose you know me i was the first to post in ur sprite thread :D Welcome to your club, fellow spriter!
    PS: Bruno ur supposed to announce that i'm becomin co owner :P And you should ask Aquilimon if its allowed and SEND HIM WTF A PM!
    I joined the last one, so I'll keep up my membership and come back to this one.
    thx Strong Trainer

    i never would have thou someone would make me a fan club ^_^

    hay yall if you wanna you can go to my forum click the link in my sig
    Sorry guys but I wasn't online this week :S I'm now updating it :D
    Srry .. I'm not online that much .. so I won't usually have time to check up on forums .. but if you'd like an inactive member to count toward your total numbers, I'll join.
    Your old thread got closed down huh Aquailmon? Well I'll re-join once again because like I said before, your a big Piccolo fan and that I like
    yay thanks for joining rock lee and Seventh Petal

    and ya the last club got closed :(

    btw rock lee: your a big Trunks fan and i like that ^_^