Trickling away
- 13,650
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- 11
- Years
- Seen Dec 2, 2024
a SBURB roleplay based on Homestuck. Rated M; things tend to die.
You are a teenager living somewhere on planet Earth. One day, you get an e-mail containing some files and a polite and exciting invitation to play an "important game" called SBURB. It appears that more people got the invitation, because as soon as you install and start up the attached game file, there is also a chat program called Pesterchum with a list of "chums" that appears to be more and more other players connecting to the game. Very well, time to get playing?
If you only knew what you were getting yourself into. Before too long, you will realize that you have inadvertently caused the end of the world. And if you care at all about your own life and humanity as a whole, you'd better finish playing SBURB. Sorry, but it's destiny. Or is it something else?
Clarifications / Rules
This is a RP connected to the Homestuck fanclub here on PC. As such, the players are more or less already recruited and all of us know Homestuck and the canon workings of SBURB decently well. We'll figure the details out as we go! If you are not part of the HS fanclub but would still like to join, please send me (Pikachu) a private message and tell me a little bit about yourself :3 Or just join the fanclub, you know. It's fun!
Aspect / Class
I'll provide a list of canon aspects and classes and we can discuss in this thread who should have what. But I think that I'll reserve TIME for myself, because it's probably easiest for the GM to deal with shenanigans like that, don't you think? Or perhaps one of you think you can handle the time troubles well enough c:
When deciding on aspect and class, consider this: SBURB is a real bully. Aspects determine WHAT you can do/manipulate/have an affinity with. Class determines HOW or WHEN you should do it. If you are selfish, you are likely to be given a class like KNIGHT or ROGUE to evolve in the other direction. If you don't believe in yourself, perhaps you'll become a PRINCE or THIEF and learn that you're doing great when you benefit yourself. Etcetera! Here's a great post on aspect dualities.
Creation classes:MAID - SYLPH
Destruction classes: BARD -PRINCE
Redistribution classes:THIEF - ROGUE
Exploitation classes:KNIGHT - PAGE
Knowledge classes:SEER - MAGE
Change classes:HEIR - WITCH
Creation classes:
Destruction classes: BARD -
Redistribution classes:
Exploitation classes:
Knowledge classes:
Change classes:
Need to know more?
You'll get to decide your own strife specibus, living arrangements, denizen, consorts, name of your LAND etc. If it can be assumed that we all try to be as canon when it comes to SBURB as possible, and discuss here in the OOC thread whenever things dive into unknown territory, I don't think I need to go about explaining every part of the game in detail here. Right? But basically, as soon as we start RPing, I think the players should strike up conversations with each other by simulating pesterlogs in our IC posts :3 Check out an old Homestuck RP of mine to see how we did it there. Quirks are hella annoying unless they are very carefully done and light. But you should have your own distinctive color and two letter abbreviation of a chumhandle, of course! All of this will become clear once we begin. Don't worry c:
But a basic idea you can carry with you is that this session, as I've planned now at least, won't be nearly as glitchy and stressed as Homestuck's Beta kid session was. Rather, it will be more like the Alternia troll session. We go through our respective planet quests, preferably with a friend or two by our side, and build our houses up towards Skaia when we get enough grist and other resources to do so. And we alchemize. A lot :D:D:D But I can't promise there won't be any weird twists at all ;)
Sign-up sheet
Age: (let's say 14-16 shall we?)
Gender: (and by that I mean sex, I guess. Do you want to complicate things?)
Theme song: (if you wish. Can be anything)
Appearance: (picture or written)
Family: (what people/pets are you living with or are important in your life?)
Home: (what does your house/living arrangements look like? Give pictures or sketch, or just describe a bit. You can tell your server player more in detail later)
Personality: (make this in-depth! Not just a tiny paragraph. Expand on who your character is!)
History: (as much or little as you feel is necessary. Perhaps you want to leave some for ideas you'll get later, or simply leave it shrouded in mystery for the others)
Preferred class: (and a motivation! I actually think it should be obligatory to explain why you think a certain class fits)
Preferred aspect: (and a motivation for it if you find it necessary but it's not obligatory imo)
Chumhandle: (and color! preferably with a hex code)
LAND: (Land of X and X)
Denizen: (you can take a canon one or invent your own, based on some mythological creature/god!)
Consorts: (I guess some kind of reptilian/amphibian creature makes the most sense? I'm not overly iffy if you want koalas though)
Age: (let's say 14-16 shall we?)
Gender: (and by that I mean sex, I guess. Do you want to complicate things?)
Theme song: (if you wish. Can be anything)
Appearance: (picture or written)
Family: (what people/pets are you living with or are important in your life?)
Home: (what does your house/living arrangements look like? Give pictures or sketch, or just describe a bit. You can tell your server player more in detail later)
Personality: (make this in-depth! Not just a tiny paragraph. Expand on who your character is!)
History: (as much or little as you feel is necessary. Perhaps you want to leave some for ideas you'll get later, or simply leave it shrouded in mystery for the others)
Preferred class: (and a motivation! I actually think it should be obligatory to explain why you think a certain class fits)
Preferred aspect: (and a motivation for it if you find it necessary but it's not obligatory imo)
Chumhandle: (and color! preferably with a hex code)
LAND: (Land of X and X)
Denizen: (you can take a canon one or invent your own, based on some mythological creature/god!)
Consorts: (I guess some kind of reptilian/amphibian creature makes the most sense? I'm not overly iffy if you want koalas though)
Pikachu: PRINCE of TIME ♀
Ash / temporalTarget [TT]
PROSPIT dreamer - Land of Traps and Seasons LOTAS
Aiden: HEIR of HEART ♂
Gav / odiumLeviathan [OL]
PROSPIT dreamer - Land of Crystals and Trees LOCAT
has a SISTER
Omicron: THIEF of MIND ♂
Adrian / courageousCanine [CC]
DERSE dreamer - Land of Moss and Portals LOMAP
Fairy: MAID of HOPE ♀
Gwen / crimsonAllegory [CA]
DERSE dreamer - Land of Plains and Rays LOPAR
has SLIMY and SCALY stuff (and a MOTHER)
aeternum: KNIGHT of SPACE ♂
Timothy / nacreousChampion [NC]
PROSPIT dreamer - Land of Mazes and Frogs LOMAF
has an UNCLE and a GEOLOGIST
DLMuerte: MAGE of BREATH ♂
Ryan / rhetoricalSymphony [RS]
PROSPIT dreamer - Land of Towers and Oceans LOTAO
has a MOTHER and a SIS
Milotic: WITCH of VOID ♀
Belle / reclusiveReverie [RR]
DERSE dreamer - Land of Rain and Pumpkins LORAP
has a PAPA
Davepetasprite^2: ROGUE of LIGHT ♀
Nadia / impurrfectStraggler [IS]
DERSE dreamer - Land of Salt Domes and Milk LOSDAM
has a big BROTHER
Wizardman11: PAGE of LIFE ♂
Evelio / monstrousMoss [MM]
PROSPIT dreamer - Land of Rocks and Riddles LORAR
has a CAT
Hopeless Masquerade: SEER of DOOM ♀
Evelyn / virulentErudite
DERSE dreamer - Land of Turtles and Dances
has an Aunt
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