~~Team Blaze Base, In front of the main vault, 1937, 10:43 AM, Day 5~~
Keith: "This is the main vault? Hmmmm. I need to figure out the combination."
Shadow (on radio): "Attention, Keith, Kent! My cameras report that Team Blaze has almost beaten Team Hydro. Set the timer for 20 minutes Kent! Keith the combination is 22-5-30. Hurry up there!"
Keith: "This shouldn't be too difficult."
Keith puts in the combination and opens the vault.
~~Main Stadium, 10:47AM, Day 5~~
Ian: "Go! Torkoal!"
Announcer: "It seems Ian has chosen a Torkoal to battle Ash's Bayleef! We have already seen several Pokemon overcome their type disadvantage in this tournament, will the same thing happen in this battle?"
Referee: "Begin!"
Ian: "Torkoal, Bide your time."
Ash: "Why isn't he attacking? Razor Leaf Bayleef!"
Razor Leaf hits Torkoal, who doesn't even try to dodge.
Announcer: "What's this? Torkoal didn't even move or attack back. Is Ian toying with Ash or does he have some other plan up his sleeve?"
Ash: "Vine Whip!"
Bayleef picks up Torkoal and slams it into the ground, but it doesn't even react.
Ash: "Finish it with Take Down!"
Bayleef starts running towards Torkoal.
Ian: "Now Torkoal!"
Torkoal starts to glow and rams Bayleef, sending it flying into the wall. Bayleef struggles and manages to get up.
Ian: "Fire Blast attack now!"
Ash: "Jump with Vine Whip!"
Bayleef jumps using Vine Whip but its vines get hit by Fire Blast still.
Ash: "Come in for Body Slam!"
Ian: "Overheat!"
Torkoal starts glowing red. Bayleef body slams it but gets badly hurt.
Torkoal then sends out a giant blast of fire which engulfs Bayleef, Ash, and the Announcer's stand (which was behind Ash). Bayleef falls to the ground and Ash is burnt black.
Announcer: "What an attack! Is it hot in here or is it just me?"
Referee: "Bayleef is unable to battle."
Announcer: "Ash lost but is still in the tournament."
Ash: "You did a good job Bayleef."
Bayleef: "Bay."
Shadow: "Hehehe..."
Pikachu hears this. Shadow then jumps down and heads for the Abandoned House.
~~Outside the Main Stadium, Day 5, 10:50AM~~
Meowth: "Come one come all! Get your Kaikoren Convetion Team Rocket brand T-Shirts, Hats, Badges, Commerative Coins, and lots of other great souvineres!"
Person: "I want a T-Shirt!"
Another Person: "I want two badges!"
Person 3: "I was next!"
Person 1: "No you weren't!"
Meowth: "Ahh. Buisness is booming. Ehehehehe."