What are the pokemon? Also how can you have a pkmn lv 420? HaHa nice nicknames!I don't have a charmander egg but I have these pokemon ft
Dicksuck lvl 100
8====D lvl 77
~0~0 lvl 69
Poop shooter lvl 82
Blunt man lvl 420
I think he's trying to troll/suicide >_> Not being serious.What are the pokemon? Also how can you have a pkmn lv 420? HaHa nice nicknames!
I think he's trying to troll/suicide >_> Not being serious.
Anyway, I've got the egg ready, FC in sig.
EDIT: Sahara, can you get the chimchar egg to me? *checks sig to see if FC is there* Do you want anything in exchange for it?
Ok, going into room. Nick, whenever you see this, give us your FC, and one of us will trade with you I assume :P.haha, ti38, just like a bidoof or starly, it doesn't matter ^_^. my fc is SAHARA 2320 4848 5310