- 683
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- 18
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- Ohio
- Seen Jun 4, 2009
I've never really seen an abstract one. Would you mind posting a link of an image for me please? ^_~I'm talking about those abstract ones… not the ones that have a fixed meaning.
I've never really seen an abstract one. Would you mind posting a link of an image for me please? ^_~I'm talking about those abstract ones… not the ones that have a fixed meaning.
Those are, extremely interesting! XD But they are still cool. ^_~https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...n.jpg/800px-Abstract_sculpture_at_Clemson.jpg
There was one that looked like an iron knight running through the wind…but I forgot who the artist was.
Yaaaaay! =DDD
Three scanners? Wow. 0.0 Why do you have 3 scanners, though?
:D I'll join. Even though I'm a horrible artist. XD I'll try to post mycrapdrawings later.
I've seen a few modern sculptures before in other states I've visited. They're quite fun when it's right in front of you. XD
I'm going to try to draw a picture I'll actually like, and show to ya'all later. ^.^
Yeah, but no one knows how to use one. XD
I have a very fictional cat picture, it's not a portrait. But little cartoon kittens are my passion. x3
Actually I have two scanner buttons, XD
one says, "Scan," and one says... Well... "Scan". XD
The first one, or the second? I'm just a boy who can't decide, *hums rest of song*
I finished drawing something right quick. :D I'll post it later. ^^
I have 3 scanners. One's crappy, the other one is awesome, and the other one is better then all 3. :D
Thanks. It's definitely not my best. I think I managed to get out of a slump with that banner, though.^_^ Awesome. -assumes- The banner you made in your signature is awesome! ^_^