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Club di Arte

xD I was desperate enough to try anything to put my drawings on the computer.

Ah, I might spiff-up this little Dragonair drawing I did a while ago. I was going to fix up one of my human drawings, until I realised that I can't draw humans :\

Slumps suck >.> I was in one insanely long one just a few weeks ago. I'm sort of glad it's over, but now I'm too lazy to make anything~
I was in a slump for a month. All March. o_O I didn't even think about it until I realized it..
I'll join. :D

Music is definitely my art. Music is like.. my life. XD;
Yeah, =D
I'm very instrumental, (lying).
I can't even play a Recorder. =P
Welcome Mayz! =DD