Experimental games <3
- 12
- Posts
- 5
- Years
- Seen Jan 12, 2025
Okay, why would anyone name a hack Under The?
What's with those weird blue symbols?
Can Unfolding even make a long hack?
(I love setting up questions like these so the answers feel great when you figure them out!)
- Silly jokes and lots of dialogue
- A borderline obsession with doing something original with the contest theme
- An absurd but self-consistent premise
- A few beautiful "oh crap" moments when you realize what's coming up next
- Janky coding errors that you have to ignore
- And of course, puzzles involving obscure game mechanics!
- Pret and RHH for pokeemerald and expansion
- Porymap by Huderlem
- Pokemon Emerald Textbox Simulator, by meelje
- Underwater Reef Tileset, by Rahtak
- Romhacking Tutorials, by Archie
- Everyone in the Team Aqua's Hideout server and cbt, for answering my many dumb questions!
- More details are in the game!
- CedarNyx, for Matthew's Nightmare, still the standard for FE Hacking
- symplectic, for Larl Does Everything Twice Twice, one of the foundations of modern Mario Maker
There's no level grinding or hidden items required - nothing tedious. There shouldn't be much that's luck-based, either!
I recommend you talk to everyone you can ASAP, because it'll make the end of the game hit much harder!
Under The, V1.2
Patch onto a clean Emerald ROM to play!
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