Things I am looking out for, but hopefully, there are new reveals that I haven't anticipated!
1. New Details on Pokken, Mystery Dungeon, and possible reveal of a new/substantive pokemon game for Wii U.
2. Localization of Digimon Cyber Sleuth or other mainseries Digimon game (fingers crossed)
3. New Details on Star Fox Wii U
4. New Details on Zelda Wii U
5. New Details on FE X SMT Wii U
6. New Details on King Hearts 3
7. DLC - Smash Bros and Mario Kart
8. New Details on Persona 5
9. Worthy news on Oculus Rift. Sure, it's cool, but I'd like to see if there is any information as to how the system plans to be incorporated into any console.
10. Please no more boring sidescrolling 2.5/2 Dimensional platformers. (Yoshi's Wooly World, every DK game after the n64, Kirby and Rainbow Curse, ect.) Those games are just tedious + boring in their attempts to bring forth new mechanics that overcomplicate something that is boring in hopes it makes it seem interesting...I miss Kirby and Crystal Shards.