- 23
- Posts
- 17
- Years
- Norf London, innit bruv!
- Seen May 8, 2008
1. Only want legit and UT Events
2. You can pm me or post on my thread but no spamming etc.
3. Not all of my events have been posted as some are not allowed e.g. fan mades and shiny events. If you want something in particular, I may have it, just pm me.
4. I will be updating my thread once I get new pokemon
5. Just to warn you, I do AR clone my pokes
6. If I trade you a pokemon that is not legit, provide some evidence and I'll gladly trade back or compensate.
7. All my pokemon have come from other event collectors on this/other boards. I have never been to an actual event myself.
8. I can't think of a eighth. Thanks for reading.
Legit Japanese Far Away Island Mew
Kite pokes
Potere pokes
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon (Japanese)
Shiny Movie Darkrai
Other Rare Events I don't have
NEW Events Received (Might not be placed under the right categories)
Turner Nidorina (Nicknamed Nina) (13637)
Roman Plusle (Nicknamed Pluses) (08460)
Fukuoka Bulbasaur (60211)
Fukuoka Growlithe (60114)
Fukuoka Pikachu (60114)
Houndour (Bold), Osaka/60505. oct 21 06
Smeargle (Docile), Yokohama/60505. dec 19 06
Murkrow (Bold), Yokohama/60114. dec 10 06
Magmar (Rash), Yokohama/60114. dec 21 06
Gligar (Careful), Nagoya/60505. feb 13 07
Qwilfish (Rash), Nagoya/60114. jan 4 07
Lotad (Hasty), Nagoya/60321. feb 10 07
Sneasel (Jolly), Sapporo/60114. dec 26 06
Roselia (Timid), Sapporo/60321. dec 5 06
Torchic (Calm), Sapporo/51126. nov 4 06
Chikorita (Rash), Sapporo/51224. dec 16 06
Totodile (Gentle), Sapporo/51224. jan 19 07
Ekans (Lonely), Tokyo/60114. mar 19 07
Growlithe (Quiet), Tokyo/60114. dec 28 06
Shellder (Hardy), Tokyo/60114. mar 19 07
Kangaskhan (Mild), Tokyo/60114. nov 7 06
Scyther (Rash), Tokyo/60114. nov 22 06
Aipom (Lax), Tokyo/60505. mar 24 07
Treeko (Bashful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mudkip (Careful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mawile (Docile), Tokyo/60321. july 20 07
10 ANIV America (00010)
10 aniv Celebi
10 aniv Bulbasaur
10 aniv Pikachu
10 aniv Typhlosion
10 aniv Blastoise
10 aniv Tyranitar
10 aniv Latios
10 aniv Latias
10 aniv Zapdos
10 aniv Moltres
10 aniv Moltres
10 aniv Alakazam
10 aniv Suicune
10 aniv Raikou
10 aniv Dragonite
10 aniv Charizard
10 aniv Blaziken
10 aniv Absol
10 aniv Espeon
10 aniv Umbreon
10 ANIV Bryant Park (06808)
10Jahre Germany (06227)
10Jahre Lugia
10Jahre Raikou
10JAHRE Ho-oh
10JAHRE Charizard 'Glurak' (06227)
10ANNIV UK (06227)
10anniv Ho-oh
10anniv Latias Relaxed, Naive
10anniv latios T
10anniv Lugia
10anniv Articuno (Nicknamed Artikodin) French
10anniv Charizard (Nicknamed Dracaufeu) French
10ANNI Italy (06227)
10anni Articuno lv100
Jirachi (20122) Rare - won't go cheaply
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.27,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.28,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.29,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Apr.6,2008 NFT AT ALL
Manaphy egg
Japenese PC
Absol - Event Move Spite (53205)
Pichu Dec 29th 2006 (30821) (Teeter Dance)
Bellsprout Nov 26th 2006 (09998) (Teeter Dance)
Tokyo Chikorita/Lv.10/Naive/30.Sep.06 (51224)
Tokyo Chansey (60114)
Tokyo Electabuzz (60114)
Tokyo Torchic (51126)
Tokyo Stantler (60505)
Tokyo Skitty (60321)
Tokyo Chimecho (60321)
Tokyo Serviper (60321)
Birthday Charmander Lv.40
Delibird (60114)
Teddiursa (60505)
Pikachu (60114)
Treeco/Lv.10/Milds/10.Feb.07 (51126)
Chansey/Lv.10/Bashful/13.Jun.07 (60114)
Bulbasaur/Lv.10/Bold/14.Oct.06 (60227)
Houndour/Lv.10/Docile/4.Feb.07 (60505)
Pineco/Lv.10/Modest/24.Mar.07 (60505)
Mareep/Lv.10/Impish/29.Feb.07 (60505)
Sunkern/Lv.10/Brave/8.May.07 (60505)
Toiza Bulbasaur (60227)
Toiza Squirtle (60227)
Toiza Charmander (60227)
E-Card Mareep (08756)
E-Card Togepi (08756)
E-Card Scizor (08756)
Daisuke Club
Blissey Bold Mar 15th 2007 (31507)
Daisuki Magikarp (02226)
Daisuki Starly LV1 (08311)
Daisuki Bidoof LV1 (17336)
Wish Bagon (37254)
Wish Absol (24512)
Wish Exeggcute (10124)
Wish Drowzee (01238)
Wish Ralts (OT:V.Ruff)
Jeremy Staryu
Jeremy Vulpix
Jeremy Shellder
Jeremy Growlith
Jeremy Sandshrew
Jeremy Machoke w/Everstone
Jeremy Haunter w/Everstone
Jeremy Slowpoke (13579)
Jeremy Ekans (25680)
Jeremy Tauros (13579)
Jeremy Oddish (24680)
Jeremy Gengar (13579)
Yukari (ID:01000)
Yukari Mew Bold, Timid, Modest
Yukari Phione
Yukari Aerodactyl
Yukari Pikachu
Yukari Ponyta
Yukari Wynaut
Yukari Vulpix
Yukari Shroomish
Yukari Combee
Yukari Wailmer
Yukari Eevee
Yukari Shellos
Yukari Croagunk
Yukari Pachirisu
Yukari Staravia
Yukari Snover
Yukari Finneon
Yukari Buneary
Yukari Tangela
Yukari Milktank
Yukari Lickitung
Yukari Yanma
Taiwan Pokepark - Jirachi, Sassy, Naughty (60731)
Taiwan Pokepark - Jirachi Lv.30 (60830)
Taiwan Pokepark Celebi (ID:60623)
PokePark Mew Lv.30 (60510)
PokePark Meowth Lv.5 (50318)
Pokepark Psyduck Lv5 (28713)
Pokepark Plusle Lv.5 Quirky (30209)
Pokepark Minun Lv.5 Bashful (01851)
PokePark Wynaut (45235) Knows Tickle
Pokepark Surskit Impish (12323)
Pokepark Igglybuff (12323)
Pokepark Corphish (33509)
Pokepark Cacnea (12323)
Pokepark Whismur (40215)
Pokepark Corsola (09098)
Pokepark Spinda (31383)
Pokepark Spoink (10698)
PokePark Corsola (56404) (Mud Sport)
PokePark Taillow (36499) (Feather Dance)
Yokohama Pikachu (50319)
PCNYa Aggron (00377)
PCNYa Cacturne UT (00152)
PCNYb Wailord Lv100 (00377)
PCNYb Kingdra UT (00283)
PCNYb Shuppet UT (00211)
PCNYc Exploud (00493)
PCNYc Pikachu UT (00542)
PCNYd Flygon (00077)
PCNYd Milotic Lv35 (00207)
PCNYd Salamence Lv.50 (00018)
Stamp - Pichu - Lv.5 - (30821)
Stamp - Absol - Lv.5 - (30821)
Palcity (07157)
Palcity GTS Manaphy UT
Palcity GTS Mew UT
Palcity GTS Lucario UT
Saikyou Dragonite
Saikyou Milotic
Saikyou Salamance
Saikyou Magmortar
Saikyou Electivire
Pktopia (06257)
Pktopia Pikachu
Pktopia Electivire
Pktopia Magmortar
Duking Plusle
Duking Shuckle
Duking Meditite (37149)
Duking Larvitar (37149)
Zigzagoon/Level: 5/OT AURA (Hatched)/ID Hatched/Adamant Nature/Pokemon Box RS
Skitty/Level: 5/OT AURA Hatched)/ID Hatched/Naughty Nature/Pokemon Box RS
Pichu/Lv.5/UT/Naive (46365)
Japanese Movie Events
OT: Hadou – IDNo.: 50901
Hadou Mew lv10 Timid, Gentle, Sassy
Hadou Regirock Lv40
Hadou Regice Lv40
Hadou Registeel Lv40
Sunday Events
Wobbuffet (ID:50701)
Pikachu Lv.5 (50701)
Goruko Octillery Lv.50
Yamamoto Whiscash Lv.51
Syokoton Tropius Lv53
Magmortar 06 (11256)
Magmar 06 (11256)
Electabuzz 06 (11256)
Pokemon Colosseum Bonusdisc Events
Ageto Celebi Lv.10
Mitsurin Celebi Lv.10 (Docile + Bold)
Other Events (Can't Be Bothered To Organise)
3 GTS Psyducks
3 NOA Heracrosses
Tanbata Jirachi (07077)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.7 (40707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (50707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (60707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (07077) - Cherish
NWS Manaphy
TRU Manaphy
JBHF Manaphy
E4ALL Manaphy (10187)
Mizunotami Manaphy Lv.5 (12226)
10th Deoxys
Doel Deoxys
Pokectr Deoxys Lv.45 (59131)
Japanese Movie Darkrai – Docile, Quirky, Bold, Timid
Japanese Movie Darkrai May 14, Modest
Japanese Movie Darkrai November 24, Adamant
Concert Chatot (Japanese)
Rocks Metang (English and Japanese)
Mattle Ho-oh (10048)
Mt. Bata Ho-oh (10048)
MONTE L Ho-oh UT (10048)
DUELLBE Ho-oh UT (10048)
Batoruyama (Battle Mountain) Ho-oh (10048)
Space c deoxys
TCGWC Pikachu (08107)
ANA Pikachu (41205)
GW Pikachu (50425)
Colosseum Pikachu Lv10 (31121) - Japanese
Ranger Manaphy
Mining Museum Jirachi lv20 (11072)
Channel Jirachi lv100
Wshmakr Jirachi lv100
Wishmakr Jirachi lv5 - Quirky, Lonely
NYC Mew (01234)
Aura Mew lv100
Aura Mew lv10 Gentle
Mystry Mew
Shiny Events
Shiny pokebox skitty
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon W/Liechi Berry OT:RUBY Male - Adamant & Female - Quiet
shiny Sapphire Zigzagoon W/Liechi Berry OT:SAPHIRE Lax, Rash
Shiny Japanese Sapphire Game Stop - Zigzagoon, Modest
Shiny Rocks Metang
Shiny Space C - Deoxys, Modest (UT)
Fan Made Events (For My Reference Only)
Sport Hitmonchan (Japanese) (06119) NFT
Sport Hitmonlee (Japanese) (06119) NFT
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp lv4 (12226)
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp - Lv5 (01256)
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp lv7 (03126)
Blue Riolu
Potere Treeko shiny
AnnivSH Bulbasaur (Nickname - Bulbizarre)
AnnivSH Mudkip (Nickname - Gobou)
AnnivSH Cyndaquil (Nickname - Hericendre)
AnnivSH Poochyena(Nickname - Medhyena)
AnnivSH Squirtle (Nickname - Carapuce)
AnnivSH Charmander (Nickname - Salameche)
GameFAQ Meowth W/Amulet Coin (02786)
Spring Butterfree
St.Patricks Tangela
Patrick Celebi (05317) OT:PATRICK
E-shop Celebi (00900) LV51
1. Only want legit and UT Events
2. You can pm me or post on my thread but no spamming etc.
3. Not all of my events have been posted as some are not allowed e.g. fan mades and shiny events. If you want something in particular, I may have it, just pm me.
4. I will be updating my thread once I get new pokemon
5. Just to warn you, I do AR clone my pokes
6. If I trade you a pokemon that is not legit, provide some evidence and I'll gladly trade back or compensate.
7. All my pokemon have come from other event collectors on this/other boards. I have never been to an actual event myself.
8. I can't think of a eighth. Thanks for reading.
Legit Japanese Far Away Island Mew
Kite pokes
Potere pokes
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon (Japanese)
Shiny Movie Darkrai
Other Rare Events I don't have
NEW Events Received (Might not be placed under the right categories)
Turner Nidorina (Nicknamed Nina) (13637)
Roman Plusle (Nicknamed Pluses) (08460)
Fukuoka Bulbasaur (60211)
Fukuoka Growlithe (60114)
Fukuoka Pikachu (60114)
Houndour (Bold), Osaka/60505. oct 21 06
Smeargle (Docile), Yokohama/60505. dec 19 06
Murkrow (Bold), Yokohama/60114. dec 10 06
Magmar (Rash), Yokohama/60114. dec 21 06
Gligar (Careful), Nagoya/60505. feb 13 07
Qwilfish (Rash), Nagoya/60114. jan 4 07
Lotad (Hasty), Nagoya/60321. feb 10 07
Sneasel (Jolly), Sapporo/60114. dec 26 06
Roselia (Timid), Sapporo/60321. dec 5 06
Torchic (Calm), Sapporo/51126. nov 4 06
Chikorita (Rash), Sapporo/51224. dec 16 06
Totodile (Gentle), Sapporo/51224. jan 19 07
Ekans (Lonely), Tokyo/60114. mar 19 07
Growlithe (Quiet), Tokyo/60114. dec 28 06
Shellder (Hardy), Tokyo/60114. mar 19 07
Kangaskhan (Mild), Tokyo/60114. nov 7 06
Scyther (Rash), Tokyo/60114. nov 22 06
Aipom (Lax), Tokyo/60505. mar 24 07
Treeko (Bashful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mudkip (Careful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mawile (Docile), Tokyo/60321. july 20 07
10 ANIV America (00010)
10 aniv Celebi
10 aniv Bulbasaur
10 aniv Pikachu
10 aniv Typhlosion
10 aniv Blastoise
10 aniv Tyranitar
10 aniv Latios
10 aniv Latias
10 aniv Zapdos
10 aniv Moltres
10 aniv Moltres
10 aniv Alakazam
10 aniv Suicune
10 aniv Raikou
10 aniv Dragonite
10 aniv Charizard
10 aniv Blaziken
10 aniv Absol
10 aniv Espeon
10 aniv Umbreon
10 ANIV Bryant Park (06808)
10Jahre Germany (06227)
10Jahre Lugia
10Jahre Raikou
10JAHRE Ho-oh
10JAHRE Charizard 'Glurak' (06227)
10ANNIV UK (06227)
10anniv Ho-oh
10anniv Latias Relaxed, Naive
10anniv latios T
10anniv Lugia
10anniv Articuno (Nicknamed Artikodin) French
10anniv Charizard (Nicknamed Dracaufeu) French
10ANNI Italy (06227)
10anni Articuno lv100
Jirachi (20122) Rare - won't go cheaply
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.27,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.28,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Mar.29,2008 NFT AT ALL
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Riolu (03208) serious, Apr.6,2008 NFT AT ALL
Manaphy egg
Japenese PC
Absol - Event Move Spite (53205)
Pichu Dec 29th 2006 (30821) (Teeter Dance)
Bellsprout Nov 26th 2006 (09998) (Teeter Dance)
Tokyo Chikorita/Lv.10/Naive/30.Sep.06 (51224)
Tokyo Chansey (60114)
Tokyo Electabuzz (60114)
Tokyo Torchic (51126)
Tokyo Stantler (60505)
Tokyo Skitty (60321)
Tokyo Chimecho (60321)
Tokyo Serviper (60321)
Birthday Charmander Lv.40
Delibird (60114)
Teddiursa (60505)
Pikachu (60114)
Treeco/Lv.10/Milds/10.Feb.07 (51126)
Chansey/Lv.10/Bashful/13.Jun.07 (60114)
Bulbasaur/Lv.10/Bold/14.Oct.06 (60227)
Houndour/Lv.10/Docile/4.Feb.07 (60505)
Pineco/Lv.10/Modest/24.Mar.07 (60505)
Mareep/Lv.10/Impish/29.Feb.07 (60505)
Sunkern/Lv.10/Brave/8.May.07 (60505)
Toiza Bulbasaur (60227)
Toiza Squirtle (60227)
Toiza Charmander (60227)
E-Card Mareep (08756)
E-Card Togepi (08756)
E-Card Scizor (08756)
Daisuke Club
Blissey Bold Mar 15th 2007 (31507)
Daisuki Magikarp (02226)
Daisuki Starly LV1 (08311)
Daisuki Bidoof LV1 (17336)
Wish Bagon (37254)
Wish Absol (24512)
Wish Exeggcute (10124)
Wish Drowzee (01238)
Wish Ralts (OT:V.Ruff)
Jeremy Staryu
Jeremy Vulpix
Jeremy Shellder
Jeremy Growlith
Jeremy Sandshrew
Jeremy Machoke w/Everstone
Jeremy Haunter w/Everstone
Jeremy Slowpoke (13579)
Jeremy Ekans (25680)
Jeremy Tauros (13579)
Jeremy Oddish (24680)
Jeremy Gengar (13579)
Yukari (ID:01000)
Yukari Mew Bold, Timid, Modest
Yukari Phione
Yukari Aerodactyl
Yukari Pikachu
Yukari Ponyta
Yukari Wynaut
Yukari Vulpix
Yukari Shroomish
Yukari Combee
Yukari Wailmer
Yukari Eevee
Yukari Shellos
Yukari Croagunk
Yukari Pachirisu
Yukari Staravia
Yukari Snover
Yukari Finneon
Yukari Buneary
Yukari Tangela
Yukari Milktank
Yukari Lickitung
Yukari Yanma
Taiwan Pokepark - Jirachi, Sassy, Naughty (60731)
Taiwan Pokepark - Jirachi Lv.30 (60830)
Taiwan Pokepark Celebi (ID:60623)
PokePark Mew Lv.30 (60510)
PokePark Meowth Lv.5 (50318)
Pokepark Psyduck Lv5 (28713)
Pokepark Plusle Lv.5 Quirky (30209)
Pokepark Minun Lv.5 Bashful (01851)
PokePark Wynaut (45235) Knows Tickle
Pokepark Surskit Impish (12323)
Pokepark Igglybuff (12323)
Pokepark Corphish (33509)
Pokepark Cacnea (12323)
Pokepark Whismur (40215)
Pokepark Corsola (09098)
Pokepark Spinda (31383)
Pokepark Spoink (10698)
PokePark Corsola (56404) (Mud Sport)
PokePark Taillow (36499) (Feather Dance)
Yokohama Pikachu (50319)
PCNYa Aggron (00377)
PCNYa Cacturne UT (00152)
PCNYb Wailord Lv100 (00377)
PCNYb Kingdra UT (00283)
PCNYb Shuppet UT (00211)
PCNYc Exploud (00493)
PCNYc Pikachu UT (00542)
PCNYd Flygon (00077)
PCNYd Milotic Lv35 (00207)
PCNYd Salamence Lv.50 (00018)
Stamp - Pichu - Lv.5 - (30821)
Stamp - Absol - Lv.5 - (30821)
Palcity (07157)
Palcity GTS Manaphy UT
Palcity GTS Mew UT
Palcity GTS Lucario UT
Saikyou Dragonite
Saikyou Milotic
Saikyou Salamance
Saikyou Magmortar
Saikyou Electivire
Pktopia (06257)
Pktopia Pikachu
Pktopia Electivire
Pktopia Magmortar
Duking Plusle
Duking Shuckle
Duking Meditite (37149)
Duking Larvitar (37149)
Zigzagoon/Level: 5/OT AURA (Hatched)/ID Hatched/Adamant Nature/Pokemon Box RS
Skitty/Level: 5/OT AURA Hatched)/ID Hatched/Naughty Nature/Pokemon Box RS
Pichu/Lv.5/UT/Naive (46365)
Japanese Movie Events
OT: Hadou – IDNo.: 50901
Hadou Mew lv10 Timid, Gentle, Sassy
Hadou Regirock Lv40
Hadou Regice Lv40
Hadou Registeel Lv40
Sunday Events
Wobbuffet (ID:50701)
Pikachu Lv.5 (50701)
Goruko Octillery Lv.50
Yamamoto Whiscash Lv.51
Syokoton Tropius Lv53
Magmortar 06 (11256)
Magmar 06 (11256)
Electabuzz 06 (11256)
Pokemon Colosseum Bonusdisc Events
Ageto Celebi Lv.10
Mitsurin Celebi Lv.10 (Docile + Bold)
Other Events (Can't Be Bothered To Organise)
3 GTS Psyducks
3 NOA Heracrosses
Tanbata Jirachi (07077)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.7 (40707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (50707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (60707)
Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 (07077) - Cherish
NWS Manaphy
TRU Manaphy
JBHF Manaphy
E4ALL Manaphy (10187)
Mizunotami Manaphy Lv.5 (12226)
10th Deoxys
Doel Deoxys
Pokectr Deoxys Lv.45 (59131)
Japanese Movie Darkrai – Docile, Quirky, Bold, Timid
Japanese Movie Darkrai May 14, Modest
Japanese Movie Darkrai November 24, Adamant
Concert Chatot (Japanese)
Rocks Metang (English and Japanese)
Mattle Ho-oh (10048)
Mt. Bata Ho-oh (10048)
MONTE L Ho-oh UT (10048)
DUELLBE Ho-oh UT (10048)
Batoruyama (Battle Mountain) Ho-oh (10048)
Space c deoxys
TCGWC Pikachu (08107)
ANA Pikachu (41205)
GW Pikachu (50425)
Colosseum Pikachu Lv10 (31121) - Japanese
Ranger Manaphy
Mining Museum Jirachi lv20 (11072)
Channel Jirachi lv100
Wshmakr Jirachi lv100
Wishmakr Jirachi lv5 - Quirky, Lonely
NYC Mew (01234)
Aura Mew lv100
Aura Mew lv10 Gentle
Mystry Mew
Shiny Events
Shiny pokebox skitty
Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon W/Liechi Berry OT:RUBY Male - Adamant & Female - Quiet
shiny Sapphire Zigzagoon W/Liechi Berry OT:SAPHIRE Lax, Rash
Shiny Japanese Sapphire Game Stop - Zigzagoon, Modest
Shiny Rocks Metang
Shiny Space C - Deoxys, Modest (UT)
Fan Made Events (For My Reference Only)
Sport Hitmonchan (Japanese) (06119) NFT
Sport Hitmonlee (Japanese) (06119) NFT
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp lv4 (12226)
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp - Lv5 (01256)
Daisuke (fan club) Magikarp lv7 (03126)
Blue Riolu
Potere Treeko shiny
AnnivSH Bulbasaur (Nickname - Bulbizarre)
AnnivSH Mudkip (Nickname - Gobou)
AnnivSH Cyndaquil (Nickname - Hericendre)
AnnivSH Poochyena(Nickname - Medhyena)
AnnivSH Squirtle (Nickname - Carapuce)
AnnivSH Charmander (Nickname - Salameche)
GameFAQ Meowth W/Amulet Coin (02786)
Spring Butterfree
St.Patricks Tangela
Patrick Celebi (05317) OT:PATRICK
E-shop Celebi (00900) LV51
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