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Do you replant the berries?


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  • 11,038
    You find some berries growing next to the road. What do you do with them? I always put them all in my bag, but when I talked about this a while back (I forgot with who), they mentioned they always replant them on the same spot. Now I wonder, which side are you on?
    I do replant my berries, but not exactly in the same spot I first picked them up in. I did do a load of berry farming in those games where I was able to do so, particularly on my now-defunct Alpha Sapphire save where I farmed them a lot so I could raise contest conditions.
    Generally I don't even use them. The few times I've intended to replant berries I've always forgotten. I hate having to remember where every single berry patch is, though, and then having to go out of my way to get to it. Not playing this to farm... lol
    Not unless it's a spot I'm sure I'll have a high chance of returning to. If so, then sure, I'll plant the berries just to have more the next time I come around. If not, then forget it, I don't tend to replant.

    I mean, I already have a problem with forgetting to check my berries. Not going to compound that by planting them in a spot I know I won't remember, haha.
    I tend to end up with stacks of berries that I don't intend on using. If I pass by some that have grown then sure I'll pick them up and replant them, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to do.
    On Y, I planted Lum and Sitrus berries because these berries would do best in battle and they may be found during battles on certain path that needs move and I don't have access to these moves that drops berries on battle background.
    I replant my berries but not on the exact the same soil, as I don't see the points on doing so. Unless it gives more fruits.
    I just pick all the berries whether even they are of no use at that time.I don't replant berries again but sometimes when i feel it is the right time i plant them but few :3 but i wonder what is the use of planting them again? :(
    I like collecting berries, but I don't always immediately replant them as soon as I get them. Sometimes i'll get different types of berries before I plant any of them to make a big berry farm.
    I thought collecting berries was a nice feature, but not one I found particularly useful. I didn't often replant the berries, especially along the random routes, because I most likely wouldn't be returning to harvest them again. I also didn't use them in battle that often.

    In X version, I did plant a few Lum and Sitrus berries because they were pretty good in competitive battling. Then I completely forgot they were there. xD
    I used to not replant them until I restarted Alpha Sapphire recently. I try to plant one or 2 of the berries I have the least of so several more will grow and I can get more if I need them
    Eh... I can probably count on one hand how many times I've replanted berries across all the games, haha. Unless there was a berry patch right next to my Secret Base in Sapphire/Emerald, I wouldn't even bother with them, because a majority of the berries that I picked went unused anyway.
    I usually pick the berries, and replant them in a certain place! I grow them a lot! I think they are very useful for battle, to clean status problems without wasting money on the pokémarts and they are good to raise contest conditions!
    I usually pick them, and replant in convenient spots that I usually go to. Sometimes I forgot I had berries planted. I used to be a crazy berry farmer in XY tho, had to get me them lum berries and such lol.
    For X, I replanted them just to get all the different mutations. {XD}
    For ORAS, I replanted based on colour at the large berry farm to ensure my Pokemon are all max-leveled for contests.
    For some reason I don't tend to do it. Only because with most games I play, which are challenges, I don't like wasting time returning to a spot where I would plant them. Plus, I believe most of the time I would forget where I planted them. Although, it is something I should probably start doing. It would be nice to have a bunch of Sitrus/Lum berries that I can give to my Pokemon and have a slight boost when battling.
    I used to be a Berry master in the original Hoenn games, I'd replant, check, and pick them in my bag. I'd collect all different kinds of berries, excited to get new berries, make sure they were growing, etc. Nowadays, I'm a little more blah, I don't really care. I don't replant them because I know I'll never come back to that route and if I do there's a good chance I won't even remember to check the berry spot because I won't remember there is one.