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Drug use- ur opinion?

I think it is quite aceptable.

Depends your definition of "drugs".. ¬_¬

Prescribed used responsibly= fine..
Legal with no ill effect if used responsibly (e.g P Caffeine/ alcohol) = fine..

Illegal / drug abuse = Absolutely stupid.. Congratulations n00b, you might just be able to kill yourself.
It depends really,
If its something like alcohol, caffiene etc. It can be dealt with. It's not illegal and it has no serious effect, as said above. Drugs as in the illegal type can cause you much harm, not acceptable and it can take away your life! xD
It really doesn't matter either way to me. I'm not doing it, and I don't want to, but I also don't agree with telling someone they can't do it. Especially when the main argument is 'it hurts yourself and others'. Well, so does alcohol, but that's legal. Alcohol can cause liver disease, and if you drink too much of it, you can kill yourself. Not only that, but if you're incapable of driving properly, you can kill someone else. Are some drugs more dangerous than alcohol? Yes.

One of my best friends smokes pot. Do I condone it? No. Am I going to ditch him as a friend because of it? No. Do I think he's stupid for succumbing to that? Yes.

That said, I don't advocate drug use by any means. I own Requiem for a Dream and, while it's a movie, it still gives you an idea of what drug addictions do to people. Many people know the risks, and yet still choose to do drugs. It's a stupid choice, but they're making it for themselves.

xD; I'm just babbling now.

Long story short:
Do I approve of drugs? Not at all.
Do I think people should be allowed to do them if they choose? Yes.
One could answer this question many ways I'll just answer it as I see fit. Alcohol is a legal drug, that can be easily abused and yet is at the same time perfectly acceptable. And yet this drug contributes greatly to violent crime, crime in general, family welfare and many other issues. It causes deaths, injuries and sorrow. But yet we accept it.

Cannabis on the other hand is illegal in most countries. Yet what medical evidence there is suggests that it does less harm to people's health than smoking or alcohol does. It is not typically known as a drug that causes people to be violent. I'm not saying it does not cause violent but I have never witnessed violence by someone smoking cannabis. I have however, seen those same people get very violent when drunk. It clearly contributes to crime in that the selling, growing, manufacturing of it is all illegal. And smoking it or rather consuming it is typically illegal although it can sometimes be decriminalised if someone is merely smoking a joint or something. Does it contribute to crime such as sexual assaults, theft etc. Probably but its not as easily quantified as that of alcohol use.

Party Pills (Pills containing BZP). These were a common occurence just weeks before now in New Zealand prior to legislation being passed in parliament meaning such pills are illegal. The main concern with these pills were that the BZP in the party pills was dangerous and could cause death and injuries. It was and has been illegal in other western countries for many years but was legal here until recently. There were cases of people being hospitalised and one man having ongoing problems. However, whether these people simply ignored the recommended dosages or not is unknown. These pills were primarily introduced here for people who had addictions to either speed or ecstasy and or provide a safe alternative to such drugs. However, it became far more popular than what was originally thought and it first got restricted to 18 years old and plus. But increasingly there were concerns and laws were passed in parliament.

This however, brings a new problem. As now people consuming pills containing BZP are illegally taking them. Also this saw new drugs introduced that are far more unknown. That could be potentially far more dangerous than the previous party pills and which currently do not have restrictions such as selling to 18+ only.

I don't know anything about whether people taking such pills were likely to become violent or contribute to crime. I do know however, that overdoing them meant not being able to sleep and simply not coping. I know this because my mother and her partner observed my brother and a friend taking it.

The last drug I will talk is commonly referred to here as Pi but may well be called Crystal Meth elsewhere. This drug has been constantly in the news for the last five years. It is a drug that clearly causes crime and in particular violent crime. Multiple murders, child abuse, rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse and the like. Its rather expensive and very addictive. Thus people are stealing cars, robbing, stealing money from businesses, perhaps prostituting and the like just to get their next fix. It is a problem because gangs deal in it, it destroys lives and its something that constantly seems to be a problem. It is the one drug that I seriously do not like and will never like.


Alcohol can be dangerous, but only if it is abused. Party pills can be dangerous but if taken right should not necessarily cause problems. While, cannabis while illegal is common and is considered largely acceptable by many number of people in the community. I have my problems with party pills, I think they can offer a safer alternative to ecstasy and speed. On the other hand, one can see that its basically condoned and thus seen as acceptable. Alcohol I drink personally, but I don't think its alcohol itself that is the problem but people abusing alcohol that is the problem.

Onto Cannabis. I think it should remain illegal, I have smoked it many times. I think it has to stay illegal not necessarily because its dangerous for your health or such issues. But because you can't be seen as accepting it. However, personal use should be decriminalised (I believe it could be but I am unsure) and the police should much rather concern themselves with the dealers and those growing the drug. As these people can often have other criminal activities going on. As for Pi well its horrible, it is illegal but it looks set to stay.

I did not mention speed and ecstasy simply because I wanted to focus on party pills and pi rather than those. Heroin has never really been a problem here since the late 1980s when a supply line was stopped. And to be honest, there doesn't seem to be that much use of cocaine here either.

Dugs can be bad, some worse than others. But most of the time, its not the drugs themselves but the people that choose to abuse them.
Thats exactly my fipoke, some illegal drugs are less dangerous then, say, alcohol, yet alcohol is not only legal, but a staple in society. Someone who refused to drink alcohol would be OSTRACISED for crying out loud.
Well, it depends how you are using it. For example, studies are showing if you drink wine, it helps your heart. But if you overabuse it and cause problems such as drunk driving, then you are in a major problem.
Alcohol is, as far as drugs go, one of the less harmless ones. Drank in moderation (As Hazuki said), a single unit of wine a day is beneficial for your heart. Red wine specifically helps your liver, my family has a hereditary liver disfunction and my father and his father were both "prescribed" a glass of red wine a night. I am set to be tested for this in a few months. Likewise alcohol in large quantities will damage your body, because you are essential overdosing on alcohol. It's all about balance.
Illegal drugs, however, are illegal for a reason. Most of them have an addictive agent, so your body is going to have a higher concentration of it for most of the time. This means you are more exposed to its effects (Whether they are good or bad).
The biggest and richest drug dealers in the world are the governments themselves. Cigarettes and Alcohol are exponentially more dangerous than drugs like Pot, which is practically harmless. Drugs like Heroin or Meth however, are simply unacceptable for anyone to use. So no, I don't condone drug use, I've seen people close to me have to pick up their lives and put them back together because of Alcohol, and I've had people even closer to me die because of Cigarettes.
Drugs are always fun to just try.
Picking up the habit of becoming addicted is bad.

It honestly depends on the person. We are all different and you can't judge someone for doing something you don't condone.
I also know many people that smoke weed and are very smart, others, are idiots. But like I said, everyone's reactions and ways of handling drugs are different.
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Honestly...they should just ban smoking. Alcohol should be legal still, just that people need more common sense, e.g. not drunk driving.

I am slightly bias as I am a smoker and have been for years. I don't like smoking but I do. Indeed smoking is dangerous. But I really don't think people have a clue how dangerous banning tobacco would be.

If you think Cocaine, Heroine, Crystal Meth/Pi are huge illegal industries. Well smoking would be even bigger. You ban smoking and yes many would quit. But I am telling you now, that you would create a huge black market in countries where tobacco is bad. This would not only result in more organised crime, but many such as those on benefits (welfare and the like), or low incomes would be hurt by how expensive tobacco would become. These people are generally over featured in statistics of who smoke tobacco.

A ban on tobacco would by nature, automatically turn many people instantly into criminals. Thats not something one should wish to see. Organised crime would be vicious because they will have huge client bases because tobacco is that addictive.

I think the last poll in New Zealand taken over this issue found that around 50% wished to see a ban in smoking. So clearly one day we will go that way. As I assume many other countries will go that way. And clearly countries are restricting where people can smoke and constantly add taxes onto tobacco and are placing bigger warning labels and the likes.

But I do think governments will always think twice before ever banning the use of tobacco. And for those that would like to ban tobacco. That is clearly your choice. However, you might like to think about the consequences when tobacco is outlawed.
I say we should legalize all drugs(and end the idiotic prescription-only requirements for non-antibiotic medicine(anti-biotics are a special case because of drug-resistant bacteria)) but retain the additional charges of doing crime while on drugs(use it to keep them in prison longer so they can't harm society). However, I'd go about legalization gradually and on a local level first to avoid mass social catastrophe.
A lot of drugs are originally created for medical use, then — like anything and everything devised by human minds — abused. Drugs themselves, I'd say, are fine. It's the people that abuse them that aren't.

Alcohol is a bit different (to me at least) in that it's been around for so long amongst human cultures across the world, taking it away would be like... something comparably dramatic.
Considering that people under the influence of drugs are endangering themselves and can endanger bystanders, I'd say it's perfectly fair to restrict drug usage. None of it is safe, and so it shouldn't be used.

It's like with cigarettes - I don't want to have cancer pushed down my throat just cause some other people feel it's okay to smoke wherever, even if it's prohibited.
Hippie bullshark aside, the government ha the responsiblity to the welfare of all it's citizens. That is the reason many drugs are illegal, and suicide itself is illegal. Just because we have the freedoms, doesn't mean we get to do what we want when we want. This goes to everyone saying "don't dictate my lifestyle". Messing up your body through needless drugs is something that must be hindered or stopped, like a cutting emo.