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First Thread


  • 4,628
    • Seen Sep 8, 2010
    As the title says, what was the first thread that you ever made in PC? (Other than your welcome thread that is)

    For me, this is my very first one o.o
    Um... I've no idea. My poor brain won't let me think that far back. x_X

    It was probably a poll or something. o_o Or maybe a thread in OE or OA.
    I just checked and it was 'What skin are you using?', which got locked anyway. XP
    o.o; so long ago..at the old PC, it was either one about a walkthru, or a thread for my artwork ^^;
    It was a poll asking what was your User ID. This one Don't reply to it because it hasn't been replied to since Feb 11, 2005. (And it's the ONLY thread I have made as of now, aside of my introduction thread. -_- )
    Mwar, beside the intro thread? Mwar, I'm not sure. I did a search but it orders them by the last posting date O_O;;
    It seems like forever. But the first thread I ever made was The Legend of the Sapphire Mew in the RPG section. At least I think it was.
    The earliest thread that I created that I can locate was a poll I made in October of 2003 asking people as to what their favorite comic strip was. Though, I'm sure I made threads in the previous version of the board that I can no longer access.
    Personality Test was my 1st. That's something isn't it? After all my time here, I've only made one thread outside of my intro. (never been one to make threads, I rather reply to one) That thread was also just recently created a few days ago.

    Surprisingly, I have yet to make a thread. I have ZERO threads and believe it or not, I have never EVER made a thread in my ENTIRE LIFE! I have just the topics for some good ones but I'm:
    1. Afraid they'll get locked
    2. Always too busy
    3. My good pics must get scanned
    4. My fanfictions were only read by me Nuff said
    So the threads I may make in the future are
    My art thread, a poll of some sort, a RateMyTeam thread (Larvitar and Dratini) and one of those "who is cuter/hotter" thread. It's always May and Misty, why not make it Suzie and Nurse Joy?
    Wish me luck!
    The first one I've got on record is...surprise surprise, an art thread! ;) It was for a picture of a dragon holding a glowing orb. :) I used to post separate threads for my pictures before I did my joint thread.

    My banners thread... Meh.
    I do believe it was my sprite thread... I used to make sprites, forever ago.XD
    I was pretty nervous at the time too.