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Contest: Hack-off II: Team Four

I am

  • Total voters
  • 10,078
    • UK
    • Seen Oct 17, 2023

    Priority: Deciding on a main story and/or theme.

    Our main writers are IceFire123, slashtiki and demingiscool. I propose each of you come forward with a small idea summary and we then all work together to then combine them, pick the best bits and move forward. If anyone wants to drop a comment below with an small idea or thought I'm sure one of our writers could incorporate it!

    Anyone interested in having a skype chat as well or will this suffice? :)

    To be completed by July 31st:
    General Information
    Hack name:
    Hack of: FireRed

    Towns/cities to be included in the release: (around 3-4, e.g. port town, big city, tropical village...)
    Landmarks to be included in the release: Some kind of Tournament grounds/stadium?...

    Description of starting events + starter pokémon:
    Other events to be included in the release: (getting the pokédex, encountering the evil team...)

    Team Members
    pokemon r
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    Ello! Members of Team Four!

    I can totally get down on a skype chat! It'll be easier to be connected to the others writers here, so we really make an awesome storyline. But I'm starting to get some ideas for it right now. :)
    Ello! Members of Team Four!

    I can totally get down on a skype chat! It'll be easier to be connected to the others writers here, so we really make an awesome storyline. But I'm starting to get some ideas for it right now. :)

    If you want to add my on skype its [S-HIGHLIGHT][/S-HIGHLIGHT] - if enough people get on there we can host the majority of discussion there.

    We'll use the thread to make formal decisions and updates, etc.
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    Awesome, I added you. Now, if anyone wants to add me... it's [S-HIGHLIGHT]slashtiki[/S-HIGHLIGHT].

    I've been racking my brains for an idea, but I did end up deciding on a theme. I think this hack's theme should encompass A Divided World.

    Something akin to Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, where there's the feud between land and water.

    However, there's a large domestic dispute about two other things that are opposites of each other.

    For example, I chose Fire and Ice. Some of the region's towns and cities caters to the Fire side of the dispute, while others cater to the Ice side of the dispute. This would show up in the environment as well, with Fire territory being scorched, while Ice is frozen. Sorta like the Capulets and the Montagues. But that's just an example.

    IceFire (wow, I just noticed your username is that. XD) and demingscool, what do you think? Does a divided world theme sound good?

    Maybe there's other things opposite of each other that you would rather see? I'm just shooting ideas.
    Gonna through some more opposites out then:

    Underground/Overground (Could be something like an underworld/cave society against the surface world).
    Urban/Rural (Tech/Nature)
    Gonna through some more opposites out then:
    Urban/Rural (Tech/Nature)

    I think we can REALLY go far with this idea alone. That idea itself brings more themes to the table. Traditional vs. Modern. Old vs. New. Steel and Electric vs. Grass and Bug. Artificial vs. Real. I'm liking this idea a lot.
    deibird.is.a.win is my skype. I'll be on as often as I can, let's brainstorm!

    I like the ideas we have going, I think the underground/overground thing would be cool, and I also like the tech/nature one.

    I've had an idea for a game that I've been thinking about lately, what if you start out as a well known/high calibur trainer and the main focus is the battle park/pokemon league, like you start there and enter a tournament with some other trainers who made it to the event.

    The evil team could have a member in the league that isnt revealed to be anything but a normal trainer until whatever their evil scheme is unfolds. Our hero/heroine could start with a badass team, just to lose it to the evil not-so-fellows, losing your team could cause you to be disqualified or maybe they super sabotaged the battle event, like they stole everyone's registered pokemon, and then the game really starts and you get new pokemon and then you have to rescue everyone's stolen pokemon, and get the tournament to start again so you can claim the gold trophy... or something like that
    I'm down to work on anything though, hope this helps along with the brainstorming process.
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    Hey team. I am a tester and a mapper. I will map if needed. I suck at mapping. I got an idea but I think it is impossible. Is it possible to hack a mystery dungeon game?
    No it's not ><.

    Well it is, but none of us know how to I would hasten to bet haha.
    I don't have Skype but I've been reading the ideas, and they are really good.
    I am basically here to make the hack look good and have nice features, you guys do the brainstorming, I really don't have time to think about ideas and stuff...
    Hi guys! What exactly are your skills? :) what's covered by 'make it look good' anony? Haha.

    Either of you have Skype?
    I can do mapping 9/10 scripting 8/10 and other all without ASM I can do but here I only do mapping because I am also busy with my hack
    Hey guys! I noticed that some of you don't have Skype. At least, a good chunk of you don't. I already set up an irc chat, so if we all agree on it, then we can start communing on the irc. You don't need an account, just a name. So, should we use the irc chat at all?
    Um. I can't have Skype at all. My parents won't allow it.
    Ello! Before we can start really thinking about what to do with the project, we need to make a list of features that we believe should be in the game. If you haven't seen a list of features before, then it's in your best interest to read a hack thread to get an idea. It's in the best interest that everyone pitches in and adds their idea. There are no bad ideas. The worst you can do is say nothing at all.

    Once those are complied, then we can evaluate what ROM Base would suit best. If you also want to contact the rest of the Team, you can VM or PM, or add us on Skype. Thanks!
    Being able to trade Pokemon with other people. (Real people)
    Mega evolve. (If we got the time)
    Being able to trade Pokemon with other people. (Real people)
    Mega evolve. (If we got the time)

    From what I know, all hackss are technically tradeable as long as their pokemon data matches up.

    Mega evolution would be nice but I'm not sure the work is completed or public yet. EDIT// Well it is, anyone confident in putting it all together?
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