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How active are you, really?

  • 1,501
    As a supporter, how active are you?

    Do you use the blogs? Do you use the pokecommunity email? How often do you post and make new threads?

    I dont use the blogs as often as some supporters not saying any namesnica :P.. No, I'm not really that active. I'm just a free floater floating on 25USD with a computer.
    I don't use blogs really,but have been thinking about it. As for using Poke Community email I have no clue how to use it *somebody help*and making new threads not so often.
    well I use my blogs in spurts so to say, I've been using mine recently for a Johto story. I really don't use my PC email, I'm doing pretty well with my 4 other emails so PC mail has been an unused perk for me. I create threads whenever I find news worth posting. and I visit and usually reply to a few threads each day.

    I would say I'm fairly active, not quite as active as others, but enough to be viewed as an active member.
    I use the blogs occasionally but I have no idea how to use the email.. but I don't need it anyway..
    I only use my blog to post rants that would make for terrible threads, but I'm fairly active in almost all other aspects of forum life. :P
    I almost never use my blog, I never even set up my PC email account, and very rarely make threads. I do, however, try to post in at least a few threads each day. I'm actually on PC a good chunk of hours in my day, but it's mostly just mindless lurking. Gotta get outta that habit. >.<

    So yeah, I'd consider myself decently active, but nowhere near where I used to be. XD
    I'm not really that active. I rarely post anymore, and I don't use my blog. I still lurk PC about every day, but that's it.
    I blog whenever I want to.
    Usually I just post in OT, OC, and CQ&F. I go through "phases" of activity where I become interested in pokémon again, and I post alot in the game threads.

    I also stalk lots.
    I get online every day, unless I get back from a football game really, really late and can't be bothered to boot up the computer at 12 AM. Also, I don't get one when I'm grounded...okay, maybe I do.
    I really enjoy the blog atmosphere on this site. It's actually, honestly, probably the part that keeps me here the most. I love reading the thoughts of people who want their words to be read, especially in that format. I blog a fair bit too but I don't get many readers. ANd that's fine. Blogging is just another way for me to think out loud without being looked at oddly.

    I'd say that I am most assuredly not one of the more active members on the site (a 45 hr work week and full time college as well) but I'd definitely like to be.

    I really enjoy the atmosphere here.
    Ugh, I rarely use the blogs anymore, but I sure did take advantage of my new picture sizes and PM Storage (I think there was more storage for album?)

    If I had a PC E-Mail I'd definitely be virtually raping it XD. But I gotta wait till my dad forgets he donated those 15$ and I get him to donate 10$ hopefully next year.
    I'm going to be lazy here...

    ...how do we access our PC email accounts?
    Man I use my blog all the time! I love it. I usually will use it if I have something to rant on, need advice on something, or to know if someone feels the same way that I do about this situation I write about. I don't make threads because I feel that maybe it will be answered well in a blog than in a thread. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Sometimes I will make a thread, but it is rare now. And of course I still post here and there. I am pretty active, not as much as I was back in the day...but I am.

    And I don't use the PC e-mail account thing because I have a main e-mail account that I use. I go use Outlook Express to check my e-mail. And already I have a e-mail address for that program.

    I think you need to get with Steve on that one. I think...you have to PM him. I don't know really. XD
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    Out of everything I use my Blog the most, but everything else I don't use that much at all.
    I don't use my blog often, it's just mindless ranting. As for PC email, ew why, I have enough email accounts as it is. x.x
    I don't need a PC e-mail and I hardly blog. When I do blog it's about nothing and no one ever looks at them. :[
    If I had the know-how to use the email service, I would. Otherwise, I think I'm pretty active. :3
    I'm pretty active. I'm usually on PC almost everyday.