If you want to use status moves (efficiently), then you have to ask yourself, why you actually need them. Fact is, when playing the games normally, you don't need status moves, because your Pokemon will be able to just plow through all the opponents, anyway. In order to make status moves more important, you'd need to change your own playstyle and have to understand, what your Pokemon are actually capable of. The more selfsufficient a Pokemon is, the easier it is, for it to overwhelm the opponent. Substantially weaker Pokemon, on the other hand, are going to have a harder time, solving a given battling problem.
My plan, when building an ingame team, usually consists of taking some random Pokemon nobody normally uses (like Jumpluff) and put in a couple stronger Pokemon, as well. I also like to restrict the amount of grinding in a game. The more you grind, the stronger your Pokemon become, so if you restrict that part, or get rid of it, completely, especially when using all team members as even as possible, you're sooner or later find yourself in a situation, where simply spamming attacks won't suffice.
That is pretty much the point, where you have to stop thinking of battles as filler gameplay and look at them as problems, that you need to solve, in order to progress in the game. It's also one of the few situations, where X items start to become more useful, although it's for everyone to decide, if and when they are going to use them, or not.
I can assure you, that those kinds of battles, can be fun, but at the same time, you have to understand, that medicating your underpowered Pokemon, severely slows the gameflow down, because you have to take all the battles more serious, especially when playing games from the newer generations.