Hi, I would like to throw my hat into the ring? I
was going to say this in the thread of the actual hack, but decided against it, I feel it would be a faux paus.
But first, I would like to talk about a game very close to my heart.
Trails in the Sky SC. A lot of this also applies to the first game, FC, as well but I'm mainly talking about SC because that's the one that took my heart. This game duology is a masterclass in RPGs, and a must play for anyone into JRPGs. The gameplay is wonderful, I love the orbment (this game's equivalent to magic) system, It's so fun trying out different set ups not just because of the spells the quartz can give you but also the different buffs they provide, making them worth experimenting with even on Physical focused characters. It also does the turn system I really like, the one you see in Final Fantasy X or Legends Arceus.
But where this game really shines is it's writing, it has some of the best in video game history. The story in both games have twists and turns that'll keep you playing for hours, and SC had me crying tears of joy, and it's very rare for a game to make me cry, let alone from happiness at that. Estelle is one of the best protagonists in any piece of media, and it's not from some sort of dark and mysterious back story. It's because of her personality and her interactions with the other characters. One example is her first meeting Joshua at the beginning of FC, he's lying in a bed injured, being edgy all like "Grrr... You shouldn't have saved me, you're only bringing misfortune upon you." How does Estelle respond to this? She goes "NO. None of that," and starts
jumping on top of him until he promises to stop saying stuff like that. I highly recommend you all play these games, they go on sale quite often.
Speed up did not detract from that at all. In fact, it only enhanced the experience. Trails is a
long game (In fact, these two games were supposed to be just one initially before the devs split it), and a very slow one. Battle Animations are extremely slow, and traversing the world takes far too long at times (especially during this one section in SC where you have to visit all the towns, and you have very limited access to magic during this). And it's also a hard game, some of the fights took over 30 attempts from me. In fact, I don't think I could've finished the games were it not for the speed up function.
And this was not me using a cheat tool to speed up the gameplay, the Worldwide PC releases of these games added the function in. While you could argue that, yes, the localizers did add this in, the original developers, Falcom, have started adding in a speed up function themselves in recent entries. And they aren't the only ones, Square Enix have been adding these in as well, like in Dragon Quest XI S, or the rerelease of FFXII. And Super Robot Wars, a series that prides itself on it's superb animation (seriously, search up the ones for Cowboy Bebop, it's amazing), has both a button that let's you speed up the attack animations, but also skip them. But to be fair in this instance, some of the attacks can take over 2 minutes, so it's arguably a different case there. Even here, some fan games made with XP are adding in a speed up function. My point is, more and more developers are viewing speed up as a quality of life tool, not something that harms the game.
And this isn't me saying lack of speed up is keeping me from playing this, I'm probably gonna play it anyways, it looks like the exact sort of thing I'm into from what I've seen. But that's exactly the problem if lack of speed up were to keep me from playing, and my issue with the sentiment of "play another game" that seems to be a common response in this matter. There's not many fan games that push the same buttons as this one. I don't to play a different fan game, I want to play Scale x Fang.
And it's not like I don't get it, I imagine it'd suck to have people skip through a story you spent so much time writing. And from a coding perspective, I'm genuinely very impressed with it! But lack of a speed up wouldn't stop people from button mashing through the story, and it would make having to rechallenge story fights with cutscenes proceeding them quite a chore to get through. See the original release of Kingdom Hearts for more info. And I feel like there could be a good compromise to be had here, personally I'd have the speed up disabled during story moments, and not have the entire cutscene proceeding a story battle play out if you white out. I believe I also saw someone mention only allowing it during battles?
Now, why would you sprint to the Louvre and miss all the sights and sounds of Paris?
Because France sucks, I just wanna see the Jojo exhibit there. Also there's not a bunch of people attempting to use their pet dogs to mug me there
I hope, and if there is... Well that'd be why I'm sprinting lol.