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How easy is it for you to memorize things?


  • 1,498
    Are you one of those people who can't seem to remember anything, or can you remember everything to a T?
    This could be anything, from details, to tasks, all the way to names and faces.
    I've studied maybe once or twice in my life... so yeah, I'm pretty good at memorizing things.
    I can memorize when I put my mind to it without much difficulty. But I don't put my mind to it often so I forget stuff a lot because I don't feel the need to memorize it.
    If it's something I like, then I cann memorize it easily. If it's something else other than that, I tend to reread about it again (and again, if needed) to make sure it's stuck in my head.
    I remeber what happens in games but i can remeber somethings in real life. o-o
    I have a selective memory in which that things that I deem of significance to me I can recall quite easily but otherwise, it's a lot tougher to remember. All things considered I believe my memory is pretty good.
    It really depends for me! My memory is pretty strange. Sometimes I can remember a whole schedule for a day. Sometimes I completely forget where my sister went off to, even though she told me clearly earlier.
    Quite selective, though if it's something I'm not interested in, my memory has gotten worse over the years. In my later years of college it got to the point where I couldn't memorize stuff for tests no matter how much I studied, even though I was pretty good at it in high school.

    I have a hard time memorizing names. And Gen V Pokemon.
    It really depends what I am trying to memorize... Sometimes I have an incredible, nearly-photographic memory... Other times, the exact opposite.

    Selective memory is so unpredictable.
    When it comes to people's faces, I will always remember how that person's face will look like (especially if they did something to me that I didn't like). If it is something that I truly enjoy and love, like Pokemon and Criminal Justice which is my major in college, I will always remember it all the time. However, if it is something that I do not like, then I will most likely forget it because I know that I will not need it in the future such as Anthropology or Speech Communications.

    I've got the memory of a goldfish. o3o;; I can't remember names, faces etc but for some weird reason I'm reeeeally good at remembering numbers and formulas etc haha :'D
    I have quite a decent memory. I can remember vocabulary or difficult words in a matter of minutes. My parents say that remembering about my childhood is an amazing feat for me, since none of them could ever remember.
    I can easily remember a picture or an image but when it comes to remembering text and numbers I have no chance at remembering them. This is suppose to be a common thing with people with dyslexia so gotten help on how to overcome it. With text I'll usually doodle while making notes and then by remembering the little drawing I did I'll usually remember what I've wrote on the page. As for the numbers thing I tend to remember them in a physical sequence. For example with my college username, which is Jam10098627, I can only remember it by pretending to press it on a number pad with my right hand.
    I also have a really bad habit of putting things down and forgetting about them. Just the other night I was looking for my iPod, got a packet of crisp while looking for it, put the packet of crisps down to carry on looking for my iPod and lost my crisps as well -.-
    I've got a memory like a sponge: full of holes.

    There are just some things that I can't remember for the life of me, especially actors. In my mind Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet are the same person because I can never remember anything about them or what they've been in. They're just "that British actress in that movie I didn't see" or similar.
    My memory is wonky; I can remember things sometimes and others I can't. You can give me a list of things to remember, and on one day I could remember it flawlessly, the next I might fail horribly. >__> If I really apply myself, I can usually do well, but I just don't realize when a particular thing might be important, so i don't try to remember it, and then I forget it and need to remember it later, only to realize I am screwed. .__.
    Depends. I'd call it relatively good when it works, but it doesn't work without holes. Usually there are things that are absolutely trivial and I can remember then, and there also is crucial information that I forget like instantly. Of course it can go the other way as well, but then I usually won't notice. The bad part is: If I don't memorize something instantly, I will never memorize it. I don't know, it just doesn't work for me. I rarely try as I'm lazy, but when I try, it usually doesn't.
    So: selective memory with bottomless holes in it.
    Considering I remembered Klippy's Pokemon teams and statuses better than he did, I'd call it good lol. I remember little things really easily, and I'm usually pretty good with names and putting them with their respective faces. But the fact I remember weird little things, like with Klippy's teams, creeps me out and makes me feel like a weirdo. I don't try to remember these things, it just happens! lol However, if you give me a load of directions or instructions, I'm likely not able to take in that much information and I'll forget in a matter of moments. If have to think back to how you said it to remember. So if you wanna give me instructions, try using a different inflection and I'll probably get it down quicker. XD And I'm also bad at remembering numbers, unless it's like a physical thing. Like my modem access code. I can remember the tying sequence, but it'd take me a minute to recall the numbers exactly. However I'm good with dates.
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    My memory is actually very good, but it's very selective. Sometimes there's just something which I can't remember /at all/, and it's usually in things I've said or done, not with information. Like I try to think back if I've already told someone something, and that whole memory is just a vague blurriness.

    I do have this thingl, uhh photographic memory?, that when I see something I just put it away in my head somewhere, and I don't think about it at all anymore, only when it's needed it just comes up and I can remember it perfectly.
    My memory can be very poor, but seems to remember the most important things. If I keep going over a certain thing, it actually sticks. It's like I only know Pi to 9 decimal places.