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If Pokémon were to ever relaunch and do a hard reboot, what Pokémon would you wanna see (old or new) for the first region?

  • 20
    • He / Him
    • Seen Aug 31, 2024
    Just curious to know kinda interested to see what you all come up with. Doesn't have to be an absurd amount, and if this is already a topic delete plz.
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    Cut out the bigger favorites with a lot of spotlight in favor of lesser-known ones, like Deva suggested - for me, things like Chinchou, the elemental monkeys, Croagunk, Slugma, Tympole and the like come to mind. There are also some with decently-liked designs that didn't get too much use, like Lilligant, Manectric, Pyroar and others. A mix of unpopular and semi-liked/not often used would be good! I'd love to see those used more and get a new appreciation for them ~
    Cut out the bigger favorites with a lot of spotlight in favor of lesser-known ones, like Deva suggested - for me, things like Chinchou, the elemental monkeys, Croagunk, Slugma, Tympole and the like come to mind. There are also some with decently-liked designs that didn't get too much use, like Lilligant, Manectric, Pyroar and others. A mix of unpopular and semi-liked/not often used would be good! I'd love to see those used more and get a new appreciation for them ~
    Ooooo, i like this idea. Especially with liligant (who if they used for the reboot should get a middle evolution)
    How about just an entire new Pokédex altogether like how gen 5 was? No old mons.
    How about just an entire new Pokédex altogether like how gen 5 was? No old mons.
    Fair, i just think just think some old mons should stay.

    Edit: and get redesigned as this wouldn't be like a new generation it would be starting from the ground up.
    If there's a reboot, I think it should be a game with around 300 Pokémon. And make sure there's enough type variety, as well as good diversity of physical/special and offensive/defensive options for each type if possible. Don't repeat the Gen 1 mistakes like having multiple Normal/Flying overlaps, or multiple Grass/Poison lines, while leaving other types underrepresented like Ghost and Dragon being just one line (and Gen 2 hardly improving on that either)

    Include Pokémon with "unique" typings like Turtonator (yeah, I know it's not technically unique because there's Reshiram, Coughing Fire, and Mega Charizard X, but it's a unique typing among mundane Pokémon)
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    If there's a reboot, I think it should be a game with around 300 Pokémon. And make sure there's enough type variety, as well as good diversity of physical/special and offensive/defensive options for each type if possible. Don't repeat the Gen 1 mistakes like having multiple Normal/Flying overlaps, or multiple Grass/Poison lines, while leaving other types underrepresented like Ghost and Dragon being just one line (and Gen 2 hardly improving on that either)

    Include Pokémon with "unique" typings like Turtonator (yeah, I know it's not technically unique because there's Reshiram, Coughing Fire, and Mega Charizard X, but it's a unique typing among mundane Pokémon)
    Ice types only game set in the arctic :cool:

    Pretty much would like to see the less common/popular Pokemon shine some more. Stuff like Fearow, Dodrio.
    Also haven't seen mons like the Pan/simi monkeys and Patrat/Watchog since gen 6. Would also have said Furfrou but it's in the trailer for the new Legends so...
    If there's a reboot, I think it should be a game with around 300 Pokémon. And make sure there's enough type variety, as well as good diversity of physical/special and offensive/defensive options for each type if possible. Don't repeat the Gen 1 mistakes like having multiple Normal/Flying overlaps, or multiple Grass/Poison lines, while leaving other types underrepresented like Ghost and Dragon being just one line (and Gen 2 hardly improving on that either)

    Include Pokémon with "unique" typings like Turtonator (yeah, I know it's not technically unique because there's Reshiram, Coughing Fire, and Mega Charizard X, but it's a unique typing among mundane Pokémon)
    Hard agree, I don't care so much about which specific Pokemon are included as I care about having a good variety of types/designs/playstyles available. Although I would prefer underutilized Pokemon to get the spotlight instead of the heavy hitters like Charizard and Pikachu for a change.