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[PCL] Leaves of Absence

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    Leaves of Absence
    Are you going to be unavailable for a while? Clan members and free agents can post here about their LoAs so that clan leaders can be aware of their inactivity in advance. Message me if the LoA will be longer than two weeks, as you may have to drop out instead.
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    yh i need to take a loa, due to exams. will be returning on 19th.
    thats 11 days, and i have already done this weeks battle.
    I've done my battle but I'll be out a couple days, likely back Sunday or Monday.
    Droppin' out for real this time due to classes + lack of interest.
    This has been a long time coming, but to be as brief as possible, there is a family matter of uncertain duration that has been taking up time--but mostly emotional energy--such that I have not been able to be very active. I am also starting a new job in a few days which will occupy most of my days. I'm getting a mercenary to do my battle this week. I will still be fulfilling my role overseeing PCL as a whole, but I will be (and already have been) severely limited in my role as clan head, though I will continue to fulfill its minimum functions. I'm hoping that a week or more off from battling will be a rejuvenating experience, and hopefully I'll have enough in the tank for the Mid-Season Tournament which I have been looking forward to for awhile. I do feel 99% certain that I will be fully back when clan wars resume after the tour. In the meantime, feel free to contact me and everything else, but I might be slow responding.
    turns out I don't have enough time to go on the internet and not fail my classes, so I have to drop out this week. one more week of school until its over, sorry hounds @_@
    Taking a LOA this week due to finals. Will return on Saturday.
    I'll be going camping on Saturday for about a week, so I'd like someone to replace me for Week 7.
    Going to have to permanently drop out because I'm just going to be too busy to be able to do this anymore D:
    I'm afraid that I'm going to be leaving PCL. Due to a lack of interest in competitive battling. I'll still be over to battle at the server every so often and join the occasional event..

    Good luck Divine Libra! It was a good experience :)
    Going to be camping, so going away for the week.
    Will be gone until monday.

    Just saying this in case something happens.
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