Most Intelligent Member(s):
People who continually show extensive knowledge on a wide range of subjects. (Anything from Pokemon to music and movies to politics and so on.)
Jordan / Hiroshi Sotomura ... Just because they use the biggest words and I normally can't tell if its English or not. D:
Nicest Member(s):
People who are helpful and respectful to all members and are unbiased in who they treat well (as opposed to, like, treating newer members poorly, or treating people with bad grammar poorly, etc.)
Xairmo ... Otherwise known as a Mop.
Most Social/Charismatic Member(s):
People who are involved, responsive, friendly, and sociable to members. You know, those people who everyone likes. XD
Xairmo ... again T_T
Most Creative Member(s):
The most creative among PC, be it with their signatures or avatars, with their stories or their art or their role-playing, or just with how they post.
Uryu Ishida ... or whatever Demedian's new username is
Most Introverted/Enigmatic Member(s):
The "mystery" members, people who are somewhat well known but nobody really knows much about them. These are the people who don't share much about their lives, keep to themselves, etc.
Laik ttly nawt mee. mvtm
Most Widespread/mainstream Member(s):
People who are extremely well-known on PC, who're just everywhere and known by people all over the community.
clade ... Kwesi ...HOPPING FROGGY KISSES
"Don't Ever Leave":
The people who you'd be sad to see leave if they were to go, like you'd break down and cry if they left. u_u
Dr.Stiles ... cos he's mai homie :3
"Quit While You're Ahead":
Those members on PC who should just stop while they still have their dignity. >_>
meee its all about meee ... its that new guy <_< But I think he lost his dignity already XD
Favorite Male Member(s):
Mail male mile mule muck market park it.
Dr.Stiles / Xairmo
Favorite Female Member(s):
Male, except with a FE on the front.
Blueberry / Xairmo / raichuchika ... Blueberry convinced me over Shoddy that she was female. So if you decide that you're a boy again, Blueberry, its laik ttly nawt mai fault
Favorite Moderator(s):
Moderator and Super Moderator included. Mods who you think do excellently at their job, interact in the community, are nice to members and helpful when people need it, etc.
Blueberry ... laik ttly naww
Favorite Administrator(s):
Assistant Administrator and Site/Staff Administrator included. Same as moderators, except, well, Admins.
Animenimanimadversion / Sammi... I know, he spells his username wrong. D: Sammi doesn't. :D
Favorite Member Pair(s):
The best pairing on the site, the pair who just clicks so perfectly that you think "dang, they're the perfect pair!" (Now I want a pear..)
"Future as a Moderator":
Those who you think show the potential to one day be moderators on PC.
Most "Out of Step"/Strange Member(s):
Those oddities, the people who are a bit strange but you love them nonetheless.
Burst Ninja
Best Sense of Humor:
I think that's pretty self-explanatory.