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Mobile Phone v.2

I used to have a Virgin Mobile Marbl, but I just de-activated it. I am buying a new phone today or tomorrow. The LG Neon through AT&T. Green. Prepaid. Win.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2
I'm still using my 4 year old Orange EnV (the original one)
I've had the same Motorola V360 I've had...for quite a long time. It texts and calls, all I need it to do.
Sony Ericsson K800.
[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

What I really want is this beast:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

So damn sexy...
I'm still using my 4 year old Orange EnV (the original one)

Close, but the enV isn't the original. The VX9800 is.

Anyway, this be my phone, matey.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

The LG Rhythm. It's pretty awesome. And yes, if you have never seen the phone or even heard of it, that is a secondary screen in the middle of the scroll wheel. Lastly, FM transmitters rule, especially of your car only has a cassette deck.

If the HTC Hero or the Palm Pre ever make it to Verizon, I'll switch in a heartbeat (that is, only if they still have WiFi, For a long time, Verizon lovd to take that feature out of phones in their lineup.).
Close, but the enV isn't the original. The VX9800 is.

Anyway, this be my phone, matey.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

The LG Rhythm. It's pretty awesome. And yes, if you have never seen the phone or even heard of it, that is a secondary screen in the middle of the scroll wheel. Lastly, FM transmitters rule, especially of your car only has a cassette deck.

If the HTC Hero or the Palm Pre ever make it to Verizon, I'll switch in a heartbeat (that is, only if they still have WiFi, For a long time, Verizon lovd to take that feature out of phones in their lineup.).

It means people have to use mobile data. $$$

My E71 is all I need. Nokia should be truly proud of one of their best works. It's been out for a year and is still strong. What does that say?
Yeah, I would have loved to have a Nokia E90 Communicator, but it's GSM only. CDMA carriers suck.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

And yeah, I knew that it's only to sell data plans. Now they have something new: calling dumphones smartphones only because they have a full HTML browser. When I called Alltel to get my upgrade, I was planning on getting a Tritan. Well, the sales rep told me that I would have to upgrade my plan to a smartphone plan, because Alltel considers the phone a smartphone. I asked to talk to the guy's supervisor, and eventually got into a fight over what a smartphone is and isn't. I won, mainly because I actually supported my argument with facts, rather than Alltel's skewed views.

Stupid companies only looking out for themselves instead of their customers...

Oh, and by the way, my area made the transition from Alltel to Verizon.

  • I have a Black LG Shine... I love it, everything is very simple.. But Its service is crap out where I live.. I really want a Black IPhone 3GS.. :/
I've had my Samsung E250 for a couple of years now, but the next phone I want is the Samsung JET Phone:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

Is she not beautiful? It's the first time I've consciously known that an advert has made me want a phone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc2m0OUiFUE Watch it. Watch it now.
Meh the Jet isn't all that special. Its got a 5MP camera which is common and all, the touchscreen thing is now getting boring(seeing how all Samsung does is release the same phone 20 times but with a different name and with or without a touchscreen but usually with), and I absolutely hate how Samsung has the UI. Not that I'm saying its a bad phone its actually pretty good but its just not that wow. AND lol you call that a good commercial? Samsung honestly made it look like a lady gaga music video not a phone ad.
I've got a Samsung m540 Slyde in pink. <3 I love it SO much.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

I got it in February and it was a major upgrade from my last phone which was purchased in... 2003, I think? XD; (My old phone didn't even have a camera.) My ideal phone is probably a Blackberry of sorts but I can't afford a data plan. v_v
I have a pink Sony Ericsson W580i that I got for Christmas last year.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mobile Phone v.2

It's a nice phone, and I love the colour (even though I would of prefered black, but I still love the pink <3) but it's a shame that I don't use it that often. ]: I don't really desire another mobile phone, considering I barely use my current one, and I'm pretty content with it.
I have the Sony Ericsson W810i (a beasty with a 512mb memory stick);

But I'd like the Iphone 3GS:
I got the Motorola Rival A455 in silver.

Its a texting phone, and it's actually pretty good. I'll upload a pic soon. My comp is to slow at the moment. :\
Sony Ericson K750i. I see it as a phone that has almost all the features of the Iphone, just worse! It's a bit slow and the joystick has got dodgey so i do need a new one.

I would like a swanky touch phone like an Iphone, Blackberry or palm. Basically something that lets me do basic PC tasks like web browsing, msn, media stuff, etc all on the go, with good games/emulation potential as a bonus.