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4th Gen Morning To Night

  • 7
    • Seen Oct 28, 2010
    Its awesome how they made the game so when its night at your house in the game it would be night to xD
    I wish they made it so like if it was winter fall spring or summer in real life it would be in the game to.
    Seasoning on the games would be very nice yes, but lets not make things to realistic or we may end up playing games of our own lives just with the odd pokemon running around, heh.

    I think the game makers made a good decision to put the day and night effects in and it has clearly been acknowledged by gamers but you're right, they didn't even think of seasoning. ;)
    The day and night feature actually matches with the player's current time of day because of its built-in clock. As for seasons, Black and White has introduced that as their new feature. While it isn't based off real time, it is based off of the months. HeartGold and SoulSilver does have a nice touch with the fall colors and trees in Ecruteak City though.

    ...Yup, Pokémon is getting more and more realistic every time. XD;
    Yeah, the day-night feature is a neat one (as well as the day-based events IMO) - probably should keep discussion to that though rather than what you want them to do in a game, just saying (I'll note they have 'monthly' seasons in Black and White as well). Mind you, day and night stuff was in Gold and Silver so it would have been odd of them not to put that into the remakes, particularly when D/P/Pt also had it.
    I like the day/night feature. When you're battling Pokemon or running around in the overworld, the scenes change depending on the time of day (and it doesn't look like it's daytime all the time). What I don't like about it is that you have to wait until a certain time to get a certain Pokemon.
    I can agree with the above. After all, I can still cycle in winter...I just get cold.
    I love the night and day feature, I'm glad they brought it back.
    I wish they made it so like if it was winter fall spring or summer in real life it would be in the game to.
    Nintendo did that in Black & White, so your wish came true, haha.
    I can't wait to play in different seasons, its going to be some fun.
    I always hated the night. Everything in the game turned blue. SICK. hahaha.
    Sunrise and sunset are my favorites.
    I love how advanced Pokemon is getting ^.^
    Love the clock features, apart from the pokemon which can only be caught early in the morning. -_-
    What I dislike about the day and night cycle is that night isn't nearly as dark as it should be.
    yea sometimes im waiting for it to get dark for whatever reason only to figure out its already night time....sucks but yea the feature is cool...it was even more cooler when i was a lil kid playin crystal
    If they made it dark and we needed Flash, would you be complaining about that? I bet you would.

    Although I personally would love Flash to be HM05 and needed all the time, as long as it was like in Hg/Ss, where there's only a tiny amount of the screen completely invisible, but it fades with distance. None of that DPPt/FrLg crap, or the even worse Hoenn Flash, which was just annoying.

    I do agree there needs to be more of a contrast...they made Ilex Forest so dark you can hardly tell the difference between day and night, and I'm pretty sure the secluded Route 45 should be a lot darker than Goldenrod City....
    I definitely love that feature! It's so fun! It makes it more realistic! When it's nighttime for me, it's nighttime in the game! I love it!

    It's stuff like that that makes me very excited for what Nintendo will do in say...5 years from now! What will the next Pokémon game have? The Poké Walker is great! Love that feature!

    It can only get better!^^