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[Other] Music : removing white noise?

  • 2
    • Seen May 26, 2014
    Hello guys,

    After having dwelled the music hacking posts on this forum (Magnius is now my god and emperor), I have started working on a Fire Red collaborative hack project as a musician.

    I am however having a pretty major issue with inserting my music in the game. Now I know the GBA Direct Sound tracks always have a tiny bit of white noise in them, even the official game soundtrack does (who cared with how crappy the GBA speaker was anyways).
    But the levels I'm getting are atrocious, they almost offset the tracks. I'm not too sure what to do. Do you guys have any experience with this phenomenon?

    For reference, I am using Sappy 1.6, and I convert with mid2agb.

    I have also made sure my song does not use more than 5 Direct Sound instruments (actually for now, I only have 3 tracks), and all the instruments I'm using are in the same voicegroup.
    I'm using voicegroup 0x0498E78 which is the native one for Pallet Town (which is the song I want to replace).

    I tried replacing the DS instruments with GBSynth ones, of course no noise anymore, so the cause is DS instruments.

    I have also tried playing with the sound levels, rising them to max or going down doesn't seem to affect the noise (so right now I put everything to max since it covers the noise a bit more).

    I could probably hide the noise behind layers of instruments, but that would just be a workaround, not a solution.

    I'd be really grateful if someone had any idea.

    Hello guys,

    After having dwelled the music hacking posts on this forum (Magnius is now my god and emperor), I have started working on a Fire Red collaborative hack project as a musician.

    I am however having a pretty major issue with inserting my music in the game. Now I know the GBA Direct Sound tracks always have a tiny bit of white noise in them, even the official game soundtrack does (who cared with how crappy the GBA speaker was anyways).
    But the levels I'm getting are atrocious, they almost offset the tracks. I'm not too sure what to do. Do you guys have any experience with this phenomenon?

    For reference, I am using Sappy 1.6, and I convert with mid2agb.

    I have also made sure my song does not use more than 5 Direct Sound instruments (actually for now, I only have 3 tracks), and all the instruments I'm using are in the same voicegroup.
    I'm using voicegroup 0x0498E78 which is the native one for Pallet Town (which is the song I want to replace).

    I tried replacing the DS instruments with GBSynth ones, of course no noise anymore, so the cause is DS instruments.

    I have also tried playing with the sound levels, rising them to max or going down doesn't seem to affect the noise (so right now I put everything to max since it covers the noise a bit more).

    I could probably hide the noise behind layers of instruments, but that would just be a workaround, not a solution.

    I'd be really grateful if someone had any idea.


    white noise? I'm not really familiar with this
    Magnius' tutorial is extreeeeeeeemly old and so is your sappy version lmao
    You're better off reading my tutorial since you can get around the native DS limits, track limits, and you get the newest sappy version around. Also it goes more into extra stuff. If you need help I'm on the chat (the sappy tutorial and the chat are linked in my signature)
    I hope you get around this ;D
    Hello mate, thanks for your answer.

    So this is extremely stupid. I installed Sappy from the "devs" website, so I was expecting the last version. Turns out, the version of Sappy from your tutorial fixed 90% of the white noise (by that I mean the "screeching" in the background), only leaving as much as you'd here in the game's official soundtrack.
    So, well. Thank you very much. =)

    Your tutorial looks amazing and is bookmarked. Although for now, since I've found voicegroups that suit me, I don't need to import instruments.

    Once again, thank you.