Not bad.
Are you sure you have the fonts correct? Humanist/Gill Sans Condensed Bold for names and attack titles, normal version for most other things. Then there's Futura, but I don't use it myself and I don't see much of the point of Futura since Gill Sans mostly does its job without it.
- In the old cards, a line is used to separate attacks. See the line above the W/R/RC? A line like that. So below Tackle and before Swift, there should be a 'separator' line there.
- 'Illus' doesn't need a 'by'. Unless 'by' is part of your name, it shouldn't be there.
- I've mentioned it already, but there's an issue with the fonts. You can find a Humanist pack at It isn't Gill Sans but people who pick out that are just.. picky.
- The blank is blown up 200%? Energy symbols also particularly huge (I guess they were supposed to be like that though). Maybe you should just zoom the blank while working with it and use normal sized symbols, and when you're done, bring it back to its normal size.
- Have you looked a real card? Look at the fonts, have you applied the right fonts to the right area of the card? Also, look at where the text is placed, etc. You don't need pinpoint accuracy, but approximations/good guesses are enough. is a good place to find examples of the real thing.
Good luck with your set.