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need events? look here! :D LF Events/evs


  • 2
    hi, im looking for events i dont have. no shinys plz but maybe EV trained Pokemons! Just make an offer!

    At the moment im specially looking for the Yukari Pokemon from the new japanese Pokemonfarm- Game. PM if u have something for me!

    this are my offers:

    Saikyou electivire lv 50 UT 21./23./26. nov
    Saikyou Magmortar lv 50 UT 1. dez
    Saikyou Milotic lv 50 UT 16. dez
    Saikyou Dragonite lv 50 UT 16. jan/25. jan/25. feb
    Saikyou Salamence lv 50 UT 15. feb

    manaphy TRU lv 50 UT
    manaphy Midzunami ID 12226 lv 5 UT
    manaphy ranger
    manaphy ranger lv 1 UT
    manaphy JBHF lv 50 UT
    manaphy E4ALL lv 50 UT
    manaphy NWS lv 50 UT

    Palcity Lucario lv 50 UT ID07157 15.jul/27.jul modest
    Palcity Mew lv 50 UT ID 07157 15.jul quirky/ 31.aug impish
    Palcity Manaphy lv 50 UT ID 07157 15.jul hardy

    Jirachi Channel lv 5 UT
    Jirachi WISHMKER shiny T
    Jirachi Wishmker UT lv 5
    Jirachi negai boshi
    Jirachi Tanabata lv 5 UT ID 40707
    Jirachi Tanabata lv 5 UT ID 50707
    Jirachi Tanabata lv 5 ID 60707
    Jirachi Tanabata lv 5 UT ID 07077 21.7. sassy/2.7. quirky/3.7. adament (NT)

    hooh MT BATA lv 100
    hooh MATTLE lv 70 UT
    hooh baryutama lv 70 UT
    hooh ERNESTO lv 70 UT
    hooh DUELBE lv 70 UT

    Mew Aura lv 10 UT serious, calm, naughty, bold
    Mew mystry lv 59
    Mew mystry lv 10 UT

    Concert Chatot lv 25 UT

    PCNYa Cacturne (Noktuska)lv 50 UT
    PCNYd Gardevoir (Guardevoir) lv 35 UT
    PCNYa Aggron (Stollos) lv 50 UT
    PCNYd Seviper (Vipitis) lv 18 UT
    PCNYb Kingdra (Seedraking) lv 35 UT
    PCNYd Altaria lv 45 UT
    PCNYd Flygon (Libelldra) lv 45 UT
    PCNYd Salamence (Brutalanda) lv 50 UT
    PCNYd Tropius lv 30 UT
    PCNYc Pikachu lv 50 UT
    PCNYc Crawdaunt (Krebutack) lv 50 UT
    PCNYd Zangoose (Sengo) lv 18 UT
    PCNYa Shedinja (Ninjatom) lv 50 UT
    PCNYb Shuppet lv 50 UT
    PCNYc Wailord lv 50 UT
    PCNYa Duskull (Zwirrlicht) lv 50 UT
    PCNYb Milotic lv 35 UT
    PCNYd Milotic lv 35 UT
    PCNYd Machamp (Machomei) lv 30 UT

    Electivire poke festa 06 lv 30 shiny
    Electabuzz poke festa 06 lv 30 UT
    magmortar poke festa 06 lv 30 UT

    Wobuffet OT sandee (sunday) lv 5 UT 19. sep 2006 ID 50701
    Pikachu OT sandee (sunday) lv 10 UT 20.nov. 2006 ID 50701

    PKTOPIA Pikachu lv 10 UT ID 06257/ID 12077
    PKTOPIA Magbrant (deutsch) lv 50 UT 23./24.2. 2008
    PKTOPIA Elevoltek (deutsch) lv 50 UT 23./24.2. 2008
    PKTOPIA Elekable (franz.) lv 50 UT 22.2. 2008
    PKTOPIA Electivire (englisch) lv 50 UT 22.2./16.3. 2008

    10 Jahre (complete)

    Lugia lv 70 UT
    latios lv 70
    Latias lv 70 UT
    Pikachu lv 70 UT
    Raikou lv 70 UT
    Entei lv 70 UT
    Suicune lv 70 UT
    Charizard (Glurak) lv 70 UT
    Articuno (Arktos) lv 70 UT
    Hooh lv 70 UT

    10 Aniv ID 00010
    Charizard (GLurak) lv 70 UT
    Zapdos lv 70 UT
    Articuno (Arktos) lv 70 UT
    Moltres (Lavados) lv 70 UT
    Espeon (Psiana) lv 70 UT
    Umbreon (Nachtara) lv 70 UT
    Hooh lv 70
    Hooh lv 100
    Celebi lv 70 UT shiny
    Dragonite (Dragoran) lv 70 UT shiny
    Tyraniar (Despotar) lv 70 UT
    Absol lv 70 UT

    10Anniv ID 06227
    Lugia lv 70 UT (cured Pokerus)
    Raikou lv 70 UT
    Entei lv 70 UT

    Hadou Regirock lv 40 UT
    Hadou Registeel lv 40 UT
    Hadou Regice lv 40 UT
    Hadou Mew lv 10 UT

    Bonusdisc Celebi (ageto) lv 10 UT ID 31121 9.mai/ 3. sep.
    Bonusdisc Pikachu lv 10 UT ID 31121

    sunday tropius lv 58 11. feb 2007 jolly
    sunday Tropius lv 53 UT 3. feb 2007 jolly
    sunday octillery lv 50 UT 16. okt 2007 serious (pokerus)/17. okt/ 31. okt
    sunday welsar lv 51 UT 21. mär 2007 gentle

    Stamp Absol lv 5 UT
    Stamp Pichu lv 5 UT

    Pokepark Plusle lv 5 UT ID 30209
    Pokepark Minun lv 5 UT ID 01851
    Pokepark Cacnea (Tuska) lv 5 UT ID 12323
    Pokepark Jirachi lv 30 UT ID 60731
    Pokepark Celebi lv 30 UT ID 60623
    Pokepark Meowth (Mauzi) lv 5 UT ID 50318
    Pokepark Corsola (Corasonn) lv 5 UT ID 09098
    Pokepark Mew lv 30 UT ID 60510
    Pokepark Wynaut ( Isso) lv 5 UT ID 45235
    Pokepark Surskit (Geweiher) lv 5 UT ID 40318
    Pokepark Spinda (Pandir) lv 5 UT ID 31383
    Pokepark Spoink lv 5 UT ID 10698
    Pokepark Psyduck (Enton) lv 5 UT ID 28713
    Pokepark Igglybuff (Fluffeluff) lv 5 UT ID 12323
    Pokepark Wishmur ( Flurmel) lv 5 UT ID 40215

    Wish bagon (Kindwurm)
    Wish Absol
    Wish Farfetch`d (Porenta)
    Wish Lickitung (Schlurp)
    Wish Exeggcute (Owei)
    Wish Drowzee (Traumato)
    Wish Ralts (Trasla)
    Wish Kangaskhan (Kangama)

    Space C deoxys lv 70

    TCGWC Pikachu lv 50 UT ID 08107 12. aug.

    ANA Pikachu lv 10 UT ID 41205
    GW Pikachu lv 10 UT ID 50425

    10th Deoxys lv 50 UT ID 07147 23. jun timid
    10th Deoxys lv 50 UT ID 07147 14. jul hasty
    10th Deoxys lv 50 UT ID 07147 29. jul timid

    Birthday Charmander lv 40 ID 07207 21. Jul 2007
    Birthday Charmander lv 40 ID 07207 27. Jul 2007
    Birthday Charmander lv 40 ID 07207 02. Jan. 2008 (NT)

    Psyduck Ken
    Psyduck Shigeshige
    Psyduck Jun

    Metang OT ROCKS lv 30 UT ID 02005
    Metang OT ROCKS lv 30 UT ID 02005 shiny

    Nagoya Pikachu lv 10 UT ID 60114 adament
    Fukuoka Delibird (Botogel) lv 10 UT ID 60114 impish
    Fukuoka Teddiursa lv 10 UT ID 60505 sassy
    Tokyo Stantler (Damhirplex) lv 10 UT ID 60505 hardy
    Osaka Sunkern (Sonnkern) lv 10 UT ID 60505 brave

    Jeremy Erkans lv 14 UT ID 24680
    Jeremy Growlithge lv 32 UT ID 24680
    Jeremy Oddish lv 26 UT ID 24680
    Jeremy Shellder lv 24 UT ID 24680
    Jeremy Psyduck lv 27 UT ID 24680
    Jeremy Staryu lv 18 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Gengar lv 23 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Machoke lv 38 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Tauros lv 25 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Vulpix lv 18 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Slowpoke lv 31 UT ID 13579
    Jeremy Sandthrew lv 12 UT ID 13579

    Hordel Elekid (Zaprong) lv 20 UT ID 41400

    Duking Pottrott (shuckle) lv 20 UT
    Duking Meditie lv 20 UT
    Duking Larvitar lv 20 UT
    Duking Plusle lv 13 UT

    Wablu lv 5
    Zigzagoon lv 5
    Zigzagoon lv 5 shiny OT Saphire rash/ adamant
    Zigzagoon lv 5 shiny OT Ruby careful
    Skitty lv 5 UT

    NOA Heracross
    OT Seth
    OT Christy
    OT Tom all UT lv 1

    Scizor (Scherox) lv 50 UT ID 08756
    Mareep (Voltilamm) lv 37 UT ID 08756
    Togepi lv 20 UT ID 08756

    Treeko shiny OT POTERE lv 23 UT ID 00252

    Distant Land (xD)
    Houndoom lv 50 T
    Zapdos lv 50 UT

    what do u want in return for these please?

    Palcity Lucario lv 50 UT ID07157 15.jul/27.jul modest
    Palcity Mew lv 50 UT ID 07157 15.jul quirky/ 31.aug impish
    Palcity Manaphy lv 50 UT ID 07157 15.jul hardy
    Electabuzz poke festa 06 lv 30 UT
    magmortar poke festa 06 lv 30 UT

    look here for the return k

    and i have a couple of ev trains!
    Last edited:
    i dont need something from ur list, sorry -.- but im still looking for 2 ev trained pokemons lv 100 with great stats on def. for battle. if u have those for me, im willing to trade u a gts event for them
    Duking Pottrott (shuckle) lv 20 UT
    Duking Meditie lv 20 UT
    Duking Larvitar lv 20 UT
    Duking Plusle lv 13 UT

    what language are these?
    and check my thread for anything you need for them