This is a topic that's come up here fairly often, but it's an interesting topic!
We all have fond memories of playing Pokemon, and those memories can often give certain older games a special place in our hearts, even as they're outclassed by newer, more modern games c:
What Pokemon games do you feel most nostalgic about? Are there any games that you play purely because of nostalgia? Are there any particular aspects of certain games that you feel nostalgic about? (music? graphics? etc?)
We all have fond memories of playing Pokemon, and those memories can often give certain older games a special place in our hearts, even as they're outclassed by newer, more modern games c:
What Pokemon games do you feel most nostalgic about? Are there any games that you play purely because of nostalgia? Are there any particular aspects of certain games that you feel nostalgic about? (music? graphics? etc?)