My biggest shoutout has to go to Thundaga and his awesome YouTube Tutorial series, as well as his fan game Pokémon Bushido, which heavily inspired this project!
Furthermore, I want to wholeheartedly shout out all the awesome tileset artists whose awesome work I found on PokéCommunity, RelicCastle and Reddit over the years.
Without your incredible pixel art talent (which I completely lack of), this project would not be half as pretty as it turned out to be (in my own humble opinion at least haha).
Advanced Items Field Moves by Bergium, TechSkylander1518, Moyo, Marin
Automatic Level Scaling by Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon
Bag Screen with interactable Party by DiegoWT
Berrypots by Caruban
Better Move Tutor by Sonicover
BW Party Screen by DeepBlue PacificWaves,Shashu-Greninja, Golisopod User
BW Summary Screen by DeepBlue PacificWaves, Tommaniacal, Lucidious89, Weibrot, Kobi2604, Dirkriptide, Ploaj, Mr. Gela, Shashu-Greninja, Golisopod User
Charms Case by Dr.Doom76, Wrigty12, TechSkylander1518, LinKazamine
Encounter List UI by ThatWelshOne_,raZ,Marin,Maruno,Nuri Yuri,PurpleZaffre,Savordez,Vendily
Enhanced UI by Lucidious89, Ball Sprites: Poq and BlueEye007
Essentials Deluxe v1.2.7 by Lucidious89
Following Pokemon EX by Golisopod User, Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, Venom12, mej71, PurpleZaffre, Akizakura16, Thundaga, Armin (Fairies Resource Pack), Maruno
Gen 6-7 Battle Sprites
Smogon X/Y & Sun/Moon Sprite Project
compiled for PE by Golisopod User & UberDunsparce
Generation 8 Pack by
Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
Battler Sprites:
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
Overworld Sprites
Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
Icon Sprites
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia, harveydentmd
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
Shiny Icon Sprites - StarrWolf, Pokemon Shattered Light Team
Cry Credits:
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
Script Credits:
Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
Compilation of Resources:
Golisopod User, UberDunsparce
Generation 9 Pack by
Caruban, Lucidious89
Script Gen 9 and Adapting PLA:
-Eskiss (Legend Plate script based on)
PBS for Gen 9:
-PorousMist (Updated the abilities, items, and moves description)
-DJChaos (TM Items)
-Futuresushi (Shortened abilities and moves description)
Pokemon Gen 9 Battler Sprites:
KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura,
JordanosArt, Abnayami, OldSoulja, Katten, Divaruta 666, Clara, Skyflyer, AshnixsLaw, ace_stryfe
Pokemon Gen 9 icons:
ezerart, JordanosArt
Pokemon Gen 9 Followers:
Azria, DarkusShadow, EduarPokeN, Carmanekko, StarWolff, Caruban
Pokemon PLA and Gen 9 Footprints :
Pokemon Gen 9 Cries:
Edited from Lightblade Absol's Gen 9 Cries compilation video
Edited from HeroLinik's Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Cries video
Edited from HeroLinik's Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - All Teal Mask Cries video
Gen 9 item icons:
-lichenprincess (Tera Orb, Bamboos, Tera Shards, Mirror Herb, Loaded Dice, Leader Crest, and Kubfu Scrolls, Booster Energy, Gimmighoul coin, TM Material, Kofu's Wallet, Sandwich, Herba Mysticas)
-Caruban (Punching Glove, Auspicious Armor, Malicious Armor, Ability Shield, Clear Amulet, Covert Cloak, Scarlet&Violet Book, Mochis, Teacups, Ogerpon Masks)
-jinxed (Syrupy Apple and Fairy Feather)
Original Pokémon: Legends Arceus Expansion Script :
-StCooler (Original script for Gen 8 Project in v18 and Status sprites)
-PorousMist and curryofthepast (Adapting the script for v19.1 use)
PLA item icons :
AztecCroc, 3DJackArt, Caruban, lichenprincess
Pokemon cries ripped:
Pokeballs battle animation and summary icon:
-WolfPP (Beast ball battle animation)
PLA Pokémon icons:
PLA Followers:
Boonzeet, DarkusShadow, princess-phoenix, Ezeart, WolfPP
PLA Sprites from Smogon Gen8 Sprite Project :
Blaquaza, KingOfThe-X-Roads, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite, and SelenaArmorclaw
Vanilla Style Version
Pokémon sprites:
KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura, JordanosArt, Scept, NanaelJustice, SoyChim, KRLW890, AnonAlpaca, PokeJminer, Red7246, Carmanekko, Eduar, Lykeron, GriloKapu10, Mesayas, Erkey830, QDylm, PorousMist, OldSoulja, AlexandreV2.0, Z-nogyroP, lennybitao, Ruben1986, GRAFAIAIMX
Blaquaza, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite
Gen 9 Icons:
Vent, Katten, leParagon, Cesare_CBass, AlexandreV2.0, Carmanekko, GRAFAIAIMX
also thanks to Axel Loquendo, CarmaNekko, Divaruta 666, Okyo, JLauz735, and ClaraDragon for Iconos 9na Gen gba completos
PLA Icons:
LuigiTKO, Pikafan2000, Cesare_CBass, Vent, Cesare_Cbass, MultiDiegoDani, leParagon, JWNutz
and thanks for Pokémon Icons Act 2.9 - Teracristalizando
Full Sprites Credit List:
See Full Sprites Credit List
Held Item Drops by thatonekriegerwriter, TungstenBasilisk, Cilerba, Vendily, TechSkylander1518, Kingfisher
Improved AI by KRLW890
Item Crafting UI Plus by ThatWelshOne_, Vendily
ItemFind by Boonzeet
Lin's Notebook by LinKazamine, Mr. Gela, Barubary, redblueyellow, wrigty12
Lin's Weather System by LinKazamine, Zaldar, Swdfm
Modern Quest System by ThatWelshOne_,mej71,derFischae,Marin
Overworld Shadows EX by Golisopod User, Wolf PP, Marin
Randomized Trainer Teams by Kotaro
Speed Up by Marin, Phantombass
Terastal Phenomenon by Lucidious89, wrigty12
Unreal Time System by FL
Visible Overworld Wild Encounters by derFischae
Voltseon's Pause Menu by Voltseon, Golisopod User, ENLS
ZUD Mechanics v1.2.4 by Lucidious89
Title Screen:
Japan mountain fuji with snow near water suns vector image by eosboy (slightly edited)