PokeBeach?! Wow, I have not been there for a LONG time. I really hate that site. Are you saying everything off my site is plagiarized? I need tips on what I should add to the site.
Uh come on, when you take things from people, not only put it in your OWN words, but give credit and a link at the very least, and not only get permission when you take things. You have been to Pokebeach recently, and have stolen content from them... Just don't steal, simple as that.
Also, if you havn't seen, their is a thing called a "copyright", and it is on the Pokebeach site, your legally not allowed to take anything at all from them.
You even brought their webmaster (WaterPKMNmaster) into this, who actually is a pleasure to see, anyways so if you want to make a news site.... be original, learn some tips on how to run a news website, and try to find the information by yourself and not take it from others ok.
Also, You site design is not that, well try and make it more organized...pretty messy...
Not trying to be mean, but seriously
get original. Learn things by yourself and find information before others to become #1 and not plagiurize, ok.
Good day to you and good luck...