Hm....let me practise my translating skills...
I'll translate:
Pokegear, Pokenavigator
Pokemon Trainers can hold pokedex,pokegear, and pokenavigator together.
Pokegear has the function of Map, Time and radio.
Pokenavigator records the number and area of battles, and informations of Pokemon Contests.
Professor Oak
The leader of laboratories.
Receit, directer of Pokemon trainers and their battles, gives them advice.
Other professors are Professor Birch and Professor Utsugi (don't know his Eng name.).
Pokemon Gym
The place where Pokeon trainers gather.
In the gym, is where Pokemon trainers practise and train.
After beated The strongest trainer in the gym (meaning gym leader), a badge is rewarded.
Pokemon League
A big battle club where Pokeon trainers competitate.
If beaten all elite4, Pokemon trainer would get the chance of battling with the champion.
Mystery Pokemon (Legendaries)
Pokemon are discovered being varies from species to species.
Amongst them, Mew, Celebi and Jirachii are called Mystery Pokemon.
How's my translation?
I translated it without using dictionary!