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[Released] Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.7

New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.25

Potentially fixed a bug that would sometimes cause issues with entering Primvale Lab.
Fixed sprite issues on Route 8.
Fixed sprite mismatch in Route 8 Tunnel.
Fixed a typo in Wild Petal Forest's sign.
Fixed a typo in Wild Petal Cave's static encounter.
Fixed a tile mistake in the Pokeball Factory.
Added a check for Nuzlockers in Buzzswept Lab to get more Rare Candies.
Added the missing text on the signs by the Route 8 Tunnel.
Added the missing "Gym Coach" in Hallowcurse and Fogblossom Gyms.
Added the missing Gym Sign in front of Fogblossom Town Gym.

To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game.
Please ensure you are NOT in Fogblossom Town Gym, Hallowcurse City Gym, or in Fogblossom Town near the Gym when updating.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.26

Made changes to Applin and Dipplin, they can now relearn Dragon Cheer at any level.
Added missing signs in Rustkiln Town, Route 9, and The Tar Path.
Added the new trainer type - Blissey Trainers! One can be found outside of Bitterblade PokeCenter!
Added and connected Bitterblade City including Mr Psychic, Fossil Restoration Lab, and the Gym. (Police Academy WIP)
Added the feature to change Controls in the pause screen.
Updated the "Quit Game" option in the pause menu to bring you to the Main Menu and not close the game.
Updated the DBK System plugin to the latest version.
Updated the Generation 9 Pack plugin to the latest version.
Updated Modular UI Scenes plugin to the latest version.
Updated Enhanced Pokemon UI plugin to the latest version.
Updated Enhanced Battle UI plugin to the latest version.
Updated Pokemon sprites to not be static, but move as in Gen 5.
Fixed pricing errors in Dewpoint City's Form Stall.
Fixed a bug in Dewpoint Broadcast Office that could softlock the game.
Fixed a bug that prevented Pokemon from appearing in Route 6's water.
Fixed Valerie's movepool to prevent her Ace from self-KO'ing itself.
Fixed a bug that caused trainers in the Tar Path to face the wrong direction.
Fixed a visual bug that would have Faith walk through the fence during the Hallowcurse Gym encounter if the game was widescreen.
Fixed part of a visual bug that would have Pokemon using two-turn moves (Dig, Fly, Bounce, etc) stuck out of view if the move failed. (fix ongoing)
Removed the additional Rare Candies you could get at Cypress's lab, you now get 999 from Prof. Oak if playing a nuzlocke.

Please ensure you are NOT in Rustkiln Town, Route 9, or The Tar Path when you update (being inside in these locations is fine.)
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
This will be the final update for a while but after I'm moved and settled in, updates will resume on a weekly schedule again!
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We're back to updating the game!
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.27

Added a missing TM in Route 6.
Attached Route 12 to the West of Bitterblade City, with a Haunted Mansion and Power Plant!
Implemented a Type-UI in battle to show the type of your opponent's/wild Pokemon.
Implemented a checkpoint to allow access to Victory Road to the West of Route 12 if you have all 8 badges.
Fixed a bug that would allow access to the incomplete Valley north of Dewpoint.
Fixed a bug that would allow the player to get out of bounds in Hallowcurse Gym by the entrance.
Fixed a bug that would cause Julia The Just to be far too small. She is now much taller, the intended height.
Fixed a bug that would cause issues with dead trees in some areas.
Fixed a bug that would prevent smoke from smokestacks from moving properly.
Fixed a bug that would cause Gourgeist to not be animated and incorrectly scaled.

Please ensure you are NOT in Route 6 when updating!
To update, please go to your Poke_Updater folder, then run the exe inside - which will update the game.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!
Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.28

Made changes so early playtesters have the option to have Team Sunset Grunts named after them.
Made changes to the Fly Map so the flight icon is more centered in the cities you can fly to.
Completed The Valley of Time and Space and fully implemented it. (Needs all 8 badges)
Completed and implemented The Crystaline City, complete with Gym (you can now get all 8!)
Removed a door in Bitterblade that led to the Fogblossom Gym instead of the Police Academy. Academy is WIP.
Added missing Bitterblade Gym Sign.
Made small changes to Bitterblade Gym's floor design.
Fixed a typo in Bitterblade Gym, incorrectly saying it is in Fogblossom, and another saying to go West to Route 11 for Gym 8.
Fixed a typo in Mr Psychic's house, where Helga says Route 11 instead of Route 12.
Fixed a bug that would prevent Psychic Trainers from having "Trainers' eyes meet" sounds.
Fixed a bug that would prevent the stairs in the Haunted Mansion from showing text to stop you.
Fixed a bug that would cause the Ninja Boy in Route 2 to immediately challenge you upon returning to Route 2 after you lose to him.
Fixed a bug that would prevent Dunsparce from learning Hyper Drill. It still cannot evolve. WIP. (Dudunsparce can now be found instead of Dunsparce.)

Please ensure you are up to date when you are reporting bugs, if you experience a bug, check to make sure you're on the right version.
To update, please go to your Poke_Updater folder, then run the exe inside - which will update the game.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.29

Added and implemented Path of Finale (Road leading to Victory Road) through the checkpoint West of Route 12.
Added and implemented Victory Road after the Path of Finale.
Made map and event changes to The Valley of Time and Space to fix some odd behavior.
Fixed a typo in Bitterblade Gym from the Gym Guy who sends you to where you currently are instead of ahead.
Fixed a typo in Crystaline City that the Blissey Trainer mistakenly says you're in Bitterblade City.
Fixed a coding bug that prevented Dunsparce from evolving into Dudunsparce normally. (Dunsparce returned to Route 8)
Fixed a coding bug that prevented Bisharp from evolving. It now evolves by learning Swords Dance.
Fixed a coding bug that prevented Gimmighoul from evolving. It now evolves by learning Thief (Move Relearn).
Fixed a coding bug that caused some of Isabella's Pokemon to have a wrong move.
Fixed a coding bug that prevented Pokemon from appearing in Crystaline City's grass.
Fixed a coding bug that would have Crystaline City's Blissey Nurse to play the wrong music after talking to her.
Fixed a coding bug that caused some trainers in Crystaline City Gym to change sprites unexpectedly.
Fixed a coding bug that allowed the player to repeatedly catch Dialga or Palkia.
Fixed a tileset bug that caused The Valley of Time and Space to display some parts incorrectly.
Fixed a tileset bug that allowed the player to go out of bounds in the Abandoned Mansion's Kitchen.
Fixed a font bug that would cause text in the Crystaline City Gym to be improperly set.
Fixed a graphical bug that would cause HM01 to be displayed as a TM not an HM.

Please ensure you are NOT in The Valley of Time and Space when updating or you may become trapped.
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
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New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V0.30

Made changes to The Ruins of Ancients boss music.
Made changes to a trainer's team in Victory Road.
Made changes to Victory Road, making it possible to get a blocked off item and obtain it.
Made changes to Victory Road, making it possible to backtrack if needed.
Made changes to Victory Road wild Pokemon. You can now find Noibat instead of Swoobat.
Added and implemented The Elite Four and Hall of Fame.
Added and implemented Champion fight.
Added and implemented Team Sunset Major Event 3.
Added an event to obtain a Master Ball after evolving the Friendship Starter from the Buzzswept Lab.
Added a Blissey Trainer near the Elite Four's entrance inside the Pokemon League.
Added a Fly point in the Pokemon League that was previous missing.
Removed the "Shining Queen" Mystery Gift and replaced it with the "Halloween Release" Mystery Gift.

This will be the final beta release, and after bug fixes have been done, the game will be releasing on V1.0!
Please ensure you are NOT in the Pokemon League when updating or you may become trapped.
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!
We did it, V1.0 is now live!

Pokemon Shinju Adventurs V1.0 Patch Notes

Fixed a text error in Victory Road Checkpoint.
Fixed a text error in Adeline's room that causes her to be silent after losing.
Fixed a tileset error in Dewpoint City's fences.
Fixed a tileset error in the Champion's Hall.
Fixed a coding error that mistakenly keeps you in double battles after defeating the Elite Four.
Fixed a coding error that put you in the debugging area after defeating the Elite Four.
Fixed Rival Lucius's line of sight in Victory Road, he remembered his glasses!
Fixed Champion having the wrong Pokemon in some situations. (It's not supposed to be an Ampharos.)
Changed the name of the Salazzle of Adeline to Temptress to better reflect the movie role.
Changed the name of the Oricorio of Peter to Psychology to better reflect his teaching.
Changed the Credit Sign in Primvale to be updated with proper credits.
Changed the Pokemon League Mart attendent to sell Rare Candies for 100P$ after you are champion.
Changed Rival Faith's first encounter to be Level 5 instead of 6 and removed Technician, as it was quite the hurdle.
Changed Camper Ann's (Wild Petal Forest) Clefairy from Level 10 to 9, as it was also quite the hurdle.
Changed how you obtain HM03 Surf. You now receive it from Olivia after defeating her, no need to gamble!
Changed the held items of the Elite Four, no longer does everyone have Lum Berries!
Changed the level of the Final Boss to make it more challenging.
Added all missing homes in each city. Some businesses are still WIP. (Homes are not yet populated.)
Added Post Game Starters. Beat the Elite Four and Professor Douglas will have a present for you!
Added Post Game fights with the Elite Four at higher levels (80, with the Challenger being 85!)
Added an optional Superboss fight after defeating the Elite Four (She's just before the Elite Four.)
Added a secret encounter in the Pokemon League for the very dedicated or very foolish.

Please ensure you are NOT by the Dewpoint Broadcast Station when updating or you may become trapped!
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
Upcoming Patch Notes!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.1

Fixed a coding bug that would cause the game to softlock if the player went Down in the Dewpoint Broadcast Station top floor.
Fixed a coding bug with Former Champion's lead Pokemon that would throw errors due to a move choice. (non-CTD)
Fixed a coding bug in Route 2 that could lead to strange behavior with the Ninja Boy.
Fixed a coding bug in Hallowcurse City that leads to the player getting into the rival fight multiple times.
Fixed a coding bug in the Elite Four that mistakenly puts you against Adeline's post game team.
Added a Teleport button in Mystique City Gym, just in case the player finds themself unable to leave.
Added Druddigon to the Victory Road encounter table.

Please ensure you are on the latest version before submitting bug reports! Also do not use the Mystique City teleport button unless you are stuck!
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
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New Update Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.2

Fixed a coding error that could softlock the player inside Mystique City Gym. No more teleporter needed.
Fixed a typo in the Victory Road Checkpoint.
Fixed a typo in Crystaline Gym.
Fixed a text bug that caused the Champion Defender Girl to not have the right text during story events.
Fixed a coding bug that caused the player to get victory text after the fight before being champion even if you lose.
Fixed a coding bug that caused a Hiker in Crystaline Gym to change sprites unexpectedly.
Fixed a coding bug that caused defeating the Former Champion to block you from battling the True Team.
Added the ability to rechallenge Former Champion's True Team after defeating them. (Also for those who beat them before the fix)
Added the Move Deleter to every Pokemon Center (Helpful with HMs!)

Please ensure you are NOT near the Mystique City Gym or the PC of PokeCenters when updating or you may become trapped.
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.3

Fixed a coding error that would prevent the Player from using Dig or Escape Ropes in Caves. It's fixed finally!
Added a residence to the Buzzswept Town house.
Added residences to Blindheart Town houses.
Added residences to Hallowcurse City houses.
Added a residence to a Muddledeye Town house.

Please ensure you are not in any houses in the cities above when updating or you may become trapped.
To update, please go into your Poke_Updater folder, and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.4

Added the ability to Rechallenge Gym Leaders after you beat the Pokemon League.
Fixed a tileset error in Route 1.
Fixed Champion Challenger's natures being random instead of set ones.
Fixed Pokedex's incorrect locations for most Pokemon by removing the old data and updating it.
Fixed the "Area Crash Bug" in the Pokedex that CTD players on some Pokemon's Area page.
Fixed the CTD caused by looking at Pokedexes other than Kanto or National.

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
When ill battle items be available (choice items, bands, crystals, etc...)
I might have them available in the DLC I'm planning, it'll be available via Mystery Gift and announced in server.
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.5

Fixed a graphical error that caused the HM03 Surf icon in Blindheart's Casino to be missing.
Fixed a coding error that caused the encounters in the water of Blindheart to be missing.
Fixed a coding error that caused the evolution of Boldore to not work with a Linking Cord.
Fixed a coding error that caused Teleport to function improperly outside of battle.
Fixed a coding error in Hallowcurse that would sometimes cause the Mega Ring event to not complete properly.
Fixed a coding error in Route 9 that caused the trainers blocking your way to repeatedly battle you in some situations.
Fixed a coding error that caused Blissey Trainers to challenge you if you press "B" instead of saying "No thank you."
Fixed a coding error that caused every Elite Four Member to have Lum Berries when they shouldn't.

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.6

Added a brand new location, requiring a DLC Ticket! All aboard in Blindheart Town!
Added a resident to Fogblossom Town explaining why nobody else is living there.
Added residents to Bitterblade City, including Julia's Grandmother and a local dancer.
Added residents to Crystaline City, and moved TM07 (Hail) to a new house and replaced the old TM07 with TM13 (Ice Beam).
Made changes to the Duplex in Blanco Town, the obnoxious neighbor now has you join in.
Made changes to the Pokemon UI, no longer using color coded stars to represent stats, but rankings of S,A,B,C,D, and F instead.
Made changes to the Elite Four Mart to sell Ability Patches and Ability Capsules, even before defeating the Elite Four.
Fixed a typo in the Badge Case for Valerie's badge.
Fixed a typo on the Former Champion's dialogue.
Fixed a coding error that prevented Roaming Pokemon from functioning properly (Beast Trio and Eon Duo, 5 badges and E4 defeated respectively).
Fixed a coding error in Blanco Town that would cause music to not play in houses in some situations.
Updated Type Icons Battle UI Plugin (fixing types not displaying properly in double battles).
Updated B2W2 Bag UI Plugin.
Updated Deluxe Battle Kit Plugin.
Updated Animated Pokemon Sprites Plugin (fixing several issues and much better sprites).
Updated Generation 9 Resource Pack Plugin.
Updated Enhanced Battle UI Plugin.
Updated Modular UI Scenes Plugin.
Updated Enhanced Pokemon UI Plugin.
Updated Badgecase (fixes the "Badges: 0" at main menu, load then save to fix existing saves).
Updated Gen 9 Move Animation Resource (fixing False Swipe, Psychic, and Ghost-Type Curse).

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.7

Fixed a coding error that prevented the sign from being read in Getaway Island.
Fixed a coding error that would allow the player to deny entering the Battle Mansion Brawl, but walk in anyways.
Fixed a coding error that would cause the player to get a duplicate Wondertrade Pokemon in Getaway Island's Pokemon Center.
Fixed a coding error that prevented the player from entering the houses on Getaway Island.
Fixed an audio error that prevented music from playing in houses under certain conditions.
Added a TM gift and a Trade in Getaway Island houses.
Added an experimental page for caught Pokemon in the Pokedex that display evolution conditions.

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.

To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here