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FireRed hack: POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

  • 98
    UPDATE (June 2nd, 2017):

    Hey everyone, thank you for being so patient. I know it probably looks as if we abandoned this game, and we were forced to for a little bit. We're a two person team, recent graduates from college, and recently got our own apartments. That being said, things are pretty busy with not a lot of free time. We recently watched a youtube series that shifted our priorities a little bit. It was great to watch and laugh with someone who was playing something we created. We have been out of it for a bit so we'll have to take it a little slow at first to get back into it, but we will be back at it for sure.

    This hack is about 70% done, but my partner and I have been working on it for months, so we are very serious about finishing it. One of the main areas we're lacking in is the graphic design. If anyone testing this is interested in giving us a hand, we would be beyond grateful.

    Pokemon Valor takes place in an all new region (currently unnamed, open to suggestions). We wanted to keep the classic Pokemon journey, meaning you need all 8 badges to compete in the Pokemon league. We haven't included any ground-breaking features or fancy tiles, mostly because we don't have enough experience. However, we both code very well and can be creative when we really try!

    The story is set about 30 years after the events of Pokemon Red (or fire red). Starting in Port Fromage, the player just graduates Pokemon school when team rocket makes off with 10 new Pokemon that Professor Vine just discovered. These 10 are the missing 10 types of eeveelutions (poison, fighting, flying, etc). The player and Vine's apprentice need to travel through the various cities in the area, such as Mozzarella City and Feta Town, to get back the new discoveries, all while earning badges to be able to compete in the Pokemon league at the Gouda Plateau.

    All new region and scripts
    10 all new eeveelutions will be added based off the types that are not
    yet used for eevees
    Gain XP when catch Pokemon
    Remove Badge-checks for HMs
    Pokeball vending machine on department store
    Removed "Trade to evolve" evolutions
    Only gen 1 so far..want to keep it classic
    Might include gens 2-3 later on
    Get running shoes and FLY early
    Brand new custom hero sprite (hopefully more to be added soon)
    Will be adding "Easter egg island" which will include:
    Many custom trainers, including the two creators
    Multiple fun and goofy easter eggs and references
    Black Market where you can buy Rare Candy

    Large intro sprites
    Main Overworld sprites
    Escape Rope bug
    10 new eeveelution sprites & data...+Sylveon
    Need new World map
    Title screen
    Made short view radii for trainers in case testers want to skip them
    Bike clerk will be updated when able to get bike
    Traders will be updated
    Custom badges are designed, still need to be added (Big thanks to RustboroCityMafia)

    Would really appreciate it if you had some time to check it out, we've been working night and day on this to make it as consistent and sharp as possible. Definitely open to suggestions, feedback, questions, anything. Just message me or reply.
    Thank you for your time!

    Download link Version 1.3 (Updated 6/2/2017): Dropbox link

    1.3 Version updates:
    Edited layouts of some towns
    Added a few Routes and a town
    Trading now works
    Fixed bug with apprentice on route 1
    Many other various bug fixes

    Also it appears as though someone went ahead and started a Let's Play over on YouTube. It's over a year old and he didn't get too far but like and comment on his video and maybe we can get him to start it up again!

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)

    [PokeCommunity.com] POKEMON VALOR Beta 1.3 (June 2, 2017)
    Last edited:
    Where beta ends ? The half of this will be end? Hero sprite some like liquid crystal
    Yey! A new hack! And it's already halfway done O.o

    Anyways, the features seems vague, what do u mean u can get all pokemon without trading? Remove trade evolutions? Or ALL pokemon in general, as in from gen 1-6? If it's the latter are there mega evos and alternate forms and such? And does this have PSS Split, New moves and abilities?
    Including getting the Eveeloutions back, will the story be to take down team rocket? The maps look nice If you want a region name try Virtus which isn't the best, but it is Latin for Valor and Virtue. Also, hopefully creates a banner for this game called 'Do it for Professor Vine'.
    You should name the region intrepidity or temerity since valor is a synonym of courage and the best synonym of courage that can be a name of the region is bothXD

    Also I will try to upload it to my channel named killaruscaXD
    Last edited by a moderator:
    Just so you're aware, hack threads need six unique screenshots but you've, presumably accidentally, included the same screenshot twice.

    Dang it! Sorry, I even specifically tried not to do that. Fixing now...

    Where beta ends ? The half of this will be end? Hero sprite some like liquid crystal

    Yeahh, so after you beat the gym in Mozzarella city, there's no where to go because you'll have to go through a cave which we blocked off because we haven't gotten there yet. And yes, I know it's from liquid crystal...we found the sprite sheet on google and just went with it, unaware that it was already in a hack. As soon as we find a pixel artist interested in helping us out, we want to change all of the main sprites (Hero, apprentice, Vine, etc)

    Anyways, the features seems vague, what do u mean u can get all pokemon without trading? Remove trade evolutions? Or ALL pokemon in general, as in from gen 1-6? If it's the latter are there mega evos and alternate forms and such? And does this have PSS Split, New moves and abilities?

    Sorry, I should have been more clear and I will edit that...you were correct with the former. No trade evolutions. And we want to keep it classic and only have the first 151. We might end up doing something like Gold, where when you beat the region, you'll be able to go to a new island where will be a bunch of gen 2s and 3s. Unfortunately no PSS, moves and abilities yet...it's our first hack so we're just trying to get a feel for it, but if people want it and are willing to help us out a little, we'd be happy to implement that kind of stuff.

    Including getting the Eveeloutions back, will the story be to take down team rocket?

    Yup you'll have to encounter Team Rocket a few times and you'll be rewarded with an eeveelution. Also there will be different ways to retrieve them because some of their members turned against them and made off with a few of them. As for the names, I was actually thinking about something like that, that means "valor" so we'll definitely keep it in mind!

    You should name the region intrepidity or temerity

    Not bad! We were actually thinking about naming it something that has to do with "valor" so that might end up being the case.

    Thanks for all the feedback and attention so far, everybody
    Your maps need work and it appears that you haven't made use of the tree shadows at all. You don't need fancy tiles to make your hack look good, you just need to make good use of what you have. The first town is huge for a starter town and it could easily be compressed to about half the size. All your maps seem very familiar in their structure, just a big empty space with a few houses and trees spread around randomly, maybe a body of water or a mountain here and there. It makes all the towns feel like the same thing and it's hard to tell the difference between some of them.
    Okay so what exactly would you suggest? Besides the tree shadow thing, which we always meant to get to, just kept putting it off then forgetting. But I mean you say the towns are big areas with houses and buildings and trees and other stuff...so I mean, isn't that what a town is? Haha got any more specific suggestions?
    Okay so what exactly would you suggest? Besides the tree shadow thing, which we always meant to get to, just kept putting it off then forgetting. But I mean you say the towns are big areas with houses and buildings and trees and other stuff...so I mean, isn't that what a town is? Haha got any more specific suggestions?

    Reduce the amount of empty space. Use things like trees and fences to create a "path" through the town and a structure. Look at any map in Firered and you'll see that you actually have to follow the paths, everything isn't all open and randomly placed. The only map in Firered that's bigger than your starter town is Saffron City, that should tell you something.
    Reduce the amount of empty space. Use things like trees and fences to create a "path" through the town and a structure. Look at any map in Firered and you'll see that you actually have to follow the paths, everything isn't all open and randomly placed. The only map in Firered that's bigger than your starter town is Saffron City, that should tell you something.

    Alright, I see what you're saying. Yeah the starting town is a little large and doesn't have much structure, I'll admit, and we can definitely change it around a bit. However, I think we improved on most of our other towns (maybe with the exception of taleggio because there is a lot of empty space there too)

    First you could reduce the size of your font & not bold all letters plus tidy up the thread so it be easier and fun to read.
    Plus, can upload a smaller picture of your screenshot..It hurts my eye

    haha..ok that is just me.
    First, you can make a good hack even without having good graphic design, for example the maps.
    I can't really tell much from what i see on the screenshots, but i can see too much unneeded space and from what i see the town look like just randomly mapped to have all the needed things(house,rocks..etc). Can work better on the maps. People do enjoy playing in a hack with beautiful map/town..etc..I do at least..

    Apart from that, i can't really say anything much more till i see more progress as the storyline you type is like just any normal story. So i am looking forward to see any cool twist you can come up with.

    Good Luck.
    Just to be sure, you guys are looking through all the town maps right? I know they're not very organized in the map banks, and also not to sound like I'm complaining about the feedback, but some of the towns are very structured with paths and fences and stuff. I'll definitely agree that there are some that aren't and I'm gonna work on those. I just want to make sure you guys are looking through a lot of what we have before saying that all the towns are like that.

    Plus, if many of you have specific suggestions like you would really like the pokecenter and pokemart closer to each other or there should only be X amount of streets in a town, then I would try to make that happen.
    So we have been working on a bunch of things such as tree shadows and we shrunk a couple cities and fixed a fly zone plus other things. I will upload an updated link soon.
    If anyone else has any feedback such as wild Pokemon/trainer levels are too low/high, or there are some wrong movement permissions or typos, just please let me know!
    Aghh shoot, you're right. I was re sizing some towns and moving all the events around and that warp was off by 1 tile -_- Good eye though! It's all fixed now.
    Thanks for the compliment! If you have any more feedback be sure to let me know
    Your maps are improved, but shadows still aren't perfect. I highlighted a bunch of places in the starter town where there shouldn't be any shadows:

    There are some basic rules to follow when you're dealing with shadows. Don't just put them everywhere, usually they should only be used for groups of trees with more than 1 layer, and the top layer of trees shouldn't have shadows. I haven't mapped with FR tiles for a while so I could have missed a few, those were all obvious cases though.