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Pokemons Following (Joining Forces Thread)

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  • 91
    • Seen May 4, 2011
    Thanks to FranLandia, we now have all the Pokemons from the OverWorld of Heart Gold and Soul Silver ready for use on Rpg Maker XP. One of the things that i am sure most people would want, would be the Pokemon to follow them, just like the new Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver do.

    Knowing all of this, what about everyone joining forces to make a script that would let this feature happen ?

    Thanks in advance !
    I'm fairly certain such a script already exists. If I weren't at work right now I'd look it up.

    I'm more interested in the other quirks of having Pokemon following you, such as the ability to use their HMs quicker and being able to feed them items.

    EDIT: Yay, finally up to 100 posts.
    That would be some good ideas too, but like i said, it wouldn't be a job of one person only, maybe if we all worked it out together we could get some pretty interesting results. Also, i am almost sure such a script doesn't exist yet.
    So what do you guys think ?
    Probably someone has already tried doing something similiar to this, also lots of people would love this feature.
    I suppose you mean to do it for rpg maker xp? What about those people like me who use Game maker or another such program instead?
    Well we could make a team to do scripts for both programs, but the original point would be for Poccil Pack, so i mean, Rpg Maker XP
    I'm no scripter, but I'm all for it. I've tried a script before, and it didn't work. I'd really like it if there were a script that actually worked out there!
    I can't imagine that it would be to hard.
    I don't plan to make one and if I do I will keep it to myself.
    Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...I really thought that someone would have some useful advice or information to share. You are all making it too hard on you. You don't need to make your own script, all you had to do was read the essentials note. Poccil already included a dependant events function, which I believe has its own chunk in the notes and even a sample event in the map called Cave1 (with the Brawly fighting event).
    All you simply have to do is create an event and set the function pbAddDependency2(@event_id,"Name",2). This will make that event follow you everywhere untill you remove it. It even follows you through maps. So I really don't see the fuss about this "great union for minds to make a caterpillar script for essentials". It will take an event to do it anyways, with this you could either make 493 for each Pokemon, or you could just make a little adjustment and new function in the script DependentEvents, which is what it's basically for. Also you need to notice that the event won't change speed to go faster while running, so you'll need to set a function for that too.

    With that said, I really see no point of existance of this thread. That simple question could have been asked in the Essentials Thread. Next time I recommend carefully reading through Poccil's notes, because he included alot of things in his kit that some people havent even noticed.
    Thats true, more than true actually, and you got some great points there Luka S.J. but the thing is, there are people that can't Script that well, and probably some that can't script at all. For example i would like in the Script for only the First Pokemon in the Party to follow the Trainer, but i don't have a single clue on how to do so as i don't really know how to script.

    Any help is accepted and i would like to thank Luka S.J. for his help already : )
    I knew about the dependent event script but I thought it only worked with partner trainers that fight with you.
    That is why I didn't think it would be that hard.

    I can script but I don't plan to work on the following you at the moment.
    I think something similar to Caterpillar script will work, but I'm not a scripter and I can't say certainly...
    The Dependence script doesn't work with this feature, because it can't follow you on water, and.. what if the Pokémon evolves?
    Well, as far as I'm aware this is possible in VX but it displays all party members, and aside from that, we'll need compatibility scripts to do it, hopefully in the near future...
    Why don't you all stop hoping for/depending on advanced scripters, and actually put in some effort, learn how to script and do it yourselves. You won't be spoon-fed everything in these forums. It's becoming really tiresome when people that don't want to learn to script (which btw can be learned) are begging for others to do their work for them. If you are really ambitious about your game, and want some exclusive things done in them, the best person to turn to is yourself. Stop whining about stuff and actually about doing it. I mean seriously.
    I agree.
    I think that you should go read some tutorials.

    The one thing luka should have provided are links.
    I recommend going to the ruby website, conveniently called ruby.com and rmxp unlimited.
    To prove that it can be done, I have partially finished a proper following script, the only problem is that only wants to update when changing rooms, and not instantly after changing pokemon in the first slot :/
    I have seen it done for other games.

    Can't you just add a variable that adds one every time you use the switch functions and then if the variable == 1 the game checks for the first pokemon and changes it and then subtracts one from the variable. It would have to be a global variable though.

    I am still a newb at scripting so I might be missing something obvious.
    The one thing luka should have provided are links.
    I recommend going to the ruby website, conveniently called ruby.com and rmxp unlimited.

    Yes, I should have provided some links, but the reason for why I didn't is because I don't know any (except if you feel like lurking around other forums). What I've done in these situations and what would be better for developers using Essentials is by actually going through the scripts. Poccil has his own way of coding (mostly), and you would need to learn that if you want to proceed with his starter kit.

    Look at the scripts and try to figure out how they work, what functions they use. Look at Notes.html and see what methods you need to call to get your desired features and look at the individual scripts and look at their layouts and what they present. I think that is a big first step. And after a while you might rise the the level of n00bs like Alexandre [/joke] :P Nah...but seriously that should get you a big start, and most of the times, the functions you are looking for can be gotten from Essentials itself, and if you can't figure out something you need go to other forums for some scripts (though most of them won't be Essentials compatible).
    To prove that it can be done, I have partially finished a proper following script, the only problem is that only wants to update when changing rooms, and not instantly after changing pokemon in the first slot :/

    Matey would you be willing to show the Script ?

    Thank you
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