Silence is Purple
- 8,405
- Posts
- 15
- Years
- Age 28
- he/him
- Snezhnaya, Teyvat.
- Seen today
Hello, and welcome to my Zenless Zone Zero anthology book, Prismatic Anecdotes Of Chimera Hollow Investigators, a collection of my Zenless Zone Zero versions of my chimera ocs, and their lives around New Eridu. And, for once, the proxies do actually exist. But, as usual, this story is primarily about my ocs. The canon characters are merely just side characters.
This will primarily focus on my seven (prismatic) Zenless Zone Zero factions and the anecdotes of their lives.
With that being said, here's the first short story. This will probably be around 22-25 short stories. We'll see.
The Flower Silencers Street: Purple Flower
"Hello, hello, hello, greetings,
Eh? What, get to the point already?
Lookie here! I
Literally didn't ask!
Okay? So, let's get this straight, I am not your average, run of the mill citizen
Here in New
Eridu! I am literally the top of the town,
Like, I can topple the Hollow Hunting competition!
Lala, no one is ever going to beat my gang!
Our street activity is at the top?
Ha? Just get on with it and introduce myself?
Eh! Fine! Fine, you want to know?
Let's get on with it?
Listen up,
Okay? Cause I'm only going to say this once, aight?
My name is Siorc Ingne!
You got it? That's my
Name, don't wear it out!
Ah, how can someone who's whispering
Make it to the top of a gang, you ask?
Eh! You know nothing!
I don't need words to
Stay at the top,
So don't act like talking
Is required to be a leader
Of a gang! You must be
Really dumb! It's kind of
Cute how stupid you are, it's kind of
Incredible! You're new to new eridu,
Aren't you? I see now! It
Makes sense! You're a newbie!
Are you not used to it?
Haha, you won't last a second here!
You will be dead in New
Eridu super quickly!
Now, let me
Ask you something, dear stranger!
Perhaps you find yourself lost here?
Eh, course you do, you're fresh meat!
Right, since you're fresh meat, I
Should tell you where you should go
Okay, you listening?
Now, here's where you go!
Let us get you somewhere you won't die, kay?
It's a little shop called
Veiled Whisper.
If you haven't seen it, crawl through an alleyway! What,
No way? Kay, don't blame me if you
Get eaten, then! You won't last a day
In New Eridu!
Now, there's more hollows so, you're either going to be eaten, or turned into a monster.
Now, don't say I didn't warn you if you become an
Ether Beast! That's on you!
Well, I warned you, so
Enjoy your stay in
Ridu! Because you'll be swallowed up!
If you want me to help? You have to come
Down to my shop!
Ultimately, it's better to get an ally
In New Eridu! And, if you don't have
Any, then oops!
Might as well give up!
This will be a terrible place for you to stay!
Heh, get wrecked!
Eh, dial it down?
Look, they gotta learn how it works here!
Everyone should just understand by now
All of this is just how the world works
Don't have someone to tackle hollows? You're cooked,
Eh? Not making sense?
Right, of course you don't get it!
Of course you don't get it!
Falalalala, you don't get it!
Aha, you don't get it! You don't
Get it! You don't get it
At all! Do you
Not know anything? I
Guess you're just
That slow! It comes with the territory!
Hmm, so, tell you about my gang?
Eh, ya gotta screw loose, or somethin'? I think you do! Gotta a
Faulty brain in there! Alright,
Look, I'll tell you about
Our gang, aight? So listen up,
Will ya? I am going to tell you
Everything! So don't doze off!
Right, I am going to tell you
So, here ya go!
I'm the top of a gang, the
Leader of The Flower Silencers! And we'll silence you with
Every flower known to man!
Noxious ones!
Cannot take the heat?
Ehe, if you can't take it, you
Really don't belong here!
So, you should leave!
Ah, so you're asking what's the point of my gang?
Nonsensical question!
Don't ask such a stupid question!
We will silence you, got it?
Ehehe, so you don't!
Well, you're new here, so
I guess you don't know anything about New Eridu!
Lalala, lalala, lalala,
Lalala, lalala, lalala, lalala.
Stop singing at your confusion?
I won't! You're dumb, so
Lalala, lalala, lalala!
Even if you figure it all out, I'm
Not holding your hand! Tough
Cookie! You think I will? I am
Especially offended by the prospect my gang would give you a handout!
You should understand that
Our gang is the toughest in town over here
Upon the streets!
What? Did you seriously think
I'd be an easy person
To win over because I am the opposite of
How a hyena behaves: cause I'm silent?
For real, you just don't get it!
Lookie, listen, I ain't easy to win
Over, okay? Okay? I'm glad you get it! You
Wanna die? Cause underestimating us will
Earn you a sweet death! You
Really just don't get it!
Perhaps, you'd understand a little more if you were in New
Eridu for longer!
Take it from me!
An every day resident! What? Why are you
Looking at me like that?
Stop insulting you?
If you think that's
An insult, you're as weak as
My estranged sister! What? What do I
Know?! God, you sure are an annoying little guy aren't ya?!
Now, let me ask you somethin'
Okay? I'm going to ask you now:
Why are you on my corner of the street?
No one who comes onto my corner of the
Alley usually survives! Okay, I'll
Stop being dramatic, because I have never killed anyone.
That'd be a disaster, wouldn't it?
Heh, course I haven't killed anyone. I cannot get myself
Even close to getting caught up with the law!
So, yeah, I haven't killed no one, so,
I will let you off with a
Little warning! Okay? Stay away from the streets.
Especially the alleys. I'm
Not the only gang in
This city! There's many, many,
Others, so if I were you, I'd
Watch out! Or another gang will take you out!
Now, look I said don't say I didn't warn you!
Especially since I already did
Rather a lot!
Okay, at this point if you don't get it, keep on
Fumbling because I
Am not helping you!
Forget it! I have already
Laid it all
Out for you, and you still don't get it, you
Will probably just die out there!
Eh, whatever! That's not my problem,
Really! Of course it ain't.
So, get wrecked if you don't even say I didn't
Heed you with caution
Over how things worked!
Perhaps you'll soon learn what
Might be out there! What might be
Out there that could
Shut you out of
The life you are currently living!
Pahaha, fresh meat, fresh meat!
Eh? Stop making fun
Of you? Well,
Perhaps if you weren't fresh meat, I'd
Likely stop making fun of you!
Especially since you're still new!
Ahahaha, ahahaha, you
Really are just a loser!
Eh, cut it out already?
No! Why should I?
Obviously, you clearly have a lot
To learn about this world!
And, one of these things you
Would need to learn here
Are that the world isn't kind! We're
Really mean around here
Eh? Don't like that?
Oh, well, suck it up!
For, life isn't fair, so
Maybe it's about time you get used to it!
You're pretty weak and all that
So, you really should learn that
Everything is super and
Completely unfair, so get it
Right! Or just get wrecked!
Eh, stop saying
That, I'm an adult, that's childish?
Errr, you should shut your mouth, kay?
I'm just trying to help!
Trying to grill you on
How all of this works!
Eridu is a warzone, it's
Really a world of
Terrifying dangers! So
Here you go! This is the last warning I
Am going to give you!
Time to listen up at the last thing
I'm going to say one last thing!
Get this straight,
Okay? Hear me out
If you want to survive here,
Never, ever go near
The Hollows! Want to survive?
One, don't go near a
Hollow, and you'll survive!
Oh? So, you don't get it?
Looks like you just don't get it
Listen, don't go into a hollow,
Okay? You're a
Weakling, and you're not
Strong enough to fight on your own!
And, you're going to be swallowed whole?
Now, that I have explained everything, get out of my street!
Don't stick around over here!
Don't stay in the alleys,
Ehehe, get wrecked, get destroyed.
Stop? No, no, you're just
Terrible for coming around these parts!
Remove yourself from my presence
Or I will be less savory,
You choose to invade my space,
Even though you have been
Told this is a gang operation.
Ha, well, you truly are clueless
Eh, oh well!
Remove yourself from my presence, or you
Shall see what it really means!
Pahaha, so, what
It's tough to get around here,?
Rahaha, aww, well
Isn't that so cute of you?
Tough luck! You
Shouldn't have come down these streets!
We'll silence you with
Intoxicated flowers!
The poison roses!
Hahaha, well, you
Might as well enjoy your stay while
You can because you are not
Going to last long
Around here! You'll
Never last in a place like this! So, either
Get out, or get wrecked! You'll soon learn your survival is limited! So long, farewell! And always remember, stay out!"
A short, androgynous young adult individual with short purple hair pulled into two spiky ponytails stood in front of the mirror in the washroom. of the home. Hyena ears adorning red, heart shaped earrings dangling from the sides, and a matching hairclip. Adorning a belted collar with the initials S.I., the person adorned a deep fanged smirk. His new garnish would sure scare everyone who dared to come down the alleyway.
Adorning hyena arms, legs, and a tail as well, a pitch black belly shirt with a green flower adorning four pink petals and a zipper highlighted the individual's heterochromatic purple and green eyes brightly. Gigantic hyena spots covering half the face, the person hardly looked out of place in the city streets in this animal eat animal world.
Slipping on a pitch black skirt a green flower creature with four pink petals ran in the room. Bright yellow eyes giving him a cheeky little grin, the chimera pet the creature on its itty bitty head. Waving at it, the individual slapped a piece of tiny paper with a single visible sentence on it. Words upon the paper reading, good morning, Wisty, the creature soon spoke back in its own language.
<Good morning, Siorc> the creature said in its own language which had been translated for any on-looker peeking. But, anyone else, it would sound like Eh-nah-ehn-ne, but why subject the poor audience to such? That would be quite terrible.
Scribbling down on another small sheet of paper, the hyena placed the sheet down into Wisty's palms, message on the paper reading, what you got for me today? The tiny creature titled their head for a moment. Seeing such, the young adult heaved a sigh. Was Wisty clueless again? Flipping the sheet over, the individual soon wrote down, think hard about it, okay? A short silence followed.
<Aigre's got a message for you, she says, he'd better hurry up and open up shop!> The creature cowered for a moment as it went about is gibberish. <She'll turn me into Bangboo Soup if you don't hurry!>
Message received, the hyena let out a sigh. Good old Aigre, she was impatient as always. Who was the leader of this gang again? He was, not her. Since when did she think she got to be the boss around here? Well, oh well, it's not like he was going to say anything about it to her anyway. Exiting his room from the top floor, he had soon reached the bottom floor.
On the first floor of the home had been a beautiful flower shop. All kinds of plants for sale, he could hear a familiar knock on the door that he had definitely been used to hearing by now. Opening the entranceway, he could already hear the shouts coming from the opposite end of the room. Groaning, he could hardly hold in his frustration.
"Siorc, I called you at least six times! Why didn't you pick up?" Aigre asked in an annoyed tone. "You need to pick up the phone when Vidame or I call you!"
Usual complaint coming his way, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Did Aigre just say she called him? She did. How very disappointing of her to go and do that. She should know by now he doesn't pick up phone calls! But, she doesn't listen. No, instead she insists that he answer the phone. Answer the phone. He'll answer that thing if it's the last thing he'd do. Ever heard of texting? She should try it sometime!
Taking out a slip of paper, the hyena wrote down, oops, sorry! My phone wasn't even on! He stuck out his tongue at the eyeless flower audience. Ha, more like he had all phone calls set to automatically be blocked after three rings with the help of a curated A.I. program. Shouts coming from the door frame once more, he soon brought himself out of his head at full speed.
"You're hopeless!" Aigre shouted. "Whatever. Let me in already."
Opening the door fully, a short young woman with long, bright magenta hair pulled back into a ponytail came running into the room at full speed. Her bright pink eyes were full of rage, like they always were. Much to his dismay. Her fancy fuchsia shirt adorned a bright blush ribbon, and a skirt to match. Fighter knives strapped to her side, he could see a bright royal blue guppy tail behind her. He rolled his eyes to such. Little miss guppymaid thought she ruled the world, didn't she? Had she forgotten who ran the joint here?
"Where's Wisty?" Aigre asked.
Pointing at the stairs, he could already see a look of even further anger appear on Aigre's face. Didn't she know how it works by now? Wisty stays upstairs until Vidame arrives. And, if she didn't like that, then tough luck. That's how its mechanical beeps and boops worked. She is so impatient. Why did he invite her to his gang again? Was it because they were childhood friends throughout middle school and high school because of their shared adoration for flowers? Probably, but that's where the similarities between them ended.
Shrugging, the hyena wrote out on a piece of paper, you should know by now Wisty stays upstairs until Vidame comes, he could already see a look of even further annoyance on her face. She is so impatient. Who in the world raised this woman to be such a way? Whatever, it wasn't his business anyway. And, he wasn't about to pry into her life.
"Vidame texted me to say she's going to be late today," Aigre said. "Go get Wisty now!"
Demands coming his gang leader rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Who did she think she was, ordering him around like that? But, such was how it had been since he started up this flower shop a year or so ago. Always acting like the boss. She was far from being the one in charge here. Well, whatever. He preferred to keep his mouth shut.
Ascending the staircase, Wisty had been walking around the room in a circle. Letting out a reluctant whistle, the Bangboo stood up with a nonexistent look of shock on its face. Creature walking towards him, sticking out their palm, the chimera scribbled down a legion of words he did not wish to write down.
Tiny slip of paper reading, Aigre needs you downstairs, the Bangboo tilted their head. Shrugging, he added an extra line of text, Vidame might be a little late today, Wisty let out its usual sounds of gibberish. Ah, this was beyond its programming, wasn't it? Maybe it was, he didn't quite know. He wasn't a leet hacker, or anything.
<Wisty needs to wait for Vidame,> his Bangoo companion said in its own language. But, his companion soon turned its flower head towards the stairs. <Vidame's here!>
Bangboo dashing down the stairs, the hyena shook his head. No matter how many times Aigre might have demanded, in the end, Wisty danced to their own tune. It may have been his companion Bangboo, but at the end of the day, the mechanic and administrator was someone else. Not like it mattered, anyway. Descending the staircase once more, gibberish ate the room.
Standing at the door had been a short young lady with golden hair split down the middle that went down to about her chest. Two buns circling out the top, large golden flame shaped eyelashes stretched out across her face. Seeing such, the gang leader shook his head. Ah, Vidame wasn't brushing her penguin crests again. What a terrible look for her. Orange eyes like the sun matching her flower print dress, an asymmetrical yellow flower print looked rather out of place on the rest of the outfit. Penguin tail behind her, and brightly colored gloves hiding her flippers, the young adult sent a silent greeting her way.
"Morning, Wisty," Vidame greeted. "Everything operational?"
<Up and running!> Wisty exclaimed, nodding.
"Good, good," Vidame responded, tone of relief in her voice. "Good moring Aigre, Siorc." She then lowered her voice into a whisper. "Someone's coming by to 'buy flowers' in a bit."
Intel coming his way, the hyena headed behind the counter. It had been quite awhile since someone had come around to buy flowers. When was the last time someone did that? Nothing came to mind. It had been a slow past few months in Veiled Whisper. No one was 'buying' anything. He was starting to wonder if someone else had taken over their territory. The would pay for that if they did.
Door bell chiming up a storm, the shop owner placed his hands on the counter. Wisty running towards him, a call card had been placed into their hands. Burly group of men stomping through the door, the hyena rubbed his brows. Great, the Red Fang Gang was here. Didn't they know whose territory this was?
"The Red Fang Gang," Aigre hissed. "Do you need to be reminded whose territory you're in? This is The Flower Silencers territory, got it? Unless ya wanna fight! 'Cause we'll take you on!"
"Little lady, you misunderstand," the red fang gang member hissed back. "We're here to buy some flowers."
"Aigre, they're after the same guy we are," Vidame said, gloves crossed around her waist. "Let's call a truce."
Burly guys walking towards the counter, the gang leader slid a paper around on the counter. Writing down, what 'flowers' do you want? The hyena put on a serious look on his face. Ah, business as usual. Other gangs daring to invade his territory acting like they aligned with his interests. Let's see if they really were after the same guys they were!
"Purple roses," the red fang gang member said with a smile.
Opposing gang offering to buy 'purple flowers' the chimera put on a smirk. Oh, a take out mission? They wanted something big. Whatever it was they wanted to eliminate, he was on board. Writing out, who are these purple flowers for, dear customers? He tried not to giggle. Act professional, he was about to have a mission on his hands!
"Give these flowers to The Cunning Hares," the red fang gang member exclaimed. "They got something we want!"
"Oh? And what might that be?" Aigre asked. She then turned to Vidame. "Vidame, are you keeping secrets from us?"
"Oh, gee, it's almost as if I'm an information broker, Aigre," Vidame responded sarcastically. "But, I forgot, you got a memory of a goldfish! Silly me!"
"You--!" Aigre exclaimed, growling. "I'll have you know I'm a guppymaid! My memory is perfectly fine, thank you!" She then crossed her arms around her waist turning her head off towards the opposite direction, defiant hmph let out. "Information broker, sure, sure, if the money in your basement real, too?" But, their argument had soon been interrupted.
"Chimeras, chimeras, settle down," the red fang gang member interrupted. "All that matters that we're after the same guy."
Noise dying down, the chimera cracked his knuckles, writing out, what are you after, the hyena could hardly hide the smirk on his face. Were they after a big money target? Wonderful, wonderful, The Flower Silencers would be loaded with Dennies after this. He could feel himself ready to swim in the dough!
"They got themselves a Golden Bangboo that was in our territory!" the red fang gang member shouted. "Deliver these purple flowers to them, and we'll give you five-hundred-thousand Dennies."
Six figures presented to him, the hyena licked his lips. Five-hundred-thousand dennies, was he hearing that right? Five-hundred-thousand dennies? Slipping into imagination land, it was raining coins. Excellent, amazing, he could work with that. He would never have to pay rent again with that kind of money! Sign him up!
"You've got a deal," the hyena whispered, voice barely audible. He then extended his paw.
"Look forward to working with you, partner," the red fang gang member said, smirking.
Hand shake exchanged, the hyena turned towards his gang members. Heh, this was going to be the biggest job yet! A Golden Bangboo? He had been hearing a lot about that lately near the arcade in Sixth Street whenever he'd venture out to gather his own information on the hip and happening.
Wisty handing him his two handed sword, Vidame soon handed out the location coordinates. Seeing an alleyway in their own territory listed, he let out a laugh. The Cunning Hares had the nerve to invade their turf? He could hardly wait to give them a nice little purple rose. Dashing through the streets, the little unwanted cockroaches had been with the goods.
Holding one of the golden goods had been a tall woman with long pink hair that went down to about her backside. Part of her hair tied up into two pigtails, her black headband ribbons matched her jacket almost exactly. Low cut shirt exposing her chest, heart shaped necklace, and singular pitch black stocking, a small green Bangboo plushie finished off her outfit.
Standing next to her had been a young woman with short grey hair that went down to about her shoulder. Adorning a green mechanical vest like apparatus, and pitch black skirt, her golden eyes looked pretty much done with this entire ordeal. Had she known whose territory she was in? She'd better have. He wanted to cut off that braid of hers right now, and show her who's the boss around here.
Fallen on his buttocks in the corner had been a masked android with spiky white hair, and a red jacket. Adorning twin pistols, the chimera wanted to turn this man into a bucket of bolts. Ah, yes, this guy, he always saw him at the arcade. What was his name again, Bi---? He didn't stand a chance against him when it came to games.
Staring at the tumbled android had been a short young cat woman with short black hair pulled into a ponytail. Seeing cat ears with red tips, the hyena placed his hand on his chin. This girl, something seemed kind of wormy about her. Red and white outfit with detached sleeves, the gang leader cracked his knuckles. It was time to eliminate these little strays.
"Hello, Cunning Hares," Aigre said in a fake friendly tone. "What are you doing in The Flower Silencer's territory?" A dark look had been on her face. "That golden Bangboo doesn't belong to you, Ni---. Better hand it over."
"Your territory?" Ni--- asked. "Since when?" But, a flower had soon been tossed her way.
"I told you to hand over that Golden Bangboo, Ni---," Aigre demanded, voice booming. "Or does our leader have to use force?"
"Ni---, just hand over the Bangboo," the grey haired girl said. "The back alleys are The Flower Silencer's domain."
"Tch, no way, An--, this Golden Bangboo will give us a lot of Dennies!" Ni--- shouted.
Pesky little rat not giving up the golden Bangboo, the hyena turned to Vidame. Ah, putting up a fight, were they? Who did they think they were? They had the nerve to step into their turf. Taking out the purple flower, a special little present had been sent towards Pinkie. It was time for these trespassers to go boom. Or, so he liked to pretend. Kill another gang? Goodness, no, it was just a little poison.
But, things immediately turned sour. Rainbow sphere appearing out of nowhere, the chimera could feel himself getting sucked in alongside the android man and cat girl. Feeling such, the chimera let out a groan. Oh, great, fantastic, a hollow had appeared now, of all times? Fantastic. Just when he hadn't gotten any jobs to eliminate those for weeks they had to appear now. Closing his eyes, space distorted around him.
Great, fantastic, absolutely brilliant.
A hollow now of all times when he isn't prepared.
"Okay, so I wasn't anticipating a
Hollow in the alleyway! You see, I, Vidame, am an information
Broker. People pay me a load of dennies for information, and, in exchange, they give me information about Hollows.
Right, so besides getting rid
Of people who dare
To enter in our turf, people also pay us to enter into
Hollows and clean up some
Ether Monsters. We, the Flower Silencers
Run an illegal Hollow wiping business.
Ah, well, we usually keep this part of our services
Hidden, and you have to say
Our secret password to
Let us know you want us to exterminate monsters in the hollow. The password is,
'Let me hand you a wisteria, my queen!'
Okay, Aigre might be mad if she knows I told someone that, but
We can always just go and change it.
Now, uh, there's more pressing matters to deal with.
Okay, so, Siorc has fallen into a hollow. Since I haven't gotten any intel on a hollow lately,
We are going to need the help of a proxy!
Well, this is always a last resort,
Ever daring to ask a proxy for their help. But, I
Guess we have to.
Oh, god. To be honest,
This is the last
Thing I'd ever want to go
And do, bow down to those legendary proxies on Sixth Street, but
For now, I don't have a choice.
If I had known about this hollow, I'd have
No need for their services. But, unfortunately, I
Do right now.
There is no way I can get Siorc out of that
Hollow by myself, and Aigre can't
Either. Oh, well! Guess we got to go beg the
Proxy for help! Aigre and I
Run toward Six Street, and
Open the door, and say, "hey, Proxy help me!"
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxoiehiwotyu--- a Bangboo said.
I would know, okay? I repair Bangboos in my free time!
Eh, seems like we're not wanted here.
So, I have to make this quick."
Bursting the door open to a video store on Sixth Street known as Random Play, Vidame let out a huff. This was the last place she and Aigre would want to be, but neither of them had a choice. Hollow reports had been rather scarce lately in her information network. What could she possibly do? Barging into a server room in the corner, she was ready to beg, if she needed to.
Standing in the corner had been a tall man with short, spiky silver hair. Blue denim jacket hiding the sleeves of his black t-shirt, his blue haired sister next to him with a hairpin that adorned the word in looked ready to kick Aigre and she out at any given moment. She had to make this quick. They were in enemy territory, after all.
"Vidame?" the blue haired girl asked, arms crossed around her waist. "What are you doing here?"
"Please, proxies, help us!" Vidame shouted, bowing her head. "Siorc fell into a Hollow!" But, such point had been shut down immediately.
"Oh, but I thought you told us last time you didn't need our help," the grey haired man said. "Don't you guys have Wisty to guide you?"
"Wisty isn't with him, you blockhead!" Aigre shouted. "Why didn't you come here, huh?"
"Did you just call my brother a blockhead?" the blue haired girl asked. "I think we've heard enough. You can l--" But, an interruption had come her way.
"B----, Aigre's sorry for calling your brother a blockhead!" Vidame said, bowing her head. "Please, help us! Without Wisty, Siorc is next to useless in a Hollow! They're joined at the hip!"
"Alright, We'll help," B---- reluctantly said. "W---, let's go in."
"On it." The grey haired man had soon sat in his computer chair.
Standing beside him, Vidame prayed to the skies above.
Please, be safe Siorc.
-> -> ->
Finding himself in the heart of a hollow, the hyena rocked back and forth beside the android man. Ah, great, great, he had been sent into a hollow without Wisty. What should he do? How would he ever hope to get through here? He should have brought them with him. He was useless without his partner. Oh, great. He was doomed to become a monster. And, the annoying android wasn't making it much better.
"Oh, great, Ne------, we're trapped in here!" Bi--- shouted. "Doomed!"
"That's quitter talk, nya!" the catgirl shouted.
Lowering his head onto his knees, the gang leader groaned. He was done for. Absolutely done for. How could he hope to navigate this place without Wisty? He shouldn't have left home without them. Was he going to become a monster very soon. He could feel it, the corruption levels here were high. Any second now, and he would be gone.
But, a strange Bangboo with a scarf soon appeared beside the broken wall. Mechanical ally leading the way, the chimera had begun running. Ethereals knocked out along the way with a zapping flower bang, the hollow's exit had soon been reached. Finding himself back in the alleyway, the android man was back on the ground in moments.
Going straight back to business like nothing happened, a lie had been written up about the Golden Bangboo. Writing down, that Golden Bangboo is a fake, it's worth nothing, the territory invaders gave up the contraband like it was hot. The shop owner couldn't help but giggle at such. Heh, works every time! It's a fake, it isn't worth anything. That's what people get for daring to come into his territory.
Returning to Veiled Whisper, the chimera handed over the Golden Bangboo. Given their six figures, the party of three split the Dennies between them thirty-three, thirty-three, thirty-four. Ah, sweet rewards from a territorial dispute, beautiful. Taking a one-percent higher cut, he stored the the money for future expenses.
Closing up shop for the day, the hyena ascended the staircase. Wisty opening the door for him, the gang leader pulled his companion into a mechanical embrace. Bangboo making a lot of garbled noises, the gang leader put them down. Ah, right, don't forget, his pal did not like being touched. Closing the door to his room, the young adult changed into his pajamas. Rolling into his bed, a gigglefest had been upon him as he drifted off into the world of sleep.
Another successful sale.
gang leader siorc omfg
This will primarily focus on my seven (prismatic) Zenless Zone Zero factions and the anecdotes of their lives.
With that being said, here's the first short story. This will probably be around 22-25 short stories. We'll see.
The Flower Silencers Street: Purple Flower
"Hello, hello, hello, greetings,
Eh? What, get to the point already?
Lookie here! I
Literally didn't ask!
Okay? So, let's get this straight, I am not your average, run of the mill citizen
Here in New
Eridu! I am literally the top of the town,
Like, I can topple the Hollow Hunting competition!
Lala, no one is ever going to beat my gang!
Our street activity is at the top?
Ha? Just get on with it and introduce myself?
Eh! Fine! Fine, you want to know?
Let's get on with it?
Listen up,
Okay? Cause I'm only going to say this once, aight?
My name is Siorc Ingne!
You got it? That's my
Name, don't wear it out!
Ah, how can someone who's whispering
Make it to the top of a gang, you ask?
Eh! You know nothing!
I don't need words to
Stay at the top,
So don't act like talking
Is required to be a leader
Of a gang! You must be
Really dumb! It's kind of
Cute how stupid you are, it's kind of
Incredible! You're new to new eridu,
Aren't you? I see now! It
Makes sense! You're a newbie!
Are you not used to it?
Haha, you won't last a second here!
You will be dead in New
Eridu super quickly!
Now, let me
Ask you something, dear stranger!
Perhaps you find yourself lost here?
Eh, course you do, you're fresh meat!
Right, since you're fresh meat, I
Should tell you where you should go
Okay, you listening?
Now, here's where you go!
Let us get you somewhere you won't die, kay?
It's a little shop called
Veiled Whisper.
If you haven't seen it, crawl through an alleyway! What,
No way? Kay, don't blame me if you
Get eaten, then! You won't last a day
In New Eridu!
Now, there's more hollows so, you're either going to be eaten, or turned into a monster.
Now, don't say I didn't warn you if you become an
Ether Beast! That's on you!
Well, I warned you, so
Enjoy your stay in
Ridu! Because you'll be swallowed up!
If you want me to help? You have to come
Down to my shop!
Ultimately, it's better to get an ally
In New Eridu! And, if you don't have
Any, then oops!
Might as well give up!
This will be a terrible place for you to stay!
Heh, get wrecked!
Eh, dial it down?
Look, they gotta learn how it works here!
Everyone should just understand by now
All of this is just how the world works
Don't have someone to tackle hollows? You're cooked,
Eh? Not making sense?
Right, of course you don't get it!
Of course you don't get it!
Falalalala, you don't get it!
Aha, you don't get it! You don't
Get it! You don't get it
At all! Do you
Not know anything? I
Guess you're just
That slow! It comes with the territory!
Hmm, so, tell you about my gang?
Eh, ya gotta screw loose, or somethin'? I think you do! Gotta a
Faulty brain in there! Alright,
Look, I'll tell you about
Our gang, aight? So listen up,
Will ya? I am going to tell you
Everything! So don't doze off!
Right, I am going to tell you
So, here ya go!
I'm the top of a gang, the
Leader of The Flower Silencers! And we'll silence you with
Every flower known to man!
Noxious ones!
Cannot take the heat?
Ehe, if you can't take it, you
Really don't belong here!
So, you should leave!
Ah, so you're asking what's the point of my gang?
Nonsensical question!
Don't ask such a stupid question!
We will silence you, got it?
Ehehe, so you don't!
Well, you're new here, so
I guess you don't know anything about New Eridu!
Lalala, lalala, lalala,
Lalala, lalala, lalala, lalala.
Stop singing at your confusion?
I won't! You're dumb, so
Lalala, lalala, lalala!
Even if you figure it all out, I'm
Not holding your hand! Tough
Cookie! You think I will? I am
Especially offended by the prospect my gang would give you a handout!
You should understand that
Our gang is the toughest in town over here
Upon the streets!
What? Did you seriously think
I'd be an easy person
To win over because I am the opposite of
How a hyena behaves: cause I'm silent?
For real, you just don't get it!
Lookie, listen, I ain't easy to win
Over, okay? Okay? I'm glad you get it! You
Wanna die? Cause underestimating us will
Earn you a sweet death! You
Really just don't get it!
Perhaps, you'd understand a little more if you were in New
Eridu for longer!
Take it from me!
An every day resident! What? Why are you
Looking at me like that?
Stop insulting you?
If you think that's
An insult, you're as weak as
My estranged sister! What? What do I
Know?! God, you sure are an annoying little guy aren't ya?!
Now, let me ask you somethin'
Okay? I'm going to ask you now:
Why are you on my corner of the street?
No one who comes onto my corner of the
Alley usually survives! Okay, I'll
Stop being dramatic, because I have never killed anyone.
That'd be a disaster, wouldn't it?
Heh, course I haven't killed anyone. I cannot get myself
Even close to getting caught up with the law!
So, yeah, I haven't killed no one, so,
I will let you off with a
Little warning! Okay? Stay away from the streets.
Especially the alleys. I'm
Not the only gang in
This city! There's many, many,
Others, so if I were you, I'd
Watch out! Or another gang will take you out!
Now, look I said don't say I didn't warn you!
Especially since I already did
Rather a lot!
Okay, at this point if you don't get it, keep on
Fumbling because I
Am not helping you!
Forget it! I have already
Laid it all
Out for you, and you still don't get it, you
Will probably just die out there!
Eh, whatever! That's not my problem,
Really! Of course it ain't.
So, get wrecked if you don't even say I didn't
Heed you with caution
Over how things worked!
Perhaps you'll soon learn what
Might be out there! What might be
Out there that could
Shut you out of
The life you are currently living!
Pahaha, fresh meat, fresh meat!
Eh? Stop making fun
Of you? Well,
Perhaps if you weren't fresh meat, I'd
Likely stop making fun of you!
Especially since you're still new!
Ahahaha, ahahaha, you
Really are just a loser!
Eh, cut it out already?
No! Why should I?
Obviously, you clearly have a lot
To learn about this world!
And, one of these things you
Would need to learn here
Are that the world isn't kind! We're
Really mean around here
Eh? Don't like that?
Oh, well, suck it up!
For, life isn't fair, so
Maybe it's about time you get used to it!
You're pretty weak and all that
So, you really should learn that
Everything is super and
Completely unfair, so get it
Right! Or just get wrecked!
Eh, stop saying
That, I'm an adult, that's childish?
Errr, you should shut your mouth, kay?
I'm just trying to help!
Trying to grill you on
How all of this works!
Eridu is a warzone, it's
Really a world of
Terrifying dangers! So
Here you go! This is the last warning I
Am going to give you!
Time to listen up at the last thing
I'm going to say one last thing!
Get this straight,
Okay? Hear me out
If you want to survive here,
Never, ever go near
The Hollows! Want to survive?
One, don't go near a
Hollow, and you'll survive!
Oh? So, you don't get it?
Looks like you just don't get it
Listen, don't go into a hollow,
Okay? You're a
Weakling, and you're not
Strong enough to fight on your own!
And, you're going to be swallowed whole?
Now, that I have explained everything, get out of my street!
Don't stick around over here!
Don't stay in the alleys,
Ehehe, get wrecked, get destroyed.
Stop? No, no, you're just
Terrible for coming around these parts!
Remove yourself from my presence
Or I will be less savory,
You choose to invade my space,
Even though you have been
Told this is a gang operation.
Ha, well, you truly are clueless
Eh, oh well!
Remove yourself from my presence, or you
Shall see what it really means!
Pahaha, so, what
It's tough to get around here,?
Rahaha, aww, well
Isn't that so cute of you?
Tough luck! You
Shouldn't have come down these streets!
We'll silence you with
Intoxicated flowers!
The poison roses!
Hahaha, well, you
Might as well enjoy your stay while
You can because you are not
Going to last long
Around here! You'll
Never last in a place like this! So, either
Get out, or get wrecked! You'll soon learn your survival is limited! So long, farewell! And always remember, stay out!"
A short, androgynous young adult individual with short purple hair pulled into two spiky ponytails stood in front of the mirror in the washroom. of the home. Hyena ears adorning red, heart shaped earrings dangling from the sides, and a matching hairclip. Adorning a belted collar with the initials S.I., the person adorned a deep fanged smirk. His new garnish would sure scare everyone who dared to come down the alleyway.
Adorning hyena arms, legs, and a tail as well, a pitch black belly shirt with a green flower adorning four pink petals and a zipper highlighted the individual's heterochromatic purple and green eyes brightly. Gigantic hyena spots covering half the face, the person hardly looked out of place in the city streets in this animal eat animal world.
Slipping on a pitch black skirt a green flower creature with four pink petals ran in the room. Bright yellow eyes giving him a cheeky little grin, the chimera pet the creature on its itty bitty head. Waving at it, the individual slapped a piece of tiny paper with a single visible sentence on it. Words upon the paper reading, good morning, Wisty, the creature soon spoke back in its own language.
<Good morning, Siorc> the creature said in its own language which had been translated for any on-looker peeking. But, anyone else, it would sound like Eh-nah-ehn-ne, but why subject the poor audience to such? That would be quite terrible.
Scribbling down on another small sheet of paper, the hyena placed the sheet down into Wisty's palms, message on the paper reading, what you got for me today? The tiny creature titled their head for a moment. Seeing such, the young adult heaved a sigh. Was Wisty clueless again? Flipping the sheet over, the individual soon wrote down, think hard about it, okay? A short silence followed.
<Aigre's got a message for you, she says, he'd better hurry up and open up shop!> The creature cowered for a moment as it went about is gibberish. <She'll turn me into Bangboo Soup if you don't hurry!>
Message received, the hyena let out a sigh. Good old Aigre, she was impatient as always. Who was the leader of this gang again? He was, not her. Since when did she think she got to be the boss around here? Well, oh well, it's not like he was going to say anything about it to her anyway. Exiting his room from the top floor, he had soon reached the bottom floor.
On the first floor of the home had been a beautiful flower shop. All kinds of plants for sale, he could hear a familiar knock on the door that he had definitely been used to hearing by now. Opening the entranceway, he could already hear the shouts coming from the opposite end of the room. Groaning, he could hardly hold in his frustration.
"Siorc, I called you at least six times! Why didn't you pick up?" Aigre asked in an annoyed tone. "You need to pick up the phone when Vidame or I call you!"
Usual complaint coming his way, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Did Aigre just say she called him? She did. How very disappointing of her to go and do that. She should know by now he doesn't pick up phone calls! But, she doesn't listen. No, instead she insists that he answer the phone. Answer the phone. He'll answer that thing if it's the last thing he'd do. Ever heard of texting? She should try it sometime!
Taking out a slip of paper, the hyena wrote down, oops, sorry! My phone wasn't even on! He stuck out his tongue at the eyeless flower audience. Ha, more like he had all phone calls set to automatically be blocked after three rings with the help of a curated A.I. program. Shouts coming from the door frame once more, he soon brought himself out of his head at full speed.
"You're hopeless!" Aigre shouted. "Whatever. Let me in already."
Opening the door fully, a short young woman with long, bright magenta hair pulled back into a ponytail came running into the room at full speed. Her bright pink eyes were full of rage, like they always were. Much to his dismay. Her fancy fuchsia shirt adorned a bright blush ribbon, and a skirt to match. Fighter knives strapped to her side, he could see a bright royal blue guppy tail behind her. He rolled his eyes to such. Little miss guppymaid thought she ruled the world, didn't she? Had she forgotten who ran the joint here?
"Where's Wisty?" Aigre asked.
Pointing at the stairs, he could already see a look of even further anger appear on Aigre's face. Didn't she know how it works by now? Wisty stays upstairs until Vidame arrives. And, if she didn't like that, then tough luck. That's how its mechanical beeps and boops worked. She is so impatient. Why did he invite her to his gang again? Was it because they were childhood friends throughout middle school and high school because of their shared adoration for flowers? Probably, but that's where the similarities between them ended.
Shrugging, the hyena wrote out on a piece of paper, you should know by now Wisty stays upstairs until Vidame comes, he could already see a look of even further annoyance on her face. She is so impatient. Who in the world raised this woman to be such a way? Whatever, it wasn't his business anyway. And, he wasn't about to pry into her life.
"Vidame texted me to say she's going to be late today," Aigre said. "Go get Wisty now!"
Demands coming his gang leader rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Who did she think she was, ordering him around like that? But, such was how it had been since he started up this flower shop a year or so ago. Always acting like the boss. She was far from being the one in charge here. Well, whatever. He preferred to keep his mouth shut.
Ascending the staircase, Wisty had been walking around the room in a circle. Letting out a reluctant whistle, the Bangboo stood up with a nonexistent look of shock on its face. Creature walking towards him, sticking out their palm, the chimera scribbled down a legion of words he did not wish to write down.
Tiny slip of paper reading, Aigre needs you downstairs, the Bangboo tilted their head. Shrugging, he added an extra line of text, Vidame might be a little late today, Wisty let out its usual sounds of gibberish. Ah, this was beyond its programming, wasn't it? Maybe it was, he didn't quite know. He wasn't a leet hacker, or anything.
<Wisty needs to wait for Vidame,> his Bangoo companion said in its own language. But, his companion soon turned its flower head towards the stairs. <Vidame's here!>
Bangboo dashing down the stairs, the hyena shook his head. No matter how many times Aigre might have demanded, in the end, Wisty danced to their own tune. It may have been his companion Bangboo, but at the end of the day, the mechanic and administrator was someone else. Not like it mattered, anyway. Descending the staircase once more, gibberish ate the room.
Standing at the door had been a short young lady with golden hair split down the middle that went down to about her chest. Two buns circling out the top, large golden flame shaped eyelashes stretched out across her face. Seeing such, the gang leader shook his head. Ah, Vidame wasn't brushing her penguin crests again. What a terrible look for her. Orange eyes like the sun matching her flower print dress, an asymmetrical yellow flower print looked rather out of place on the rest of the outfit. Penguin tail behind her, and brightly colored gloves hiding her flippers, the young adult sent a silent greeting her way.
"Morning, Wisty," Vidame greeted. "Everything operational?"
<Up and running!> Wisty exclaimed, nodding.
"Good, good," Vidame responded, tone of relief in her voice. "Good moring Aigre, Siorc." She then lowered her voice into a whisper. "Someone's coming by to 'buy flowers' in a bit."
Intel coming his way, the hyena headed behind the counter. It had been quite awhile since someone had come around to buy flowers. When was the last time someone did that? Nothing came to mind. It had been a slow past few months in Veiled Whisper. No one was 'buying' anything. He was starting to wonder if someone else had taken over their territory. The would pay for that if they did.
Door bell chiming up a storm, the shop owner placed his hands on the counter. Wisty running towards him, a call card had been placed into their hands. Burly group of men stomping through the door, the hyena rubbed his brows. Great, the Red Fang Gang was here. Didn't they know whose territory this was?
"The Red Fang Gang," Aigre hissed. "Do you need to be reminded whose territory you're in? This is The Flower Silencers territory, got it? Unless ya wanna fight! 'Cause we'll take you on!"
"Little lady, you misunderstand," the red fang gang member hissed back. "We're here to buy some flowers."
"Aigre, they're after the same guy we are," Vidame said, gloves crossed around her waist. "Let's call a truce."
Burly guys walking towards the counter, the gang leader slid a paper around on the counter. Writing down, what 'flowers' do you want? The hyena put on a serious look on his face. Ah, business as usual. Other gangs daring to invade his territory acting like they aligned with his interests. Let's see if they really were after the same guys they were!
"Purple roses," the red fang gang member said with a smile.
Opposing gang offering to buy 'purple flowers' the chimera put on a smirk. Oh, a take out mission? They wanted something big. Whatever it was they wanted to eliminate, he was on board. Writing out, who are these purple flowers for, dear customers? He tried not to giggle. Act professional, he was about to have a mission on his hands!
"Give these flowers to The Cunning Hares," the red fang gang member exclaimed. "They got something we want!"
"Oh? And what might that be?" Aigre asked. She then turned to Vidame. "Vidame, are you keeping secrets from us?"
"Oh, gee, it's almost as if I'm an information broker, Aigre," Vidame responded sarcastically. "But, I forgot, you got a memory of a goldfish! Silly me!"
"You--!" Aigre exclaimed, growling. "I'll have you know I'm a guppymaid! My memory is perfectly fine, thank you!" She then crossed her arms around her waist turning her head off towards the opposite direction, defiant hmph let out. "Information broker, sure, sure, if the money in your basement real, too?" But, their argument had soon been interrupted.
"Chimeras, chimeras, settle down," the red fang gang member interrupted. "All that matters that we're after the same guy."
Noise dying down, the chimera cracked his knuckles, writing out, what are you after, the hyena could hardly hide the smirk on his face. Were they after a big money target? Wonderful, wonderful, The Flower Silencers would be loaded with Dennies after this. He could feel himself ready to swim in the dough!
"They got themselves a Golden Bangboo that was in our territory!" the red fang gang member shouted. "Deliver these purple flowers to them, and we'll give you five-hundred-thousand Dennies."
Six figures presented to him, the hyena licked his lips. Five-hundred-thousand dennies, was he hearing that right? Five-hundred-thousand dennies? Slipping into imagination land, it was raining coins. Excellent, amazing, he could work with that. He would never have to pay rent again with that kind of money! Sign him up!
"You've got a deal," the hyena whispered, voice barely audible. He then extended his paw.
"Look forward to working with you, partner," the red fang gang member said, smirking.
Hand shake exchanged, the hyena turned towards his gang members. Heh, this was going to be the biggest job yet! A Golden Bangboo? He had been hearing a lot about that lately near the arcade in Sixth Street whenever he'd venture out to gather his own information on the hip and happening.
Wisty handing him his two handed sword, Vidame soon handed out the location coordinates. Seeing an alleyway in their own territory listed, he let out a laugh. The Cunning Hares had the nerve to invade their turf? He could hardly wait to give them a nice little purple rose. Dashing through the streets, the little unwanted cockroaches had been with the goods.
Holding one of the golden goods had been a tall woman with long pink hair that went down to about her backside. Part of her hair tied up into two pigtails, her black headband ribbons matched her jacket almost exactly. Low cut shirt exposing her chest, heart shaped necklace, and singular pitch black stocking, a small green Bangboo plushie finished off her outfit.
Standing next to her had been a young woman with short grey hair that went down to about her shoulder. Adorning a green mechanical vest like apparatus, and pitch black skirt, her golden eyes looked pretty much done with this entire ordeal. Had she known whose territory she was in? She'd better have. He wanted to cut off that braid of hers right now, and show her who's the boss around here.
Fallen on his buttocks in the corner had been a masked android with spiky white hair, and a red jacket. Adorning twin pistols, the chimera wanted to turn this man into a bucket of bolts. Ah, yes, this guy, he always saw him at the arcade. What was his name again, Bi---? He didn't stand a chance against him when it came to games.
Staring at the tumbled android had been a short young cat woman with short black hair pulled into a ponytail. Seeing cat ears with red tips, the hyena placed his hand on his chin. This girl, something seemed kind of wormy about her. Red and white outfit with detached sleeves, the gang leader cracked his knuckles. It was time to eliminate these little strays.
"Hello, Cunning Hares," Aigre said in a fake friendly tone. "What are you doing in The Flower Silencer's territory?" A dark look had been on her face. "That golden Bangboo doesn't belong to you, Ni---. Better hand it over."
"Your territory?" Ni--- asked. "Since when?" But, a flower had soon been tossed her way.
"I told you to hand over that Golden Bangboo, Ni---," Aigre demanded, voice booming. "Or does our leader have to use force?"
"Ni---, just hand over the Bangboo," the grey haired girl said. "The back alleys are The Flower Silencer's domain."
"Tch, no way, An--, this Golden Bangboo will give us a lot of Dennies!" Ni--- shouted.
Pesky little rat not giving up the golden Bangboo, the hyena turned to Vidame. Ah, putting up a fight, were they? Who did they think they were? They had the nerve to step into their turf. Taking out the purple flower, a special little present had been sent towards Pinkie. It was time for these trespassers to go boom. Or, so he liked to pretend. Kill another gang? Goodness, no, it was just a little poison.
But, things immediately turned sour. Rainbow sphere appearing out of nowhere, the chimera could feel himself getting sucked in alongside the android man and cat girl. Feeling such, the chimera let out a groan. Oh, great, fantastic, a hollow had appeared now, of all times? Fantastic. Just when he hadn't gotten any jobs to eliminate those for weeks they had to appear now. Closing his eyes, space distorted around him.
Great, fantastic, absolutely brilliant.
A hollow now of all times when he isn't prepared.
"Okay, so I wasn't anticipating a
Hollow in the alleyway! You see, I, Vidame, am an information
Broker. People pay me a load of dennies for information, and, in exchange, they give me information about Hollows.
Right, so besides getting rid
Of people who dare
To enter in our turf, people also pay us to enter into
Hollows and clean up some
Ether Monsters. We, the Flower Silencers
Run an illegal Hollow wiping business.
Ah, well, we usually keep this part of our services
Hidden, and you have to say
Our secret password to
Let us know you want us to exterminate monsters in the hollow. The password is,
'Let me hand you a wisteria, my queen!'
Okay, Aigre might be mad if she knows I told someone that, but
We can always just go and change it.
Now, uh, there's more pressing matters to deal with.
Okay, so, Siorc has fallen into a hollow. Since I haven't gotten any intel on a hollow lately,
We are going to need the help of a proxy!
Well, this is always a last resort,
Ever daring to ask a proxy for their help. But, I
Guess we have to.
Oh, god. To be honest,
This is the last
Thing I'd ever want to go
And do, bow down to those legendary proxies on Sixth Street, but
For now, I don't have a choice.
If I had known about this hollow, I'd have
No need for their services. But, unfortunately, I
Do right now.
There is no way I can get Siorc out of that
Hollow by myself, and Aigre can't
Either. Oh, well! Guess we got to go beg the
Proxy for help! Aigre and I
Run toward Six Street, and
Open the door, and say, "hey, Proxy help me!"
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxoiehiwotyu--- a Bangboo said.
I would know, okay? I repair Bangboos in my free time!
Eh, seems like we're not wanted here.
So, I have to make this quick."
Bursting the door open to a video store on Sixth Street known as Random Play, Vidame let out a huff. This was the last place she and Aigre would want to be, but neither of them had a choice. Hollow reports had been rather scarce lately in her information network. What could she possibly do? Barging into a server room in the corner, she was ready to beg, if she needed to.
Standing in the corner had been a tall man with short, spiky silver hair. Blue denim jacket hiding the sleeves of his black t-shirt, his blue haired sister next to him with a hairpin that adorned the word in looked ready to kick Aigre and she out at any given moment. She had to make this quick. They were in enemy territory, after all.
"Vidame?" the blue haired girl asked, arms crossed around her waist. "What are you doing here?"
"Please, proxies, help us!" Vidame shouted, bowing her head. "Siorc fell into a Hollow!" But, such point had been shut down immediately.
"Oh, but I thought you told us last time you didn't need our help," the grey haired man said. "Don't you guys have Wisty to guide you?"
"Wisty isn't with him, you blockhead!" Aigre shouted. "Why didn't you come here, huh?"
"Did you just call my brother a blockhead?" the blue haired girl asked. "I think we've heard enough. You can l--" But, an interruption had come her way.
"B----, Aigre's sorry for calling your brother a blockhead!" Vidame said, bowing her head. "Please, help us! Without Wisty, Siorc is next to useless in a Hollow! They're joined at the hip!"
"Alright, We'll help," B---- reluctantly said. "W---, let's go in."
"On it." The grey haired man had soon sat in his computer chair.
Standing beside him, Vidame prayed to the skies above.
Please, be safe Siorc.
-> -> ->
Finding himself in the heart of a hollow, the hyena rocked back and forth beside the android man. Ah, great, great, he had been sent into a hollow without Wisty. What should he do? How would he ever hope to get through here? He should have brought them with him. He was useless without his partner. Oh, great. He was doomed to become a monster. And, the annoying android wasn't making it much better.
"Oh, great, Ne------, we're trapped in here!" Bi--- shouted. "Doomed!"
"That's quitter talk, nya!" the catgirl shouted.
Lowering his head onto his knees, the gang leader groaned. He was done for. Absolutely done for. How could he hope to navigate this place without Wisty? He shouldn't have left home without them. Was he going to become a monster very soon. He could feel it, the corruption levels here were high. Any second now, and he would be gone.
But, a strange Bangboo with a scarf soon appeared beside the broken wall. Mechanical ally leading the way, the chimera had begun running. Ethereals knocked out along the way with a zapping flower bang, the hollow's exit had soon been reached. Finding himself back in the alleyway, the android man was back on the ground in moments.
Going straight back to business like nothing happened, a lie had been written up about the Golden Bangboo. Writing down, that Golden Bangboo is a fake, it's worth nothing, the territory invaders gave up the contraband like it was hot. The shop owner couldn't help but giggle at such. Heh, works every time! It's a fake, it isn't worth anything. That's what people get for daring to come into his territory.
Returning to Veiled Whisper, the chimera handed over the Golden Bangboo. Given their six figures, the party of three split the Dennies between them thirty-three, thirty-three, thirty-four. Ah, sweet rewards from a territorial dispute, beautiful. Taking a one-percent higher cut, he stored the the money for future expenses.
Closing up shop for the day, the hyena ascended the staircase. Wisty opening the door for him, the gang leader pulled his companion into a mechanical embrace. Bangboo making a lot of garbled noises, the gang leader put them down. Ah, right, don't forget, his pal did not like being touched. Closing the door to his room, the young adult changed into his pajamas. Rolling into his bed, a gigglefest had been upon him as he drifted off into the world of sleep.
Another successful sale.
gang leader siorc omfg
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