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[Showcase] Queenie's scribble corner

  • 192
    Hey there!
    Thought I'd share some of drawings here :>

    I've been quite busy with uni lately so sadly, there haven't been many finished pieces BUT I'm gonna start with this older one of houndoom that I'm also using as my avatar right now haha
    I really like the idea of fire types literally "burning" inside and having the heat run through all of their body.


    and have a couple of detail shots, too

    These look great, although I would advise putting up some more pieces, as these are technically the same one. Having said that, that Houndoom looks extremely badass! I love how it looks infused with fire.
    Thanks you two! Glad to hear you like it <:

    and @MorallyIncorrect: haha yes, I never said they were different drawings. The last two are detail shots, they're there to show details that were lost when resizing the actual image ;D

    I've been doing a 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge, just to at least get me drawing a little bit every day. I've been really busy with uni so haven't really been creating too much...
    Sadly I don't have my scanner here at the moment so all I can show are photos *siiiiigh

    Day 1: Yourself as a trainer in your preferred in-game class (ace, hiker, bug catcher, etc.)
    Made myself an artist because …. well.
    Also managed to make myself look a good 150% better looking than in real. Success!

    Day 2: Your favorite pokémon
    To be honest, it is way too hard to choose just one favourite but Arcanine has always had a special place in my heart so went for that <3

    Day 3: A Pokemon of your favourite type
    This was really hard because I don't have a favourite type lol in the end I chose dragon because I've always liked the idea of dragon types being a kind of mystical species. Hard to befriend and train because of their strong spirits, but always regal and especially loyal once they do accept you as their trainer. Not to mention their distructive power. I've only recently started to appreciate Salamence and had never drawn it before… so there you go

    Day 4: The first shiny you caught (excluding the red Gyarados used as a plot device in G/S/C/HG/SS).
    I'm actually not 100% sure about this one. I've never been particularly lucky with shinies anyway. But yeah, I think it was a Graveler

    Day 5: The cutest pokémon
    Growlithe!! Have you ever seen him in Amie? Freaking adorable!

    Ok, enough picture spam for now hahaha Will update later with today's scribble!
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    Thanks you two! Glad to hear you like it <:

    and @MorallyIncorrect: haha yes, I never said they were different drawings. The last two are detail shots, they're there to show details that were lost when resizing the actual image ;D

    It was in relation to the 3 pieces rule. You need to show 3 pieces in your gallery. But with all these wonderful new drawings that seems to be in order.

    I love the drawing of yourself! you're totally nailing the anatomy, and the posing is great. The pokemon drawings are great, although I am personally not a huge fan of making them look like real animals. Doesn't take away from the fact that they look amazing. The approach works amazingly for Graveler, who looks very cool! Especially with the approach you took to shading him. I would definitely love to see the non-animal based pokemon drawn in that style.
    @MorallyIncorrect: omg I'm sorry, yes, I must've completely forgotten about that! That was completely my mistake, I apologise! And thank you for your kind words, even if you're not a big fan of that kind of approach :>

    @Churaka: Aaah thanks a lot! I'm really happy to hear you like them so much <3

    More Pokemon drawing challenge for now! I hope to be able to finish a proper drawing soon
    (If uni is ever gonna let me aaah)

    Day 6: Your favourite gen1 Pokemon
    Argh I really couldn't settle on just one, so have three instead. I'm not happy with how Raichu turned out at all :| I need to find a way to make it more compatible with my style ... as of now, it just doesn't look like Raichu at all *siiigh
    Granted, I took quite some artistic freedom with Nidoking, too, but I kinda like it that way hehe
    There are even more Pokemon I could've drawn here but they've either already been done (Arcanine) or might be for future days of the challenge (eeveelutions, Rapidash, Ninetales)

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    Oh my. These are fantastic. Not just in a "wow u art gud" way, but in a sincere, truthful, you have real talent way. The proportions, the expressions, they're so accurate and livid! I really feel something looking at this piece. Every artist has strengths in certain areas, and it's clear your strength lies in faces. Every set of eyes, nose, and mouth in your drawings looks so.. real, for lack of better term.

    It was almost stunning opening these spoilers, queenie. Please keep it up and please keep pushing your limits. Keep testing and experimenting. And most of all; keep posting! :)))
    Eeeek, so gooooood! Wowza, I'm really enjoying looking at all of these. The interpretations you input when turning these Pokémon to realistic forms are really well achieved.

    However I do have one slight issue that seems quite consistent throughout your pieces, is you surface level. My first example would be the feet of the easel you are using in your portrait. The feet of Arcanine and Growlithe are also off in my opinion. It might be worth lightly drawing yourself some guide lines for a flat surface. Another thing similar in execution would be how Salamence's legs hang in the air. Gravity is an important thing to consider for you now I think, think about how it will affect bodies in the air and so on.

    However I'm in love with your drawings and am very excited to see more from you :D
    @cuttlefish: Wow, thank you so much!! Faces and expressions is actually an aspect I'm especially insecure about so reading your comment made me incredibly happy! <3 I'll do my best to keep improving and producing more and better art hehe

    @NinjaAiden: Yes, I can totally see what you mean ... it's why I started adding some more "shadows" to the otherwise non-existent backgrounds, but it's definitely still something I need to work on! Thank you very much for pointing it out, and of course also for the rest of your lovely comment :>

    Next one!

    Day 7: Your favourite Eeveelution
    I just couldn't choose one out of the three so have Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon together! ... and no, I didn't draw them because OMG GEN1 IS DA BEST but because I genuinely think their designs and ideas behind them are the best. Umbreon and Espeon come in close second, though
    Not a big fan of how Vaporeon turned out hmmm

    Also have two non-pokemon sketches/WIPs
    First a unicorn that's part of a water colour painting that I'll hopefully be able to start working on soon ... the background's already all sketched out by now, too

    Annnnd a centaur lady that I drew quite some time ago, but is still in dire need of some kind of background (I am open for ideas here *winkwink*)
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    I don't know too much about drawing myself so I'm regretful to say that I don't know if I can give you accurate praise for your work, but they are definitely a feast for the eyes. I really love the shading and coloring in your drawings. What kind of techniques do you use in that regard?

    The only drawing I didn't absolutely adore was the graveler because I didn't like the way the shape of the eyes and mouth portrayed him. But more power to you, for artistic interpretation. :D
    your drawings are great. i like you have multiple styles. for me, i usually just have one style. so it's nice to see some diversity! my favorite drawing is the drawing of you as an artist. i love how it's realistic looking and yet it's kind of cartoonish. i like how you use different shading techniques by using lines to make the drawing dimensional. i enjoy looking at the drawings of the pokemon to see how you have a different take of them if they were real creatures. very nice gallery.
    Wow! These drawings are just...I can't explain...you're very talented as an artist! I'm beyond words! Like, I could never EVER do that!
    @Krazzikk: Thank you very much!! I'm glad you like my drawing :> I gotta say I'm not very used to drawing non-animalistic Pokemon such as Graveler because I don't tend to like them very much, so I haven't quite figured out how to draw them haha but well, tastes are different ;D I really appreciate your comment!

    @kaylabby: Thank you so much! Heh I never considered myself to have different styles, so it's interesting that you say that... it makes me happy though, since I do aim for variety in my works! :D

    @Bob: Aww geez, thank you! But I also gotta flash a giant NO into your face :< Of course you could do that!! Art is really at least 90% about practise. I've reached this level by drawing and practising a lot over years ... and I mean, I'm not even all that good. There's artists who are SO much better than me, and they got there by dedicating more time into their art than I did.
    So if you want to get better at art (or anything really), pick up a pencil (or whatever tool you prefer) and keep practising! It can be hard work sometimes, but you can definitely get there :>
    (And if you ever want to ask for advice or the like, I'm happy to talk <3)

    Aaaand finally some updates .. uni's been eating up my time bleh mostly just more drawing challenge days, but at least I managed to keep working on at least one proper drawing :>


    Day 8. Your favorite fossil pokémon (Relicanth may or may not count, do whatever the fuck you want).
    Aurorus is so pretty!! Too bad it got screwed over by its typing :/

    Day 9. Your favorite legendary pokémon
    I went with Suicune because again ... he's so pretty aaah! I also really like Lugia but his weird wing hands just confuse me
    Also slight change in style because I got a bit bored of the black outlines haha
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    That unicorn is really good. Fantastically detailed, and just overall very well designed. The only problem with it I see is the lack of shadow it casts... It makes it seem very flat when there is no shadow on the floor. Oh, and it's legs seem a little too long/it's body not plump enough.

    I love the Aurorus. It has such a lovely anatomy, I can almost feel the muscles under its skin o.O But seriously, I really like it, and think it's the best out of your three new pieces. The Black outlines seem weird to me, upon looking closely, as they don't always seem to fit the drawing you've done, but still work regardless, which is why they're weird. Huh, go figure.

    I like the unique take you've got on Suicune there. Really makes it seem like a majestic beast. One suggestion for this piece I'd give to you is, that you should try and focus on how a dog's/wolf's body moves in the air, and how it's limbs act. Suicune doesn't look like it just naturally jumped there, to me. In particular, it's back legs don't sit right. But I will say one thing I noticed that I adore, that even Game Freak themselves should implement into Suicune's design; You've made the tail strips (whatever the hell they are) seem transparent. Whether this was accidental or not, I love it. Such a small detail, but I think it's very striking.

    Lovely pieces, as always you're drawings are fantastic. Keep it up!
    @NinjaAiden: The unicorn doesn't cast a shadow YET because the background isn't finished hahaha but thank you so much for your kind words and advice! I will keep them in mind :D
    (And on a slightly unrelated note: I find it really weird how Suicune, Raikou and Entei get called "the three dogs" so often. For me they resemble cats a lot more?? Cheetah, tiger, and lion respectively. I guess it's something that really depends on the beholder. I like their designs either way hehe)

    And now - OH MY GOD.
    I actually finished a proper drawing. As in, more than just lines and some sloppy colour pencil shading.
    I don't even want to know how many hours I spent on this that I should've used to study for my exams... can't say I regret dedicating my time on this, though haha
    Smoke is really freaking hard to draw.
    Fire is also really freaking hard to draw.

    I'm already starting to seeing the flaws in this so better upload it as long as I still like it aaah


    Aaaand have two detail shots as well, because resizing eats up a lot.

    The unicorn is done!
    I'm not 100% happy with how it turned out but at least at the moment I think it's alright ...?
    If anyone has critique I'm happy to hear it though!

    As always, you're stuff is really really good!

    One thing I would like to say is that I think one of the problems with your unicorn piece is the size proportions between the unicorn and the buildings. I think that shading is also a slight issue, in that there isn't really enough of it. Your shading doesn't really define any features, and so kinda misses its purpose, leaving the piece looking a little flat. Also, that tree in the background could use another look at, also in terms of lighting.

    I like the Centaur too! Of course I do, it's one of your drawings Queenie XD

    One thing, I'd like to point out is how the stripes of brown just flow across in the same direction, and don't all end up at the base of the tail. This makes the tail seem more like a blob than an actual horse tail. If this was intentional, ignore me, just something I thought I'd point out!
    Thank you!! I love your comments, they're always really helpful :D

    I'm very happy you like my drawings and yes, I can definitely see where you're coming from with the shading. It's always been a problem of mine and I've been working on it ... but it seems I'm not quite there yet haha

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by the direction of the stripes on the Centaur tail, though? The tail is slightly raised. The hair doesn't all come out of a horse's butt, a horse tail does actually have bones :) (I'm sorry if I just misunderstood your point) look here:
