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~ [ray.z's] substitute showcase ~

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    [PokeCommunity.com] ~ [ray.z's] substitute showcase ~

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    [PokeCommunity.com] ~ [ray.z's] substitute showcase ~

    Umm ... so yeah. Tell me what you think ( :) or :( ) .
    I'll also be putting some more up another day.

    Maybe :P

    Put more up.

    I've decided that due to a lack of inspiration (or increase in difficulty :P), that I will accept suggestions through PM.

    And now, for all your viewing pleasure, may I present to you ...
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~ [ray.z's] substitute showcase ~
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    Yeah, well I dunno.

    I was just browsing through my sprites for some reason (I should have been doing other stuff :P), when I came across these substitute sprites I had, and I just suddenly got this urge to make a Pikachu splice.

    *sigh* the story of my inspiration.

    And by the way, do you mean interesting in a good or bad way? Or do you just mean interesting.
    Interesting in a very good way... These are great. I can't see any flaws, and they would make a better replacements in the games than normal substitutes (boring...). For example Flygon uses Substitute, out comes a substitute with Flygon characteristics. 10/10 I say! 10/10!
    Well thanks Adam. I know those substitutes are boring hehehe.

    Y'know I like the Flygon one too - I think it's the hair.
    kewl!! ooh ooh a totodile one would be awsome! NOT a request, just a suggjestion
    Well I've put more up. Only first and second generation pokemon though.

    @ Evil Ducky: Note that there is a Crocanaw splice up there now, but I actually did it before I read your post. I thought about doing a totodile splice today, but I decided against it. But after relooking at it, I think I might have it up here tomorrow if I have access to the net.

    Anyway, chances are I'll have a few more up tomorrow.
    Yup, it's the hair that makes it stand out, I mean not many substitutes can say "Looka me I have hair!" can they?
    Anoither update. This time it's a few second third generation pokemon.

    But look!

    [PokeCommunity.com] ~ [ray.z's] substitute showcase ~
    And it actually dances!
    i like the idea of substitute splices very much.very original. there are only 2 im goin to critisize & that would be the smoothum.the hair isnt the rite size i dnt think & the shadings off.
    pluss the ralts hase the same proplem.the green thing on its head seems to small but the shadeings fine on that 1.i espesially like the ludicolo & breloom. u've got all the small details in n thats hard to do.
    great work!
    I absolutely love these! Flygon looks amazing! But I will have to agree with sv-lucia-sv, the Ralts one doesn't look right, but otherwise, amazing. It would be a 10/10 if not for the Ralts, but I'll give you a 9.9/10, which is almost as good!
    Yeh the Smoochum I had to flip the hair on the original sprite and reshade it. It was a difficullt reshade (I ain't that used to pkmn sprites).

    I had to resize and reshade the Ralts one as well, and I always thought it looked retarded cause of the way the "hat" is on.

    But thanks for the cc.
    very intresting 9.5/10 just a bit small
    they all look great 10/10 but i really love the Snubble one 20/20 keep it up
    Compared to most splices I see, these are rather unique - I like them.

    Oddly enough, some of my favorites out of these include the croconaw and mudkip; and I say "oddly" because those two pokemon aren't even favorites of mine. However, their features just seem to merge with the substitute doll so well.

    The Mexican Dancing Substitute is rather cute also. ^^

    I'd like to see how far you could possibly go with this idea; it'd be neat to see how you handle various other kinds of pokemon.
    what would be really unique is seeing Trainer Subs
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