Meh. Hate me if you will.
- 542
- Posts
- 19
- Years
- Pallet Town
- Seen Dec 2, 2016
~Region Crossroads Part One~
Chapter One ~ The Will and The Note
It was early morning when the sun set over Vermillion. Jacob opened his baggy eyes and peeped at the crack in the curtain. The orange light hit his face and he winced. He slowly lifted from his bed and got dressed. He walked downstairs and noticed his Mum crying on the Telephone. I slowly walked to her as she put the phone down. She wiped a tear from her sad green eyes. "Ash'as dye d'off aheartat tack", she said it so fast Jacob couldnt make it out. "Sorry?" He said.
"Ash...has died...sob...of a hear...heart attack...sob...", she could barely talk through the tears. It took an hour and a half to stop his Mum from crying. When she stopped she prepared breakfast in silence. Jacob watched her and wondered why she was so wound up. Jacob knew he had a great grandfather called Ash, he never really saw him though, he knew it might be sad for family member to go, but this was different, his Mum doesnt usually cry like this.
He bucked up the courage to speak, "so...its my birthday today." She didnt say anything she just kept preparing her food. "I get a Pokemon today...Mum? Aren't you going to say anything?" She seemed to not be listening.
After breakfast, Jacob went to his room to pack for the journey ahead. He put in some clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, a couple of Pokeballs his Dad sent through the post and some money for buying food.
When he went downstairs again with his backpack ready, his Mum stopped him from leaving. She looked into his eyes and said, "Good luck." She wandered over to the kitchen table and brought a package over. "Sorry it's not wrapped, it is what you wanted isnt it dear?" Jacob opened the brown package and inside was a PokeTouch, the brand new touchscreen PokeGear complete with phone, map card and radio card installed. Also at the bottom of the brown bag was a small blue Police Ball. "There was no other way of getting him in a Pokeball." His mother said. He threw the Police ball and it exploded in a flourish. A Pikachu stood where the remains of the ball was.
"It was in Ash's will that you had his prize possession, Pikachu." His Mum kissed his cheek and gave a watery smile as the tears filled her eyes again.
~ ~ ~
Jacob sat on a hillside by Vermillion Bay, he had been watching the boats go by. Pikachu sat beside him, a determined look on his small yellow face. So many questions was what went through Jacob's mind. He then realised that Pikachu was poking him with his tail. "Hey!" Jacob said, "cut it out!" Pikachu pointed at a rock on the beach. "You wanna play on the beach?" Pikachu shook his head and continued to point at the rock. Then Jacob realised what he was pointing at, a cave in the cliffside.
Pikachu then ran down the hill so fast Jacob didnt have time to catch up. He broke into a sprint and followed Pikachu to the cave. He walked into the cave looking at the roof as if worried it would fall on him.
There, on a rock Pikachu was sitting on was a peice of brown paper. Jacob lifted it and read aloud: "Dear Jacob, if you are reading this now then you will know im dead and gone. Please do not worry about me because im in a better place now. How is Pikachu? I hope he's ok. Now, I want you to meet my friends in the Pokemon Fan Club opposite Haare's House. They will tell you what to do. All the best to you on your journey, Ash."
Jacob replaced the letter where it had been and Pikachu looked at him. Jacob realised Pikachu was crying...
So what do you think? I'm making it like Episodes so Chapter two will be tomorro.
Chapter One ~ The Will and The Note
It was early morning when the sun set over Vermillion. Jacob opened his baggy eyes and peeped at the crack in the curtain. The orange light hit his face and he winced. He slowly lifted from his bed and got dressed. He walked downstairs and noticed his Mum crying on the Telephone. I slowly walked to her as she put the phone down. She wiped a tear from her sad green eyes. "Ash'as dye d'off aheartat tack", she said it so fast Jacob couldnt make it out. "Sorry?" He said.
"Ash...has died...sob...of a hear...heart attack...sob...", she could barely talk through the tears. It took an hour and a half to stop his Mum from crying. When she stopped she prepared breakfast in silence. Jacob watched her and wondered why she was so wound up. Jacob knew he had a great grandfather called Ash, he never really saw him though, he knew it might be sad for family member to go, but this was different, his Mum doesnt usually cry like this.
He bucked up the courage to speak, "so...its my birthday today." She didnt say anything she just kept preparing her food. "I get a Pokemon today...Mum? Aren't you going to say anything?" She seemed to not be listening.
After breakfast, Jacob went to his room to pack for the journey ahead. He put in some clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, a couple of Pokeballs his Dad sent through the post and some money for buying food.
When he went downstairs again with his backpack ready, his Mum stopped him from leaving. She looked into his eyes and said, "Good luck." She wandered over to the kitchen table and brought a package over. "Sorry it's not wrapped, it is what you wanted isnt it dear?" Jacob opened the brown package and inside was a PokeTouch, the brand new touchscreen PokeGear complete with phone, map card and radio card installed. Also at the bottom of the brown bag was a small blue Police Ball. "There was no other way of getting him in a Pokeball." His mother said. He threw the Police ball and it exploded in a flourish. A Pikachu stood where the remains of the ball was.
"It was in Ash's will that you had his prize possession, Pikachu." His Mum kissed his cheek and gave a watery smile as the tears filled her eyes again.
~ ~ ~
Jacob sat on a hillside by Vermillion Bay, he had been watching the boats go by. Pikachu sat beside him, a determined look on his small yellow face. So many questions was what went through Jacob's mind. He then realised that Pikachu was poking him with his tail. "Hey!" Jacob said, "cut it out!" Pikachu pointed at a rock on the beach. "You wanna play on the beach?" Pikachu shook his head and continued to point at the rock. Then Jacob realised what he was pointing at, a cave in the cliffside.
Pikachu then ran down the hill so fast Jacob didnt have time to catch up. He broke into a sprint and followed Pikachu to the cave. He walked into the cave looking at the roof as if worried it would fall on him.
There, on a rock Pikachu was sitting on was a peice of brown paper. Jacob lifted it and read aloud: "Dear Jacob, if you are reading this now then you will know im dead and gone. Please do not worry about me because im in a better place now. How is Pikachu? I hope he's ok. Now, I want you to meet my friends in the Pokemon Fan Club opposite Haare's House. They will tell you what to do. All the best to you on your journey, Ash."
Jacob replaced the letter where it had been and Pikachu looked at him. Jacob realised Pikachu was crying...
So what do you think? I'm making it like Episodes so Chapter two will be tomorro.