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Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki


delenda est.
  • 976
    • Seen Apr 20, 2011
    W E L C O M E

    Students (Let me know if you are a new student by posting here and doing the first assignment):
    -Motsuko Live
    -Pikachu Trainer~

    About my style:
    My style is mostly based on being a flatist. Now don't freak out if you don't know what that means, it just means I don't use brushes or smudging that often. I mostly use textures, hue/saturation, and selective coloring. But don't panic! I'll teach you all how to do that. ^^;

    1. First assignment! Ok this is probably going to be the most easiest assignment you'll ever receive... I want you to post the best banner you think you have. It doesn't matter what it is as long as you think it's the best banner you have made, this way I will know where you are at. And I also want one more thing, I want you all to tell me which Photoshop version you have, this way I can think about doing animation assigments.
    2. Make a dashed border for any banner you like, if you don't know how to make a dashed border, the tutorial can be found here.
    3. Make a layer style banner, this is just a heads-up for harder assignments dealing with hue/saturation and selective coloring, in other words, this is a warm-up for future assignments. The tutorial can be found here.
    4. Get to know your Hue/Saturation feature! This will help a lot in avatar making. The tutorial can be found here.
    5. Learn how to use textures, very useful for your graphics. The tutorial can be found here.
    6. Obviously nobody saw this one. Blend two images or textures, the tutorial can be found here.
    7. Ok, I finally thought of something and hopefully this will help. Out of all the five assignments you have done in the past, I want you to make a banner, avatar, or whatever using what you have learned. So, this is how it's going to work. Make your banner, have at least three things you have learned from my assignments and tell me which one they are (i.e. I used #2. Dashed border #4 Hue/Saturation #5 Textures ), and an image I will provide for you. After that the rest is up to you, including text, style, and color. Image. Good luck!

    Students that have accomplished the assigments:
    Motsuko Live - 1, 2, 3, 4,
    Kyon.- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    DarkChild - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    Sawaa - 1
    CheesePeow - 1, 2, 3
    Pikachu Trainer~ - 1, 2
    clade- 1, 2, 4
    Perfectionist- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Michii-1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Rena-1, 2, 3, 4
    Decephyr- 1, 2, 3
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    Ok Hazuki! ^^

    The best banner I have is my current signature.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    I liked it because I had to step out of my old Graphics style and do something else for once.

    I have Photoshop CS3 Extended
    Teach me, teach me!
    I've got CS3 ^^ I know my way around it, in that I know a very select *few* techniques to abuse over and over, but I'm super keen to know more~
    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    Are both demonstrations of how I just overuse the same style :3
    So please bestow upon me your knowledgeness!
    Yay! Hazuki is our teacher! XD

    Anyways, I couldn't decide on my favorite best banner, so here's two of them. They're pretty much both the same style, but hopefully we'll learn some new styles in this class.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    And I'm using Photoshop CS. Is this version too old? :/
    Id like to become a student, because i'm a bit bad :l.
    I use Photoshop 7.0, because I cant afford to buy any.

    This is probably the best I can do:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki
    Never Mind Everything is ok.
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    Um... do GIMPers count as well? I've used Photoshop too but it is way too expensive to buy. So this is the next best thing to it.

    Anyway I would become a student as i am... well not good at making sigs.

    Note: I actually took my time in doing this one, so here it is.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    I understand my way around GIMP, so i should understand Photoshop.
    Sorry, I don't think they do... But I am not sure, ask Loki if that's ok.
    This is the best banner of mine (there are two I can't decide):

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    [PokeCommunity.com] Signature Making Class Intermediate Level Homeroom by Hazuki

    Pikachu Trainer~
    Tell me which Photoshop version you use, make sure you read the assignments thoroughly.
    I'll have next assignment ready soon, if you want to start on it first, then go ahead, you have plenty of time. ^^
    I use Photoshop Version CS3.
    Oh by the way I had a name change and used to be called PikachuTrainer1994, and on the students list it has both usernames.

    Pikachu Trainer~
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    Students that have accomplished the assigments:
    Motsuko Live - 1
    Kyon.- 1
    DarkChild - 1
    Sawaa - 1
    CheesePeow - 1
    Pikachu Trainer~ - 1

    Hazuki, Pikachu Trainer~ and PikachuTrainer1994 are the same person ^^

    2. Make a dashed border for any banner you like, if you don't know how to make a dashed border, the tutorial can be found here. Due by April 25/26
    Hazuki, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but isn't that too simple for an intermediate class?
    So you are saying you all know how to do that? Alright then, but just do that assignment for me ok? I'll make an alternate assignment for this one too.
    Wow, I feel embarrassed asking this, but for the double border tutorial, how do we make a selection with a 1 pixel margin? Thanks.
    Wow, I feel embarrassed asking this, but for the double border tutorial, how do we make a selection with a 1 pixel margin? Thanks.

    ? If you look closely at the close-up banner, there are pixels that look like... pixels? XDDD;;;

    I don't know if that's what you are asking... ><;;;

    Make sure you guys do assignment 3 too. ^^;
    3. Make a layer style banner, this is just a heads-up for harder assignments dealing with hue/saturation and selective coloring, in other words, this is a warm-up for future assignments. The tutorial can be found here. Due by April 18/19.
    Should I start a banner from scratch or just use this technique on a stock?
    It's up to you really, I just want to see if you understand the layer placements. ^^;