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Talking during movies

  • 10,769
    "If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

    So, what do you think of talking during movies? Do you do it? Does it bother you? Is it different when you're in the theater vs. at home? Is it okay if people do it quietly? Are laughter and shocked gasps in reaction to what's on screen okay? [Insert your own question here.]


    I'm personally guilty of talking during some films. I don't do it loudly, mostly just a few words to a friend next to me, and usually only in films that aren't very good as a kind of running commentary. But I try to be as respectful to the people around me as I can be without suffering in silence so my friends and I have developed some hand signals so we can communicate silently during a movie.

    And as hypocritical of me to say this as it is, I do hate it when I hear other people talking during movies, mostly because I often hear whole conversations going on whereas I keep my comments to quippy one-liners about what's on screen.
    At home, I'll just talk through a whole movie, even if it's my favorite. I'll point out every inconsistency, add on to the characters' dialogue, etc. My goal when watching a movie is to enjoy myself, and I enjoy myself more when I make the movie funnier by talking.

    In theaters sometimes I quip about the movie but I try not to because even though that would up my enjoyment of it by a lot, I know most people hate it so it would ruin the experience that they paid for.

    The only time talking annoys me is if we're watching a movie I like that people haven't seen, and they have an unrelated conversation over an important plot point. I feel like that's just rude because I'm trying to show them something I enjoy and they're showing me how little they actually care about it.
    If people talk quietly I don't mind that much. I usually keep quiet throughout a movie myself. At home though I don't mind whether people talk loudly.
    I hate loud people but I hate the awkwardness the silence brings, I don't mind quiet chatter
    In the cinema, people who talk so that I can hear their conversation deserve to be dragged out of the cinema and shot.* If you HAVE TO DO IT (and that's a BIG 'if'), then please make sure you do so at a noise level that I can't hear.

    At home, I don't really care. If I'm watching with friends, I'd almost expect it unless it was a really gripping thriller or serious art film (and even then, my friends would probably complain halfway through). But in the cinema, all bets are off.

    *Not literally, of course. Just in a manner of speaking...
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    I really don't like when others talk during a movie. Even at home, I want silence and darkness. I try to quickly whisper something if I'm asked a question during a movie ("what just happened?"), but otherwise I try to be quiet.

    It's only okay if you're doing a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 kind of thing. Which I find way too much effort to end up being enjoyable XD But to each their own.
    In a cinema, it's fine as long as you're quiet enough that I can't hear it.

    At home, it is never OK. Because no matter how quiet you are, I can hear you. And every time you speak, my mind is split between what the people on the TV are saying and what you are saying, whether I want to hear it or not (and I never do). Every time I raise this objection my parents affirm that it is their house and they will do what they like in it, which while true is no excuse. It is just a matter of common courtesy that if somebody is watching something they are engrossed in that involves audio, you do not talk over it. It's just rude, regardless of whether you own the property in which the TV resides.
    Shhhhhhhhining Raichu likes to shhh. Anyway, since I'm paying to see it in theatres, people better shut their mouths. I do like Scarf though and ocassionally comment on something, but that's it. I find people making out in theatres more distracting than talking though! At home, I will not shut up. So have fun putting tape over my mouth!
    "If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

    Funny that you mention that, I've gotten free tickets out of two people having sex in the back of the theater. I was closer to the front, so I didn't hear, but still.......

    In the theater, I generally prefer silence, though gasps and laughs are absolutely fine. At home, I'm ok with talking and more casual speak, including putting words in characters' mouths, though if they're talking and not paying attention to the movie, that's a different story.
    I myself am guilty of making ocassional comments about things happening within the movie at the theater and at home, but I try and keep my voice down low enough not to as ruin the experience for other viewers.

    I don't mind out bursts of emotion as long as it's within what's going on in the movie. If there is a funny scene like when I went to see Ghost Rider and the kid asked him "so when you take a piss how does it go," then it showed him pissing out flames I and others couldn't help but laugh. That is okay, but if it's just a random laugh, chuckle or something else out of place then I am like are you watching the movie or are you just conversing.
    It's the main reason I only ever watch things on my own, usually with headphones. Even the mere prescence of others is bothersome.
    I myself watch in silence, alone or with someone. (I forget the other person every now and then even.) I tolerate small chatter or sudden gasps and whatnot, if I really didn't want that I'd watch the movie at home, but if someone is either shouting or distracting me, then theres a problem.
    I plug my headphones to the tv while watching movies at home, so I don't really care.
    As for movie theatres, I don't mind people talking as long as they're whispering to each other (and thus not disturbing everyone during the movie).
    I enjoy watching movies with friends solely because watching one alone or in silence is boring to me. I can't name many movies that consistently demand 100% attention, for all those slightly boring or unintentionally comedic parts then a few funny comments are always appreciated.

    If it gets to a part that is awesome and deserving of attention then everyone will shut up accordingly, otherwise I don't see the problem.

    If it just ends up being a conversation and nobody pays attention to the movie, then just watch it another time. No big deal.

    I only ever go to the cinema with my brother and we're usually the ones doing the most talking because we love adding our own commentary lol. Don't worry though angry silence people, we only whisper.
    Talking in theaters are kind of a double-edged sword, especially if you're a date: Either your date can be so mesmerized by the film, that they would probably be pissed if they were disturbed, or that they're so snotty that they feel like they have to make condescending comments about the film. There must be a balance.
    I like going with friends, because we only comment when there's a scene change in the film, and music is playing within it considerably loud.
    With a date, I would just point out random celebrities, and say how we feel about their acting skills(at least, that's what my girlfriends and I do).
    Depends on who I'm with. I have this certain friend who I have to talk with during movies. We pretty much commentate on what's happening in the movie and make jokes out of it. Even if the movie is great, we can usually still find things to laugh about. I think we pissed people off when we went to see The Secret World of Arrietty - I was laughing about how Arrietty seems to wear different clothes depending on her mood, and my friend was complaining about how they always seem to be wearing slippers. xD
    I talk all the time when I'm watching a movie and it bothers me so much because I always feel so bad when I do it in a public setting. :( If I'm watching the movie with my friends, though, I honestly can't help it. I'll at least whisper when I can but I imagine it's distracting no matter what tone I use.

    For this reason, I like seeing movies at weird times or late after they've come out so that if I am talking, there aren't as many people around to be bothered by it. Otherwise, I just watch the movies at home when I can.
    I really dislike it when my parents talk when I am watching one of my favorite shows or movies, last weekend, my parents were talking over the beginning of the new episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and I couldn't hear what Fluttershy was saying at all, and they were just so LOUD!

    As for the movie theater, it never happens at all thankfully, but that's probably because I don't go to the theater often (blame the economy, which forces me to wait long periods of time until the movie I wanted to see at theaters comes to Pay-Per-View)
    I want to slap the back of the heads of people who talk loudly in movies; it annoys me no end.

    I whisper if I need to say anything, but I normally just watch and if I need to communicate, just gesture what I want to do... careful ladies.​