CEO of trouble making~
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- 16
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- Hong Kong
- Seen Jul 5, 2016
it was a cold breezy afternoon in Eterna city while young pokemon trainers, felicia,sappia,and kappia walked toward a building full of items. ''come on we need to get some items for our big journey!'' sappia said in a hurry. Felicia sighed and only standed there ''come on sappia it isn't like Eterna forest is going to walk away,'' Felicia said ''i know but pokemons will i want a cute buneary or something like that,'' sappia said with a bright smile. the clerk looked over at sappia and made a face ''bad idea a old building lives there it's pretty much haunted the old building is spooky'' said the clerk. ''no prob,'' sappia said ''my precious little turtwig can handle this job'' kappia turned to the section that held the repels. ''hmmmmm.....,''said kappia ''repels keeps pokemons aways so why not buy some?'' sappia frowned at her saying and told her she didn't have enough money to afford repels ''not enough?'' kappia asked sappia nodded as she handed the clerk the money ''ok, that's about you go sweetie safe journey'' the clerk said with a slight smile. ''we will'' Felicia said nodding her head back and forth ''come on!'' sappia said. so the three girls were walking towrd Eterna forest knowing a mystry will await them but haunted viels shield there fears. The girls walked for miles barly taking a rest.''can we.. w..we please...ttt...ake a break?'' Felicia asked out of breath. sappia looked at her and ignored at what she said. Felicia made a face and said nothing at all. ''welcome to Eterna forest girls,'' said a voice. the girls looked around them but nobody was there no pokemons but only the sound of a rustling wind ''who...whhooo...said that?'' sappia asked in a frightened tone. the wind rustle and the voice came back ''relax my deer I'm not here to hurt you a welcoming saying is all you need that's all nofear is taken'' the voice said like a ghastly ghost. winds blew back and forth while the voice faded away with no replys or answers to sappia's question in better details. ''GO AWAY whoever you are!!!!!!'' sappia yelled in horror. the voice was in shock a blurr of wind dumped the forest in coldness ''I'll leave you alone but wothout the voice of nature you'll be in series of trouble a future of flames await you in this forest'' the voice said as a faded sound came to being and the wind was no longer heard only silent and the chirps of starlys were in Eterna forest. ''flames in the future?''sappia asked ''what doe's that mean?'' no one answered her not even Felicia or Kappia ''guys?'' sappia said as she turned arounf finding them in a vanishing moment ''wait!!!!!!!!!'' cried sappia but the two faded away depthly from the forest and silent was here.............FWHOOSH!.... a orange and red flames burned up a tree in eterna forest ''ah! fire the voice was right! flames in the future came true'' flames swirled the air as heat arose the sky. a shadow came near her as the blackness rosed up it's arm ready to do something evil? or good...........
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