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This is..Going to hurt.

  • 16
    • Seen Jan 25, 2013
    Okay, this is my first attempt at putting together a team. I've never even been interested in competitive battling or the metagame at all until like last week, and I only started doing research into it a few days ago. With what I learned this is what I put together.

    Gigalith: relaxed
    stealth rock
    iron defense

    Ferrothorn: relaxed
    mirror shot
    flash cannon

    Dragon Pulse

    shadow ball

    Thats, more or less the order I'll play them as well. Gigalith is my lead, to lay down stealth rock and sandstorm, ferrorthorn is mostly for stat drops. Hydreigon is my mixed sweeper with chandelure being my special sweeper.

    There are two slots open because, I honestly can't think of what else to put there. I was thinking two walls, But I don't see too much point in walls - probably due to lack of experience. I could fill it with two more sweepers. Maybe another mixed and then a physical. But I'm just not sure what to put there. Anyway, thats my team.

    Completely unrelated to the team itself but. Anyone got ideas for nicknames as well? :D
    Oh my...
    Ferrothorn is more suited for setting traps and being a wall, being able to know the moves leech seed, protect, spikes, and stealth rock all at the same time. curse might also not be a bad idea.

    I wouldn't recomend gigalith due to the fact that he has to many weaknesses to very common types, such as grass and water.

    With Hydreigon, being a mixed attacker, get rid of dragon breath and teach it dragon claw/outrage. get rid of bite and teach crunch, mixed sweepers are about making the enemy faint as fast as you can, without the use of status, such as flinching. You can also put in a draco meteor if you're feeling spicy.

    I don't see anything wrong with the chandelure, just make sure its able to resist some physical attacks if you're running with will-o-wisp.

    As for nicknames, if you ever decide to use a slaking, name it bread. :3
    Okay, this is my first attempt at putting together a team. I've never even been interested in competitive battling or the metagame at all until like last week, and I only started doing research into it a few days ago. With what I learned this is what I put together.

    Gigalith: relaxed
    stealth rock
    iron defense

    Raising up sandstorm for 5 turns isn't benificial for Gigalith nor other Pokemons. If you want a lead that can set-up Stealth Rocks and Sandstorm all at once, use Hippowdon or Tyranitar. I suggest Tyranitar if you want power even with no investment in attack, and a lot of bulk. However, you will already have 3 Pokemon in your team already weak to Fighting attacks.

    Ferrothorn: Relaxed or Sassy @ Leftovers
    252 HP 88 Def 168 SDef
    mirror shot
    flash cannon

    Ferrothorn does not function well with this moveset.
    Use these instead
    -Leech Seed
    -Gyro Ball / Thunder Wave / Stealth Rock
    -Power Whip

    Hydreigon:Timid @Choice Specs / Scarf
    252 SpA 252 SpE 4 Def
    Dragon Pulse

    Hydreigon isn't meant to better off to be a Special Attacker, so use a Timid/Modest nature and the moveset below.
    -Draco Meteor
    -Fire Blast
    -Dark Pulse

    You already have 2 out of 6, excluding Hydreigon, Pokemon weak to fighting. I suggest you use Latios over Hydreigon. It will give you Fighting and Ground resistance. Good teammate for Tyranitar while it can also absorb incoming fire attacks to Ferrothorn.

    Chandelure:modest @Leftovers
    252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SDef

    shadow ball

    Pain Split / Hidden Power Fighting over hex. Chandelure will be your ultimate shield for fighting attacks.

    Comments are in bold.

    May I suggest you use a bulky water for your team? Vaporeon, Swampert, Jellicent, or Gastrodon can fill in. Not sure which Pokemon would fit in the last spot.
    Hi thereee! Okay so I'm just gonna try and help you on the things you have there and suggest things you can improve etc lol watch me fail!!

    Okay so I see you have like sandstorm on your Gigalith, but if you want to go for a weather team (sand in this case) you should definitely get a sandstorm inducer. The move Sandstorm only lasts for a few turns and it won't be enough to support your team to the extent you want with a weather team.

    1. There are two Sandstorm inducers which are Tyranitar and Hippowdon, personally I like to use Tyranitar because it has very good offense and very good defense as well if you invest in that, but that all comes down to personal taste. A set for Tyranitar you could use would be the following:

    Tyranitar (M) @ Air Balloon

    Trait: Sand Stream

    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 64 Def / 188 SDef
    Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
    - Crunch
    - Ice Beam
    - Fire Blast
    - Stealth Rock/Superpower

    Okay so this is a specially defensive set. I personally go with this because it has good coverage and it can survive hits, and it doesn't necessarily need investment in offensive stats for it to do great damage. It can set up Stealth Rock as well so you will have that covered too, because I saw you wanted that on your Gigalith. You could use Superpower as well for more coverage, just matter of taste.

    2. So I use Ferrothorn as well and he's lovely on a sand team, but you want Ferrothorn to survive as much as possible to stall out and set hazards, and absorb hits because he has wonderful defensive stats.

    Ferrothorn (M) @ Rocky Helmet

    Trait: Iron Barbs

    EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SDef
    Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
    - Leech Seed
    - Protect
    - Spikes
    - Gyro Ball

    This is the set I use for Ferrothorn, there are lots of other sets as well but I prefer this one, Leech Seed is for health support and cripples down the opponent, protect backs that up, and then Gyro Ball is probably one of Ferrothorn's main moves. Gyro Ball's power is based on the speed of the user and the opponent, and since Ferrothorn has abysmal speed, it's a very good stab move for him. Spikes is just hazard etc, next to Stealth Rock. I recommend setting up Stealth Rock with Tyranitar earlier than spikes if you can btw.

    3. Okay now for Hydreigon!

    Hydreigon (M) @ Life Orb

    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Modest Nature (+SpA, -Att)
    - Draco Meteor
    - Dark Pulse
    - Fire Blast
    - Focus Blast/U-turn

    I never used Hydreigon before but I would go with his standard set as it is imo, which is specially offensive. Hydreigon has a good bulk so you can invest it all in speed and special attack. Dark Pulse is his main STAB move, the others are for coverage. You could use U-Turn over Focus Blast but once again that's a matter of personal preference. U-Turn is more reliable, but Focus Blast will probably give you better coverage overall.

    4. Okay Chandelure, he has a few sets which are all pretty good, but I'm just gonna go with the safe one haha.

    Chandelure (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Flash Fire
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Timid Nature (+Spe, -Att)
    -Fire Blast
    -Shadow Ball
    -Pain Split

    Same investment as Hydreigon, with Substitute to back you up. He has massive special attack so you want to make use of that the most, and if you have substitute up you can proceed to cripple down the opponents team with powerful main STAB moves which are Shadow Ball and Fire Blast, and Pain Split for health support. I highly recommend you get Pain Split because it is the only way of probably keeping Chandelure alive and the most solid one.

    Okay so I see that you still need 2 team members, but I figured I'd help you out this far at least, with what you have. There are always other sets which are as viable, these are the ones I'd use personally though, but you'll just have to try them all out to see which one suits you the best. Hope I helped you! If you still want help on the other teammembers I'll get back on this haha.
    Well, I'm trying not to use any legendaries. I don't know, I just don't like using them. So, change hex to pain split, and then change almost everything else on the team. Lets see what I can do.
    I don't see where anyone mentioned a legendary? Tyranitar sure is not a legendary Pokémon lol, none of the Pokémon mentioned here are.
    Sorry, that was actually meant for the second person who replied, who mentioned latios. I guess it took longer then I thought to read through those first two comments.
    So, I changed my team a bit and so far I got

    ferrothorn:relaxed @leftovers
    leech seed
    stealth rock

    Hydreigon:modest @choice specs
    draco meteor
    fire blast
    dark pulse
    focus blast

    Chandelure:modest @leftovers
    pain split
    shadow ball

    Garchomp:Adamant @life orb
    stone edge
    dragon claw

    Lucario:Adamant @life orb
    swords dance
    close combat

    Blissy:bold @leftovers

    I'm not sure about EVs, I'll work on those once I get my basic team set up and start breeding for natures/egg moves.
    Last edited:
    Just so you know, Ferrothorn can't have Leech Seed, Stealth Rock and Spikes at the same time. Even if it did, it's complete Taunt bait with its current set. Over an entry hazard, use Gyro Ball or Power Whip as your STAB move (in case you get Taunted).

    Chandelure appears to be using a defensive set. According to its Smogon analysis, it must have a Rapid Spinner as a teammate because it's weak to Stealth Rock. As mentioned earlier, a good portion of your Pokemon are weak to Fighting, so I'll make Starmie your Rapid Spinner (to replace Lucario):
    -Surf/Hydro Pump
    -Ice Beam
    -Rapid Spin
    Nature: Timid
    EVs: 252 SAtk/4 SDef/252 Spe
    Item: Life Orb
    Ability: Natural Cure

    Garchomp is an Uber, so you'll have to make do with Salamence or Dragonite:

    -Dragon Dance
    -Fire Blast/Roost
    Nature: Naive/Jolly
    EVs: 252 Atk/4 SAtk/252 Spe
    Item: Life Orb/Lum Berry
    Ability: Intimidate

    -Dragon Dance
    -Outrage/Dragon Claw
    -Fire Punch
    Nature: Adamant
    EVs: 252 Atk/4 SDef/252 Spe
    Item: Leftovers/Lum Berry
    I'll put in the recommended spreads for you:

    Ferrothorn: 252 HP/88 Def/168 SDef.

    Hydreigon: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spe

    Chandelure: 240 HP/144 Def/40 SAtk/84 Spe

    Blissey: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SDef
    So, I found out that I can't have a blissey with the right move set without either hacking, or trading because it was an event thing. So instead I got this.

    alomomola:impish @leftovers
    So, I found out that I can't have a blissey with the right move set without either hacking, or trading because it was an event thing. So instead I got this.

    alomomola:impish @leftovers

    Eh, I'm a bit iffy on Alomomola because it's outclassed by Vaporeon. Sure, Vaporeon's Wishes are a bit smaller, but it can take Special hits more easily:
    -Toxic/Roar/Ice Beam
    Nature: Bold
    EVs: 248 HP/252 Def/8 SDef
    Item: Leftovers
    Ability: Water Absorb