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What do you nickname your Pokemon?

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  • 71
    • Seen Apr 18, 2019
    Do you nickname your pokemon? If so, what do you call them? Do you call them something that matches it's appearance or type? It do you just give it something that sounds cool and fitting?

    Here's what I personally named my pokemon:

    What about yours? :0
    I usually call my starter either Kuro (if male) or Tewi (if female). Beyond that, i usually name my team poke's after Touhou characters or just uncap their name. Oh yeah, and the usual Pikachu > Pika.
    Oh, i remember calling my starter after the rival's name too.
    I usually call my Pokemon a name related to them, for example, I recently had a Slowbro called Mercury because when a Shellder bites onto a Slowpoke's tail it injects poison into it, and well Mercury is a type of poison so that's what I named it. And I tend to look into similar things for different Pokemon to get their nicknames. Otherwise I'll just name them after Anime characters :)
    It depends on my mood, really. I don't have set names for particular Pokemon either, but I go for either regular people names or names after my favorite video game/anime characters.
    When I nickname my Pokemon I tend to make sure that the Pokemon in my teams have nicknames that fall under a theme. Here are examples of nicknames I have used for the leaders of each of my teams:

    Delta (Blastoise)(Leader of my Star Wars Republic Commando Squads team in Blue)(reference: Delta Squad from Star Wars Republic Commando)
    Galvatron (Feraligatr)(Leader of my Decepticons team in Soul Silver)(reference: G1 Galvatron from Transformers)
    Revan (Swampert)(Leader of my Star Wars Sith Lords team in Sapphire)(reference: Darth Revan from Star Wars KotOR)
    Napoleon (Empoleon)(Leader of my World Leaders team in Platinum)(reference: Napoleon Bonaparte)
    Durendal (Samurott)(Leader of my Legendary Weapons team in White)(reference: Durendal from The Song of Roland)
    John Rambo (Samurott)(Leader of my Anti-Heroes team in White 2)(reference: John Rambo from the Rambo movies)
    Enterprise (Greninja)(Leader of my World War II Ships team in X)(reference: American aircraft carrier USS Enterprise CV-6)
    Luke (Swampert)(Leader of my Star Wars Jedi team in Alpha Sapphire)(reference: Luke Skywalker from Star Wars)
    Garland (Blastoise)(Leader of my Final Fantasy Villains team in Blue (eShop release version))(reference: Garland from the first Final Fantasy game)
    I try and be creative with nicknaming. For example, I always thought Chesnaught was based on bigfoot, or at least looked a bit like a bigfoot, so I named mine Grassquatch. My other favourite thing to do is come up with anagrams as nicknames. E.g. Daniel the Ledian, Karma Pig the Magikarp and .... well I don't think I can publish my Crawdaunt anagram.
    I like to give my starter and other similarly-attached Pokemon names like real people, such as "Billy" or "Sean", but I'll always make a point to name a well-bred female Eevee "Hikari" or "Kuroko" depending on if I evolve her into a Sylveon or an Umbreon, respectively.
    I will either do a punny name, such as Skipper for a Mudkip, or a name that starts with the first 2+ letters of the real name, such as a Barboach named Barbara. I like doing each of these within their own games, however. One or the other in a single game :P
    I don't nickname my Pokémon. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't think of ANYTHING when they ask me to nickname one of my Pokémon. That makes me a bit sad, because by nicknaming them, you feel more connected with them, right? My problem is just creativity :C
    I usually name them after Greek gods. I think it's a really cute and cool way to give them an interesting name, used themed around what the god does. I'm not one for giving them human names, haha.
    I do the same thing! Default naming scheme is usually Greek/Roman gods that fit with the type/aesthetic of the Pokémon, like I remember I had a Lucario named Kratos (god of war) in X and Poseidon the Lapras (god of sea).

    Other times, my Pokémon are just named after characters that they resemble in some way or share common traits with - I restarted AS recently and my current team has:

    - Arryn the Swellow, named after the house in Game of Thrones whose sigil is a blue falcon
    - Grey Wind the Mightyena, named after a direwolf in Game of Thrones
    - Ragnaros the Combusken, named after the Firelord in Hearthstone/World of Warcraft

    Those are the ones I cared to name so far anyway - I usually only nickname the Pokémon I intend to keep on my team for a while. I dunno, naming them after things I love kind of make me love the Pokémon more too, haha.
    I don't nicnkame my Pokemon unless I'm doing a challenge run. For some reason I'm not really that creative when it comes to choosing names and I can never think of suitable nicknames for my team. :x
    My current naming theme in an AS playthrough is Jungle Book characters.

    Swampert - Bagheera (Looks nothing like a panther, granted, but it suits him)
    Seviper - Kaa
    Swellow - Rann
    Mightyena - Akela
    Vigoroth - King Louie

    Not got my full team yet, but I really want a Raikou called Shere Khan. {XD}
    I don't have a naming scheme, really, and most of my nicknames are just random and nonsensical. Some other fraction of them are memes, bizarre references or a vaguely related word. Let's look at my teams in X&OR for a sec.

    Chesnaught "Shrub Rat"
    Blastoise "side ho"
    Lucario "evolveonly"
    Sigilyph "mystic"
    Simisear "002"
    Ditto "you irl"
    Mewtwo "ITHAPPENED"
    Charizard "burning KE"
    Bellossom "we are grown"
    Swellow "Landsrop"

    I think that's enough nonsense syllables.
    I used to nickname mine after friends or food/desserts but found I ran out of names quickly so I stopped. It bothers me a bit when some of my Pokémon are nicknamed but not the rest so I decided to leave them as it is, especially since they're no longer in ALLCAPS. That drove me insane. @_@'
    I like to name my Pokemon after something that is sort of reminiscent of their type... sometimes it's kind of random. I don't really use human names or stuff that makes sense sometimes.

    I always nickname my Pokemon, so I have a lot of examples... just a few might be Minuet for Lilligant (after Minuet of Forest in Zelda), Toph for Flygon (Ground-type character from Avatar), Nixie for Jellicent (water spirits)... I really like those names, but I've been kinda random with my more recent names. Like Asa for female Unfezant (means morning in Japanese and I'm always woken up by chirping now), Felicia for Cinccino (name of a maid from Fire Emblem... reminded me because Minccino was in an anime episode where it was obsessed with cleaning), Ruby for Flareon (just because it's red D:)

    I need to get some better ones, haha.
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