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What Other Pokémon Could Be Starters?


Supreme Leader
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    • Seen Dec 22, 2024
    Well, First, we should probably find out what the basics of one are! So, with a little and lazy research, I've came up with a basic rule list that you DO NOT need to follow, but it would still be great anyway!
    - 3 stage, probably the most important one.
    - Evolves a bit early, so things like Mienfoo probably wouldn't be that fun for starters.
    - If you use a Pokémon that has some other way of evolving then levelling up, just assume that they magically evolve via levels.
    ...Yeah, that's pretty much it, it doesn't matter if you don't follow it anyway, though. Let's look at the first type in the Pokedex, Grass, for an example:

    Bounsweet is a good one, it has a pure grass type at the start, evolves into Steenee at 18, which is near 16, where the starters evolve into the middle stages, and as the rules say, just pretend it evolves via levels then learning stomp. It also has this...'humanoid' appearance that some players don't like, but that doesn't matter! Also, give Tsareena the fighting type! Like why does it not have fighting??? Bellsprout is also probably a good one, but I don't like looking at Weepinbell for too long.

    So what do you think? Have any ideas, comment them, and this has probably already been done before, but whateves! This should also probably been in a different thread, but whatever.[PokeCommunity.com] What Other Pokémon Could Be Starters?
    I always thought Tympole could have made a good water starter for Black and White. It starts off as water, then gains a second type(ground) when it evolves. Has a three stage evolution. Has pretty cool looks/designs. Has pretty good all-round stats and has a really good level up moveset.
    One of the things going against it would probably be that it's first to second stage evolution comes a bit late for a starter at level 25. It's final stage has a nice level 36 evolution though, which is on par for starters.
    Largely ignores evolution methods. Bases it on the look of the Pokemon more than anything (well, plus Grass/Water/Fire). Assumes a three-stage Pokemon too.

    • Budew. Evolves into some decent-looking Pokemon, unlike some other three-stage Grass types. (Admittedly sees an awkward middle phase in many actual starters, though.)
    • Sewaddle. Fits the bill pretty well. Stands up in the final evolution. Even includes a very Raboot-like middle evolution.
    • Bounsweet. A better starter than Grookey a generation later.

    • Horsea. A good starting form. Likely attracts some interest that way.
    • Spheal. How many people would want the round Pokemon? Probably quite a few.

    ...None. Offers only a couple three-stage Fire Pokemon. Cannot see Litwick, Fletchling, or Magby driving any sales. Maaaaaybe Litwick. Probably loses people on the evolutions.

    Non-standard types
    • Aron. A little steely creature-like Pokemon. Evolves pretty well.
    • Shinx. Counts on a cat-like Pokemon getting tons of attention. How many people caught this immediately in Diamond/Pearl?
    The Nidorans. Level 16 -> swap the moon stone out for level up.
    Does come with the thing where you could potentially breed for the other one. Or not breed at all if you have NidoranF and it has already evolved.

    Mareep. Might need to bump up Flaaffy's evo level a bit.
    Lotad/Seedot if you swap the evo stones out.
    Duskull... though having a Dusclops at level 18ish might be a bit too strong =P
    All the 3 stage regional birbs work pretty well. Toucannon and Pidove's line would need an evo level tweak.

    Kinda wanted to say Abra. Although Abra would sort of work if you swap out the trade evo into Alakazam with a level up evo, unfortunately Abra's move pool of Teleport and... nothing else would be unpoular without a rework =P
    Swinub, Spheal... hey, there aren't that many Ice types with 3-stage evolutions, are there? These choices speak for the entire Ice Type line because it's a shame that they generally found two thirds in through exploring the world map and sorely needs more of an early accessibility for people who are interested in them (I don't think the Wild Area in SwSh had that problem?).
    Few if the current evolution methods can't be changed. Assuming No trade evos, Stones, branching evos or any other special methods are allowed. Assuming also that many great Pokémon like Hatterene or Walrein wouldn't be suitable either because you're stuck with their first stages until level 32 or more. Also rule out the early game Bugs that evolve very quick but have an useless first stage, as starter Pokémon should have a strength that scales accordingly with the natural game progression.

    Rolycoly, Mareep and Shinx are pure level-up three stages, reach first evo below level 20, second evo before 40, and have a strength similar to starters.

    If Normal types are an option (although it feels weird to have a Normal starter), Pokémon like Starly, Lillipup, and Galarian Zigzagoon would work.

    Tinkatink could be a great starter too. First evolution is a bit late (24), but with that typing it would still have a very smooth early game.
    I am a huge water fan, so off the bat this was where my mind went. I am a huge fan of Kingdra, and I think that the Poliwrath/toed split would be neat in a starter Pokemon. Maybe make it less difficult to evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed & lower the level requirement for Horea to evolve into Seadra, though...

    There are a lot of other grass contenders, but I've always been a big fan of Sewaddle and its evolution-line. Leavanny gives me starter vibes already, so I think it would be easy to see it used as a starter in the traditional games, too. Sewaddle's evolutionary requirements are a little more difficult than your traditional starters, but... y'all will be fine ^_^ haha

    I didn't have a huge desire for fletchling until I played Unite... I was a Talonflame main for the longest time, so I think that it would be cool to see this line be in a starter role as well. I put litwick in there just because of how awesome the design/idea of Chandelure is... so cool points won that vote for me. Talonflame's evolutionary line is right on par with starters, so I think the balance is great for that. Litwick... well.. we can work on it.
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    Fletching would make for a cute one! It becomes fire/flying later, and is pretty useful in the games.

    I actually kind of want to see Lillipup become on too to be honest?? As a full normal type it isn't as useful you could argue, but it is a 3-stage mon and it would be neat if it was the protagonist's childhood pet that decided to journey with them across a region. :woop:
    Fletching would make for a cute one! It becomes fire/flying later, and is pretty useful in the games.

    I actually kind of want to see Lillipup become on too to be honest?? As a full normal type it isn't as useful you could argue, but it is a 3-stage mon and it would be neat if it was the protagonist's childhood pet that decided to journey with them across a region. :woop:
    I always forget that Lillipup is a 3 stage evolution and misremember it as going straight from Lillipup to Stoutland. I agree with you though, and I also think it would be interesting if normal types were available as a 4th starter alongside the traditional fire/water/grass.