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Yum or Yuck? (ReRevived)

  • 26,575
    • She/Her, It/Its
    • Seen today
    In this thread you're presented with some food. You then respond to that with either yum or yuck. Afterwards you name a food for the next user.

    The old prompt from the last thread:

    Yum, probably. I've heard you have to be really careful about it, though.

    Strawberry cake?

    Also shoutouts to StCooler for winning the last thread...again! :P
    Never had it, but probably yum based on the description.

    Nacho's with cheese?
    Yuck, I don't like the texture of it.

    Maple syrup?

    Also shoutouts to StCooler for winning the last thread...again! :P
    My lagging-inducing algorithm seems to work muhahaha
    Probably yum but wouldn't qualify to be my favourite meal ^^

    Garlic naan?