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You got anything to back up your theory? Otherwise, it could be just flame-baiting. I think the topic is worth meriting, providing it doesn't spin out of control, of course.

Honestly, I don't think so, but the fandom can take her interactions with Dawn as subtext, and that's the point: give the femmeslashers to feed on. D/P have catered the fans so far, so why not them?
Not that this really matters either way... =x

xD; but, I've considered that too. She always seems happy to see dawn, and no offense!, but, with Harley being shown the way he was (girly) and Zoey being portrayed as more (tom-boyish), it could be possible. Also Zoey always seems to scorn the boys, but that could just be her nature.

Erm, the contest world, is sort of like the dance/performance world here... where guys are speculated to swing a certain way just because they can sing and dance, and are overly obsessive about appearance.

But, as far as anything goes, it's going to be, and will only be and always will be portrayed as friendship. Pokemon doesn't focus on relationships. =\
The speculation would only be as true as a Sasuke x Naruto slash relationship on Naruto...
No, you're just HORRIBLY stereotyping, no offense :/

Just cause a girl has a boyish haircut doesn't mean they're a lesbian -.-
I don't think so. I mean, yes, she seems to be nice to Dawn, but that doesn't mean that she is a lesbian. Otherwise, Ash and co. And even JJM would have romantic feelings for every single person/pokemon they have nicely helped.

For the stalking thing (Yes, some people actually THINK she was stalking Dawn), I don't think she was actually stalking her, their meeting each other was nothing more than a coincidence (It's no more stalking Dawn than Gary stalked Ash, which means that they met by coincidence rather than having them follow him/her.), and even IF it turns out that Zoey was stalking Dawn, it doesn't mean that she is a lesbian. Remember, for the most part, JJM stalks Ash and Co. (there have been times where they met by coincidence, but for the most part it was stalking), and they don't have a romantic relationship for any of them (they might have a grudging respect for them, yes, but they don't have a romantic relationship.).

And for those of you who say that she is one since she is a tomboy, just because she is a tomboy doesn't mean that she IS a Lesbian. I mean, need I remind you of Misty? She was a tomboy as well, and the Last time I checked, she was straight. and before you say anything about her not being a true tomboy due to her having girly traits, due to the fact that the Majority of the fans view contests as a girly thing (not that I think that, but still...), Zoey technically has some girlyness in her as well, so she isn't really 100% either.

that's my 2 cents for you all.
Right, and the series isn't that subtle enough for people to scheme in advance (unless they're J/J/M, and you see it coming). Usually, it's the TV invention, "who haven't we used in a while; hey, let's use her." That, and Sinnoh is a big region, so you're bound to have your routes crisscrossed at least once.

Someone mentioned Harley, and I think the point was to introduce an archetype not yet used. People might have thought Kojiro was gay for years, but then, Harley came along and people finally found an outlet. Ironically, I'm not saying Nozomi is the female version, but it could allow some to act out and find a female character more their pace (not a girly-girl like the main character, but a regular one).

And I second everything weedle said.
Honestly it does'nt really matter if she is a lesbian or not, Zoey is Zoey you know? Zoey is very cool, she is what I would say a Tomboy but who I am to label anyone? Besides ever since Harley made his appearence back in Advanced Battle I could tell that the writers were starting to cater to everyone regardless of sexual preference which every show should besides Pokemon. I doubt Zoey is stalking Hikari, but it is concidence like Weedle said. I mean Zoey is Hikari's Rival, but besides just being rivals their friends as well. Remember the Hearthome Contest? Hiarki lost, then Zoey lost, real friends are always there for you like when May lost the Kanto Grand Festival and Max, Ash, and Brock were all there to confort her. ( that part was sad) The same is true for Hikari with Zoey, Ash and Brock there for her. Heck, Zoey being the cool friend that she is literally yelled in Hiakri's face and told her to stop crying over losing and get stronger, now that's a friend. So what if she was a lesbian or not? I would still like watching her on the show. Even if Ash was gay I would still watch the show because Ash rocks.
Zoey does seem like the stereotypical lesbian though she is tomboyish and she wears tux's to her contests
Zoey being a lesbian never crossed my mind, I thought she was just a tomboy. I figured all she wanted was to become friends with Dawn. But just because she's a tomboy doesn't make her a lesbian that's just sterotyping someone. So I pretty much agree with Weedle and Charaxes.
Isn't she like, 11? It's a touchy subject, but I don't think anyone really "knows" at that point in their lives.

Could the writers have had that in mind when designing her? Who can say. All I know is that it doesn't really matter, because nothing will come of it one way or the other.
This is the best post ever.

Zoey always bugged me, for some reason. She always had an air of hostility around her, even when she was being nice. I don't like her much.

She's just INTENSE.

...You're right though. And her head seems oddly over-sized all the time, even moreso than the other characters. How irritating!
She's just INTENSE.

...You're right though. And her head seems oddly over-sized all the time, even moreso than the other characters. How irritating!

I don't care for the character, at all, but her attitude toward people and her outlook are legitimate issues to discuss, whereas, her sexuality never will be, unless she defines it. Kojirou and Harley, you could put more of a claim to it, even though, they have never outright implied anything -- people infer with their actions/dressings. You can only take what the writers reveal/highlight, or in Harley's case, toy with the audience.

As for Zoey's attitude, as someone else observed, that's more on PUSA's character revising her: https://dogasu.bulbagarden.net/comparisons/diamond_pearl/ep041.html

So, don't be so quick to blame Nozomi for Zoey's actions. Heh.

Never thought on her character design -- we should call her Zoey Bighead instead. Hmm...
It took me a minute to realize that those two are the same person.


Hehe. I had the very same reaction whenever I first discovered the Japanese names, so most understandable. I finally learned from Dogasu, as he goes with "whenever I'm talking Mewtwo, I mean the dubbed version of the character. And whenever I'm talking Myuutsu, I mean the Japanese version of the...."

It takes a lot of time to figure who is whom. Usually, I go with the dub names, unless it's glaring or a major difference, like Zoey's character in this case.

So, my words of advice? LEARN THE JAPANESE NAMES.

I don't like Zoey's character just because i think her attitude i pretty self-centered. She may be good at contest but she is really weird. But to call her that is too harsh, i don't see her as that kind of character.
Oh man, that would be great. To have a lesbian in Pokemon? But just cause she has short hair and Dresses a little manly doesn't mean she is. That is how I am.
I just think she's really tomboy. I've only seen one episode with her, and I never got that "feeling".

Theres a difference between being tomboy and lesbian.

I'm a tomboy, I have short hair, I wear boys shorts, I HATE dresses and purses!

And I'm straight^_-

BTW, Zoey is so cute! she should take Dawn's place:badsmile:
No Zoey should not take Dawn's place!!! How dare you! But Zoey is great. I like her.
it's called youtube...look it up lol